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Everything posted by macca

  1. absolute pap? album filler? poor popular peeps following the leader? whether a 'cut' is destined for release on 45 or not, is neither here nor there, we only have to look as far as motown on that score, they released some real clunkers, on both sides of the pond... whether a track 'pleases us' or not is purely a question of personal taste, it would be loathsome of me to suggest that some folk are in possession of it & others, quite simply, aren't. who am I to question their 'northern soul criteria', lord forbid! one must also assume that this particular track was considered valid 'go-go fodder' in the US due to it's inclusion on the 6 track 7" EP released over there. hardly an album filler then... the record remains a true NS classic, john vincent (hereafter to be known as st. john) was the one chosen to bear the lofty message, & we have to thank him profusely for it. after 40 days & nights in the wilderness, wearing only sackcloth & ashes, locusts his only sustenance, he entered the city triumphantly, mounted on an ass, bearing the sacred tablet (HI 1088EP) for all to see. life would never be the same again for the evergrowing 'shufflero' sect, uncompromising ascetics that bravely challenged the 'thou shalt stomp around in circles only' edicts of the day. in short, & with the utmost respect, your arguments are permeable, amigo... macca
  2. looked on manship, but both EP & LP are out of stock at present. then looked on ebay & lo & behold. the 'that driving beat' LP, listed as 'new' for US$7.97+US$11 shipping. well chuffed I am... macca
  3. thank you very much kind sirs/madams. I'm tailing a london reissue, which will do until I can find a nice mint HI ep. needless to say, we have john vincent to thank for this barn stormin' classic. what memories! macca
  4. if my memory serves me well, this old tub thumper was first played off a HI records lp/ep. anybody have the gen please? macca
  5. JOHN VINCENT best wishes, Macca (the stalker)
  6. looking at the site, the link to craig moerer, the testimonials, the inmate locator page. looks genuine to me.
  7. the interview with the mayor is incredible. bush should be f*** impeached for this! macca
  8. anybody remember this one? do they still pop up?
  9. thank you good sir. it didn't stay in my possession for very long. I'd lost the bugger within half an hour, due to my being 'worse for wear' & too trusting of a group of individuals camped at the other end of our table. don't see on lists these days either... macca
  10. maybe this has been said before, but a few months ago there was a thread on carms's r&b site about some geezer recreating the motown sound for ad jingle purposes. the geezer actually uploaded samples of stuff he was working on for people to comment on. sound familiar to anyone? macca
  11. he was definitely my fave dj back then. when I think of JV, I think of willie mitchell, the del-larks, donald austin, eddie hill, the lovells, & probably, I don't know why, but it's a gut feeling, the matt lucas track too. I bought something off him on swan, that he had covered as milton wright 'downtown', an instrumental. I can't remember the artist now. audrey something? yeah. top bloke JV. macca (resident soul-source stalker)
  12. st.ives. very fond of that place. a bit 'soul-less' but mid 77 it certainly gave wigan a run for it's money. remember all those coaches? superb dance floor too. you mention taj mahal. I loved this so much I bought a cracked columbia demo of it!! I was really impressed with john vincent one night at peterborough when he bloody-mindedly played the 'natchl blues' album version, with that extended freak guitar solo. some of the dancers wondered what the f*** was going on! standing there, hands on hips, looking bewildered. very daring of him... macca
  13. I trust you pete! what do you make of all that guff on internet? how do these buggers know about the record? I'd be interested to hear about the meeting with matt. where's the link? macca
  14. found this link. scroll down to go-go... https://www.black-music-collectors.com/funk...oGo_Lexicon.htm and a history of go-go in french. not that I understand it, but it looks like they're saying the same thing. the bit about whites in washington calling it 'junkyard' is interesting. seems like the defining sounds of go-go were the smokey robinson & the miracles, butch baker &... matt lucas. he must've shifted some copies then? https://www.goodka.com/menu/histoireGogo.htm macca
  15. I was ploughing through manship's rarest of the rare tonight & I came across this. now, my question is, is it really that hard to find? by all accounts, it was a nationwide R&B hit in 1965, more or less defining the go-go craze at that time. it reminds me of john vincent for some reason... macca
  16. only ever owned two. 1. yvonne vernee b/w 'the gems' (a.k.a. burning bush) wrested off john vincent st.ives all-dayer 79 2. 4 track jobbie feat. billy arnell/larry clinton/betty fikes/twans courtesy of derek in kettering 1978 do they fit? macca
  17. all conflicts go through a period of revisionism. there are those that like to rewrite history because they are uncomfortable with certain elements of their past, or for much darker reasons, they find they can manipulate it suit their present needs. NS is hardly exempt from this. I must admit to dancing to phil coulter's 'a good thing going' in 1978 when it was packing floors across the land. today, I consider the record to be a veritable crock of horse excrement today, but it's part & parcel of the scene, just as SITS is & I wouldn't dream, therefore, of editing out phil coulter's face from the family photo stalin style. so let's hear it for irish phil!! & the damned barbed wire gets higher & higher... next record?
  18. so manship's 50 sovs might be a fair price after all then? ooh' I'm tempted... macca
  19. nice to get the historical perspective chalks! with that brassy line up & ABC's marketing strategy (ray charles), they sound like an mid 60's R&B outfit to me. nice one! macca
  20. so was lee rogers 'sock some love power to me' on premium stuff when I sold it at keele in 1990 for 15 quid. time is a jet plane, it moves too fast... macca
  21. he probably wouldn't, but for very different reasons. I do beg to differ on the soul content though. especially the 'children & laughter' line, his voice soars. the vibraphone, the clarion call intro, it's pure northern soul, if such a thing exists. macca
  22. I find this topic a bit disconcerting. I live in spain & the idea of going to 'sevillanas' or 'flamenco' dance classes seems (to me) mildly ridiculous. you've either got it or you haven't. the spaniards, I'm sure, find it all very amusing & consider all north europeans to be a little 'two left footed'. it's a question of 'duende' or 'soul' if you like. now I haven't 'got it', but I don't really give a tinker's cuss one way or the other. if the guy or gal in front of me is 'better' than so be it. who really cares? macca
  23. if august & deneen is an awful pop record, it was so damned right at the time. I happen to think they're black as well, in spite of the spurious sonny & cher rumours. soul sam used to thrash it to death in 1975. the record is a genuine classic in my opinion, much as the jewels is, a record also derided by some today. with the benefit of hindsight, it's so easy to knock these sounds, and by the way, I consider myself at least a part-time member of the soul police. surveillance/control is paramount, otherwise this would be the musical equivalent of fallujah. a good debate though... macca
  24. cheers dave. just looked again on manship. 50 quid, not 75... think I'll bide my time as you say... macca
  25. fantastic record. that intro! clarion call to the dance floor. reminds me of sam for some reason... macca

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