My door staff say they love it on a soul nite. They get paid and don't have to do anything....
They even brought a telly to watch when the rugby match was on last year....
But they do keep out the "locals" if they try and get in....
Luckily I've known them both since we were kids, so they know what sensible people we are...
Sounds more Hideaway Man to me....and very Alexander O'Neal....Catriona is the one to ask about this sorta stuff, or maybe Gavin can help.....but me finks they mite all be at Lifeline/Luton....anywhere than in on their comps on a Sat night...
Sorry Ken but I think he's spotted it.....
I'm another one of the Jo Brock fan club....
She came along with us to all-niters many years ago......straight on the dance floor and a bloody natural....don't you just hate it when that happens.
Did try and do a single white female on her one night and tried to copy her dizzy after ten seconds....still don't know how she does it....
I've found as a crap woman dancer if I close my eyes, know one can see you....
Being lazy, can't be bothered tonight to pull em all out, so I cheated and up-loaded the blank front of our flyer.....
Shane's biggest nightmare...
Although I do have a Pink soul power membership, as us girls got the bestest colours....
Spot on, he was sooooooo funny. I remember him at an all-dayer in Yorkshire saying over the mike. I can't believe they fill me full of alcohol and pay me to do what I love doing....playing my f...king records....well missed.
Just thought of another good 'un.
My mate waited till she was drunk one night to ask
"what's your voodoo doing"
she was too embarrassed to ask when she was sober.......
I didn't think you could resist putting that one up...... I blame the sound systems of the times
I've got another good one......Stop overlooking me - The Cairos......sounds much better if you sing
"tupperware, tupperware, tupperware tup."