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Alan Pollard

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Everything posted by Alan Pollard

  1. I suspect you'll find that buyer is infact the seller, just trying to get a good start price by bidding on his own stuff, making other bidders believe they are bidding for something rare. Just my thoughts. Regards Alan
  2. I have sent all mine out yesterday by 1st class post, however I strongly disagree with this naming and shaming of individuals for whatever reasons, how do you know why they haven't done there CD there could be a very good reason, I don't personally count and tick off as I recieve the CD's, the law of averages says you will receive adequate CD's and have plenty to listen to. You can count me out of future swaps if this is how we are going to police it. Hope you all enjoy mine. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Roger, Season's Greetings to you and your family, the subject of boots, like you say alot of boots aren't done to deceive you for whatever reason like ones that are booted on totally different lables and sometimes as the cover artist or title as per Patience Valentine "It's getting so you can't tell the good guys from the bad" on Pussycat, The Jades "I'm where it's at" on Ree etc etc and then there's the Billy Prophets, Anderson Brothers, Ernest Mosely, Alexander Patten, Rita DaCosta etc etc, I think I'm right in saying that a real Ashford copy has an ARCHER stamp in the dead wax doesn't it, I can't remember. I found something out the other day which I never knew and that is "Bari Track" by Doni Burdick was booted on SIR many years ago and again that is identified by an ARCHER stamp in the dead wax on the "I have faith in you" side, I immediately checked my copy and lo and behold there as clear as anything is the Archer stamp on the correct side which I had never noticed until recently as I thought the only boot was the Soul Galore one. Regards Alan
  4. Malc, When I first came on the scene "love you baby" was a massive tune, our local youth club DJ had a copy on Ashford but I was certainly nieve in those days as far as being aware of bootlegs but that particular one I think is still one the harder ones to indentify unless you have the bible with you. I know Ashford demo's are extremely rare but stock copies I'm not so sure. Regards Alan
  5. Here is the complete Googa Mooga listing:- Eddie Parker & The Soul Congress - Love you baby (vocal) / Love you baby (instrumental) - Googa Mooga GM-701. Al Gardner - Sweet baby / I can't stand it - Googa Mooga GM-702. Ironing Board Sam - Original funky bell bottoms / Treat me right - Googa Mooga GM-703. Eddie Parker - I need a true love / Crying Clown - Googa Mooga GM-704. That's it just 4 releases. Regards Alan
  6. I remember discussing this record with John Manship a couple of years back and at that stage John hadn't come across the version that dosn't play the insrumental to "Moonlight music...........etc", from memory my copy plays the instrumental to "Only your love can save me" the Bettye Lavette version, is this the same as everyone elses version, like Pete says it looks like the copies that play the correct tune seem to be rare. Regards Alan
  7. Can I let you know on the day Steve, providing I feel alright on the day we will be there. Regards Alan
  8. Thanks for confirming that. Regards Alan
  9. Hi all, I have burnt all the CD's now and I am just waiting for the mailing envelopes which should b e here tomorrow (Tuesday) then all being well they will be posted Wednesday, sorry for the delay but hopefully it will be worth it. Onto the quality on the ones I have received so far, well I thought the 1st and 2nd swaps were awesome but this swap is matching the first two easily. A CD with no name on it called an Eclectic pick n mix, some great tracks on here, I had only heard a handful before, fantastic track on there by North by Northeast called Pain of City Living. Onto John Reed's CD again great stuff, stand out tracks were Pep Brown (so soulful) and Dorothy Morrison. John Lloyds CD has alot of my personal favourites and out of the tracks I didn't know the ones that really grabbed me where the Mike Hanks , Aretha Franklin, Isley Brothers and Patti Drew tracks. The Lovations, Gene Redding, Bits 'n' Pieces, The Invitations and Patti LaBelle & The Bluebells tracks from Mike Lofthouse'd CD were absolutely brilliant and mainly new to me. Ange's CD was full to the brim with classics and quite a few I haven't heard for years such as Carl Carlton's 'So What', Wally Cox 'This man' and Sharon Scott. Colin Dilnot's CD had on it one of my all favourites on by The Brown Bombers "Wait for me", when anyone last see this for sale, mega rare, also the brilliant Jean Wells on Calla plus many I've not heard before so I'm still playing them. Onto Bully's CD and some great tracks by Carla Thomas, Ace Spectrum, The Visitors and the king Lamont Dozier. Tracks by Ann Byers on Academy, 3 Pieces, Fir Ya, Cam Cameron and Tom Green were the highlights of Rupert CD, I'm sure there is more on there but like so many of the other CD's there is so many tracks that are new to me. Anyway I've plenty more to listen too and I will feedback after I have played them. Regards Alan
