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Posts posted by macca

  1. ...UIJIMA..hmmm..isn't that an island in the Pacific??...did not John Wayne star in the film........'The sands of UIJIMA'........did the Funk Brothers do the soundtrack...or was it the Ric Tic Strings........? :(


    I think that was 'the sands of iwo-jima'. he certainly seems a nasty piece of work, judging by his feedback. I wouldn't touch someone like this with a bargepole ,ain't worth the grief when everything goes pear-shaped, is it?


  2. In an earlier post i mentioned that I had done a bottle of Dooleys.. I have since done half a bottle of wine...

    Now I am confussed  :thumbsup: happy but cofussed to many words i cant take in ... :D   :D Night....

    Goodnight to everyone in Ireland and good night to everyone up North..(that means everyone north of the Thames) :lol: and seeing as I only know 4 people in Wales good night to them... and a  big good night to my friends in Perth..(thats Perth Scotland don't know any Aussies) :D



    MACCA :lol:

  3. :D Well I think they must be filming it in Dublin because when ever you see Ireland on telly it looks like it still in the 70's...  :D don't know what you northerners are laughing about goes for you lot as well :lol:   :thumbsup:   :D

    I am joking honest :lol:


    would that 70's look have something to do with the towering RPC enjoyed by it's citizens, dwarfing that of it's esteemed & at times 'curmudgeonly' neighbour?


  4. at the end of the day, I don't think it really matters where they hold the auditions. dublin is as good a place as any, but then again, so is barcelona, or rome, or paris for that matter. I imagine 'tecnical accomplishment' & 'celluloid appeal' will be high on the list of job pre-requisites.


  5. We're not all lucky enough to fall out the front door into a hotbed of soul nights, as you admit you aint been here, so you probably have no idea what its like to keep a scene going in a place with no immediate big audience. But what we lack in

    numbers is made up with enthusiasm, good vibe, more youths coming onto our scene which is growing every month.

    What we dont have is big ego's whose ideals are biggest is best and manage to ensure the few nights we do have dont clash with each other. Plus everyone knows that Northern Soul dancing evolved from a mixture of the highland fling, siege of ennis and the Hakka

    lighten up this is a thread about auditions for a NS film not knocking the so called backwaters of NS, but hey thanks for your encouragement.

    PS: next week Mick H is making the lonely trek over by donkey, we're hoping the radiogram will be repaired by then. perhaps when he returns back to UK in 3 weeks you can ask him bout us.

    Danny D

    you're damned right. I went from the siege of ennis to the stage front at wigan almost overnight. one of the moderators on this list can vouch for that, 'cos he too was often roped in on the 'siege' by my mad aunt mary. those were the days. 8 pints of guinness or light & bitter & then onto the phoenix for some frenzied board stomping...


  6. let's face it, the irish have the 'cultural' edge regarding this question. compare the dynamics of irish dance to the stick wielding hey-nonny-nonny types to be seen prancing about on village greens & leafy courtyards across england during spring & summer.


    adrian j macmanus-o'loughlin-stanley-mccann

  7. personally speaking, I'd ban the use of nouns & their derived adjectives...











    ender (this freudian in concept)



    beat ballad



    northern soul

    rare as hens' teeth

    R&B mover

    100 mph


    the expression 'out of new york, detroit, chicago etc' (we are NOT americans)

    john e vincent used to 'love us & leave us', but anything JEV said was alright by me...

    soul sam 'could never miss the beginning', so we were often entreated to a double dose of the church bells at the intro (don't like that word either) to margaret mandolph...

    back to lurking...


    I'd also ban the word lurker, it's a relative of loiterer...

  8. No,A side i think is identical to original,B side now thats another story,and i cant tell it!!,anyway why all the interest? :unsure:


    right. that narrows it down a bit. a mate here in spain is crazy about the record & not bothered if it's not an original. it seems he's more interested in the instrumental as well, so I guess he's gonna have buy the british black magic job. not my cup of tea at all, but then it's horses for courses I suppose...



  9. First time I heard it was St Ives in early 77 (Ginger ?).Didn't hear the vocal untill latter that year either at Wigan or The Wirrina.

    I would guess that  they would have been perhaps 'known' by Mr A long before then as he would have had to get the rights on them for his Grapevine LP before risking having them played............Thats how I would go about it anyway,but I'm a sneaky sod whistling.gif


    I too remember this record from around 77, probably at the hands of john vincent or ginger - loved it then, still love it now. popcorn wylie was responsible for some of the scene's most mythical records, love 'em or hate 'em. I've always associated stanley mitchell with popcorn wylie, for me one the greatest records EVER. didn't he have a hand in larry clinton's she's wanted too? & what about sam ward???

    maybe I'm way off the mark here, but for some reason, richard 'popcorn' wylie's name comes rearing up... oh', & who could forget 'cool off' - a MASSIVE record in it's day.


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