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Miss Schmidt

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Everything posted by Miss Schmidt

  1. Now you're contradicting yourself! Hip Hop and Broken? EH???? That is produced on computers as well ain't it? Sampling Soul..Just like House..
  2. Sounds kinda commercial...
  3. That she is right man! Men...
  4. MOS is really rubbish now! Bad, bad, music..you might as well go to Gatecrasher, yeah. Plastic People has good people on sometimes and there is a night called "Visions". Gotta check when and where that is. They play lots of Disco too.. Everyone else interested in House music can have a nosy at www.djhistory.com (Bill Brewsters page) or www.deephousepage.com a website with loads of mixes, info etc. have fun
  5. My point exactly! Glad you're here! See Beeks, she spots the raver in you as well!
  6. Don't call Larry Heard or Chez n Trent kids with toys! That is blasphemy! And you don't need a band to put Soul into music. For example a 1968 Porsche 911 has lots of soul for me but it is just a machine for others
  7. Btw I prefer Soul to House any day of the week and even when I was in the Deep House scene I always prefered Disco to House. So I'm not a "Knight of the House grail" here or something. I like it a lot though and I know my stuff..and mentioned records and started 2 Soulful House related threads..things are getting a bit too personal for me on here though.
  8. Since when are we talking about the UK history here??? I thought it was about SOULFUL house? Which is clearly a US thing..Acid House kinda sucks. Never really liked it. 88 had already club culture in the USA..quite a while before actually.
  9. Yeah, and difficult to look over the borders of your little Island too, ey?
  10. Ah, that's just me being German.
  11. You RAVER! (and I mean that as an offense)
  12. Eh? How do you know my knowledge is second hand? A bit of it is as I haven't been to any clubs in the US and neither has Mr. Beeks. And how do you know he knows what he is talking about when you don't know what he is talking about???
  13. Next to the grave of yours...
  14. Ahhh, what did you say about "playground" again? "schoolyard" it was..same thing..
  15. Firstly my name is VERUSCHKA and secondly I'm 35 so don't gimme that shit bhooooy! Oh and with "TRULY underground" you mean those big crowds at Hacienda??? Yeah, that certainly IS underground..or have you been hanging with the chosen few at the LOFT???
  16. You mean you think you do...
  17. Oh yes dad, thanks very much. Well, well, maybe I think you look silly out there..especially talking about the scene nowadays.. Regarding Deep House music the Hacienda isn't that relevant. I've read books about House, seen films and documentations. The Hacienda is mentioned and has it's chapter but that's it. It did't change the world.. It's all about the USA. Timmy Regisford was always miles better than Humphries as a Dj..
  18. Oh yeah, the Zanzibar! Damn! Like the tune as well...Is there any tune mentioning Hacienda??? Hmmm..Shelter? Yep. Garage? Yep.
  19. Why do you think House is called House??? WareHOUSE!
  20. Well said! "Furry boots"..my ass...as i said, if people ain't got a clue about the scene nowadays they'll better be quiet. Seen on a long term the hacienda didn't have much influence on Soulful House music. How? All the amazing producers where from the US. They might have played the records at Hacienda but did that change the music?? When I think of the Hacienda I think of some pilled up ravers but when I think of the Shelter i think of great dancers, a black crowd, Soulful music..For me House is a US thing, a black american thing mainly. Say it with Eddie Amador: "Not everyone understands house music, it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing"...A night at the Shelter was called "Body and Soul" btw.
  21. Man, in the Deep House scene nobody gives much about the Hacienda. We are looking at the Shelter, the Garage, The Loft, the Music Box and the Warehouse not at the lame Hacienda. Anyone heard a Genre called "Hacienda"??? I havent...Pfff..UK is not the home of Deep House or Soulful House, and also not the centre of the world. sorry. The Cielo in NY for example is still going strong with an Underground scene.
  22. There is a commercial scene now and an underground scene bro. Theo Parrish, Moodymann, Delsin records blablabla..my workmate is into all that sankeys kinda shit and he hates the new stuff I like. I mean, what kid likes Carl Craigs productions? Lots of my mates run very small independent labels and are proper nerds and music intellectuals..kinda "House music snobs". don't talk about it when you said goodbye to it in the 90s and totally lost track of the scene. I know you have otherwise you wouldnt write such statements..For me underground is Theo Parrish's ugly edits for example..or Dj Harvey.
  23. Mate, you clearly lost track of the deep house scene. most people in it are over 30. i know maybe 2 kids who got a decent taste in house music..I love house but when I hear Ministry of Sound I want to throw up. there is a few underground clubs in london that play house and disco but yeah, you're right, there is no scene in the uk apart from london. its more a global underground community. check out maurice fulton mixes or darshan jesrahni. guys like that keep the spirit alive and sankeys soap can f*** off! Oh and who is "we"??? you mean yourself and you can't speak for others can ya..and btw in "Pump up the Volume" a connection between Northern and House is made..people from the Northern scene speak about it. Who is interested can watch the whole series on youtube.
  24. damn, I need to get this one up again. the chez n trent mix is the one to have! ">
  25. or this: okay. thats really it now!

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