  10. As far as I can remember the Rare Stamps album wrongly credits the track to J.J.Barnes it is infact by Steve Mancha and Steve Mancha was one of The Hollidays which as far as I'm concerned the Groove City track and the Rare Stamps track are one and the same thing. Can anyone else confirm ????????????? plus Chalky is right it is a rare record and one I've been after for many a year without success and of course not wanting to pay the £400 price tag. Regards Alan
  11. Try Butch that's where I got my copy from, great record. Regards Alan
  12. I too ordered mine the minute it was mentioned in a thread on this forum, I also ordered from Amazon who are normally quite good but as yet it hasn't turned up, I think the last time they contacted me they said it would possibly be dispatched on December 28th 2007, so I am waiting and hoping. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Dave, Bev has already contacted me about issue 3 but unfortunately I'm down to my last copy and that is partially spokenv for, I have had a really big run on all copies recently. The Wisner article was top notch mate, but then again all the articles have been brilliant. I see what you mean about the handsome dudes in Philly, Chris Anderton & Shifty with Val Shiveley surely thats a trio not two............ oh you meant you and Dave. Hey I'm envious you must have had a great time there, to visit the famous Frankford Wayne Studios must have been awesome mate. Judi is fine, hope you and Janet are well. Hopefully see you soon. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Karlos, Here are some philly type floaters that you may like:- Trammps - Where do we go from here - Golden Fleece. Velvet - Bet you if ask around - Perception or the other take of it by The Quadrophonics - Betcha if you check it out - Innovation. Ultra High Frequency - We're on the right track - Wand / Scepter. The O'Jay's - Time to get down - Philadelphia International. Jean Carne - If you wanna go back - Philadelphia International. The Philly Devotions - I just can't say goodbye - Don De or Columbia. Stratavarious feat Lady - I got your love - Polydor. Al Hudson & The Soul Partners - When your gone - Atco. The Southside Movement - Do it to me - 20th Century (my personal favourite) Hope you enjoy some of them. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Tony, Nice one Tony, I knew I had heard that it was by someone other than Donnie Elbert, so whats the story behind the Joe Boy release ? do you know why they said it was Donnie, is it a similar story to the Grapevine release of Del Capris "Hey little way out girl" which was the cover name for Construction on Sync 6. By the way Tony I am really enjoying your compilation of U Roy's Version Galore, magnificent, as a vocalist I love his so relaxed attitude, it seems to come so natural to him. My favourite has to his version of The Melodians "you have caught me". Great stuuf. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Steve, hope you are well, hope the Orweels going well, we will really make an effort to get there soon as we miss it alot, Chris Bartley good suggestion he had a similar voice to Donnie Elbert, it's bugging now who it is, does anyone know the guys at Joe Boy to ask them.??? Regards Alan
  17. Hi John, You could be right here but unfortunately I can't remember who it was quoted as being, see what you mean about The Vonettes "Touch my heart" great record, did you know that whoever typed up the labels at Cobblestone made a typing error on the lable and the groups name should have been The Vanettes. Regards Alan
  18. Hi I have mint copies of all issues of There's that beat, at £5 each plus p+p. just pm me if you want any. Regards Alan
