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Alan Pollard

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Everything posted by Alan Pollard

  1. pm'd you Jason, Regards, Alan
  2. Hi Harry, Also Dee Dee Sharp What kind of lady also came out on Greek Top Tunes (I have it) and until recently I had a copy of The Belles - Don't pretend on NEW ZEALAND Action. Regards, Alan
  3. Hi Dave, Nice to hear from you mate, yes my progress is positive but slow, I just come out of hospital after another 3 weeks in there. Some nice stuff that you have added to the list there Dave especially the Eddie Parker on Stone, wasn't all of The Precisions Drew catalogue released on Canadian Stone. I can remember seeing Jackie Edwards stuff on Stone. In my opinion the rarest Canadian 45 I have seen is La Reine La Mar - That's not the way to love - Capitol, this must be mega rare, I have only ever seen one in the 40 years I have been collecting, what anyone else think ? has anyone else seen this ? Love to Janet, Regards Alan
  4. I have quite a few Canadian issues of well known tunes such as :- Alexander Patten - A lil lovin' sometimes - Capitol normal label design). Garnet Mimms - Looking for you - United Artist (plum). Kurt Harris - Emperor of my baby's heart - Apex (plum). Eddie Spencer - If this is love (i'd rather be lonely) - ARC. Marie Knight - That's no way to treat a girl - Columbia. plus many Motown releases. Regards, Alan
  5. I have pm'd you with regards to the Lula Reed tune, let me know. Regards Alan
  6. The Isley Brothers - Who could ever doubt my love - Tamla Motown - STUNNING. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Eddie, I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Alan Pollard and I live in Denbigh which is in North Wales in the United Kingdom. I am pleased that you have found our Soul Source group, you probably don't realise how much you guys are admired over here in the UK. I have been on the Rare Soul Scene now for 42 years and I am now 52 and your record "Easy baby" on Compass is in my top 5 records of all time and "I caught you cheatin'" on Music World in my top ten, stunning tracks and I thank very much for recording them, you will find that myself and my fellow members will do everything we can to help you. Sorry to hear at your loss in the fire, you must have been devastated.Anyway we will look forward to any contribution you give to the group.Kind RegardsAlan Pollard
  8. It wouldn't do for to all like and dis-like the same songs, if we did the scene would be a boring place. The songs that would have me running to the door would be:- Major Lance - You don't want me know more - Okeh. The Vibrations - Cause your mine - Epic. and a couple that would have running back to the dance floor:- Lou Ragland - I travel alone - Amy. Larry Saunders - On the real side - Turbo. Tower of Power - This time it's real - Warner Brothers. Gwen & Ray - Build your house on a strong foundation - Bee Bee. Regards Alan
  9. I reckon Barry Tasker was one of the best dj's ever. ROD
  10. I was a regular at The Pendulum and as Malc as said the venue was situated opposite Victoria Station. The main DJ's were Dave White and Barry Tasker, I still see Barry farely regular, Barry and Dave had fantastic collections. Another DJ mentioned was Rick Cooper who again I see farely regular, Rick is a top guy and a has a great knowledge on records. I also remember Richard Searling DJ'ing there, Richard played alot of records there which I think were probably exclusive to The Va Va. Hopefully a few more members will respond to this post as there are quite a few ex Pendulum members on here. My favourite sounds from the venue were:- Thunder - Lord Thunder. What's it gonna be - Dusty Springfield. My dear heart - Shaun Robinson. Sad sad feeling - The Autographs. Go for yourself - Larry Laster. Only your love can save me - The Marvelettes. and many more. Great venue Regards Alan
  11. Great thread, when I was still at school as a 13 / 14 year old, I spent my dinner money on a few albums which I played that much that I practically wore them out, the LP's where:- Creative Source on Sussex and the tracks that ticked all the boxes where "You're too good too be true" and "Lovesville". American Gypsy - BTM with the AWESOME track 10,000 miles. The Soul Children - Friction on Stax, every track a gem including "We're getting too close" which is gaining some spins. The Hutchinson Sisters (The Emotions) - Sunbeam on CBS, again I love every track. Regards, Alan
  12. I am more or less certain that it hasn't been booted, however if there is sufficient doubt then I think you should consult John Manship, he posts on here so maybe he will respond if he reads this. I can't compare it with my copy as I have the other version on Gamble by the Boss Man called 'you're taking too long' Regards Alan
  13. The multi coloured is as far as I know authentic, but it appears to be a re-press as the original is a white and red label (Way Out). Regards Alan
  14. Hi Mick, I am on the mend now thanks for asking, yes I really enjoyed the cd's mate, I did send you a personal message not long after I received them, sounds like you didn't get it.. Thanks for the info. Regards, Alan
  15. I wonder if anyone can help I had a message on my phone last night which unfortunately wasn't very clear and it got accidentally deleted before I had time to play it back, anyway the bits I managed to get from the message was someone called Dave Lucas (I think) wanted me to DJ for him when I am feeling a little bit better, that's all I got, Does anyone know is Dave Lucas on this site or can anyone fill in the gaps for me. Can I apologise to the modarators if this on the wrong part of Soul Source. Regards Alan Pollard, Denbigh.
  16. Hi Mike, Cookin' with Nixon appears as the B side on both Lady and Black Lady. like you say Mike great tune. Regards Alan
  17. Yes it definately exists with both sides of the 45 on both labels. Regards Alan
  18. Cheers Sean
  19. Top picture Liam, great tune as well. Regards Alan
  20. Hi, I have just noticed on Steve Plumb's Soul Music Record Website that he has a copy of the briliant L.J.Reynolds "All I need" on Lady, my copy is on a label called Black Lady, the labels appear to be the same except for the absence of the word Black, the record number is identical BL-033. Anyone know why this is so, regardless of anything else this is a class rework of The Temptations classic. Regards Alan
  21. How many copies of each would you like sir ?????? Regards Alan
  22. but Hi Dave, It looks as though the standard is being maintained Dave, but did we ever expect anything else, can't wait to read the Barry White article, the guy has a history steeped in soul music on the west coast, and the French picture sleeves should be interesting. Best Alan
  23. This was a Mecca monster back in the early 70's, it is Bobby Hutton "Lend a hand" on an ABC LP track and if my memory is right the lp was called A piece of the action. Regards Alan
  24. As far as I know Sam was first to play Tolbert "I've got it" Rojac so I'll nominate that one. Regards Alan

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