  19. I totally agree with you here Neil, although me an Ian have had our moments especially over a certain Jean & The Vallamonts disc but where SWONS is concerned he is my total respect, I remember going to the launch at Blackburn and that was for me a fabulous day, I sat on the balcony for the first few hours and enjoyed the company of the likes of Dean Courtney and Otis Leavill and members of The Dells, a fabulous experience for me, I had also agreed prior to the launch to meet up with Bobby Paris and show him the picture sleeve I had of his release "Personally" which I have on German Polydor which he had no idea had been released especially in Germany, but like Neil mentioned Bobby seemed to be in a bit of a mess but he told me he was jet lagged but I think Neil might tell us different. Anyway I only have SWONS on old fashioned VHS so I think it's about Father Christmas got me an updated DVD of it, glad to hear that Ian has started to improve the awful effects on it, but as Neil says that was done for a reason but I think it could have been presented a little better, another thing why slag off Barbara Mills performance, that is what she is like, does it change the quality of the original tune, it would have been wrong to dismiss her, what should we expect from artists who are 40 years older and probably never performed these songs in all that time if ever. The interviews with the scenes characters are priceless and seeing the likes of The Gems, Bob Relf, The Artistics etc etc was awesome. Regards Alan
  20. Very sad news indeed, Bob's recordings are some of my favourites of all time, they never seem to age, my favourite being My little girl swiftly followed by Girl, You're my kind of wonderful. Like Pete's already mentioned the artists we saw on SWONS are probably the only memories we will have of ever seeing them. Best Alan
  21. I have bought quite a few soul packs over the years, as for Soul Packs from Soul Bowl they were brilliant, I seem to remember them being £10 but they could have been £11, records I remember being in them were:- Yvonne Baker & The Sensations - I can't change - Junior. George Kirkby - What can I do - Cadet. Eula Cooper - Beggers can't be choosers - Note. Rose Battiste - Holding Hands - Ric Tic. and many more, more recently Soul Packs from Anglo American are alright but everyone is more aware of the rare stuff but are still the odd bargain to be had, for instance records like:- Rare Pleasure - Let me down easy - Cheri. The Trilons - I'm the one - TAG. I know they're not rare but they are worth more than £1 that they cost. My favourite memories of buying records were buying off John Manships list about 25 years ago when he used to sell stuff at I think they were £2 each or 3 for a fiver, I got stuff like:- Carol Anderson - Taking my mind off love / I'm not worried - Whip. Jean Carter - I bet you / Love Hangover - Sunflower. Art Posey - No more heartaches - Scope. and many more. Regards Alan
  22. I have both the Don De and the Columbia releases and they are a slightly different mix, the Columbia mix is a typical Tom Moulton Mix. I personally like both versions and like someone has said the b side of the Don De release is a brilliant soul record. Also check out there other release called 'I just can't make it (without you)' which I have on French Columbia, not sure on the USA release but I wouldn't mind betting it will also be on Columbia, check it out it's brilliant. Don't forget 'I just can't sat goodbye' got a UK release on CBS which was the Columbia mix. Regards Alan
  23. Tony Blackburn's breakfast show theme music was 'Beefeaters' by Johnny Dankworth, I also remember 'The Penguin Breakdown' being used as someones theme music in the early 70t's but which DJ was it who used it, I'm almost certain it was a breakfast show. Regards Alan
  24. Like Pete I too like Canadian Releases and I have:- Garnett Mimms - Looking for you - United Artists (Plum). Kurt Harris - Emporer of my baby's heart - Apex (Plum). Bobbi Martin - For the love of him - United Artists (Plum). Alaexander Patton - A lil' lovin' sometimes - Capitol. Nancy Wilson - The end of our love - Capitol. Eddie Spencer - If this is love (I'd rather be lonely) - ARC. Marie Knight - That's no way to treat a girl - Columbia. Wesley Paige & The Master Three - I've got find out for myself - Columbia. & many more Motown & Capitol releases. I personally value them at least the same as the American equivalent if not more, certainly in the case of the above Marie Knight and Kurt Harris releases they must be worth alot more, another one which springs to mind which certanly fetches more than it's American counterpart is:- La Reine La Mar - That's not the way to love - Capitol (American Cloud Records). Lets not forget The Steinways - You've been leading me on - Sparton & all those stunning looking releases by The Precisions and Eddie Parker on the Stone label. Regards Alan

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