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Everything posted by macca

  1. excuse me, but bob dylan had as much to do with hippies & vietnam as miles davis had with tiny tim, but we'd better not go there, this being a soul forum etc; there were just two 'folk albums' 62/63 containing 'finger pointing songs'. the next five or six eagle flights changed the course of popular music forever. oh' god, I went there
  2. one night in june 1978, I chose to go to earl's court instead of wigan. I've never regretted it & have been fully paid up dylan nut ever since. I went to two of his recent spanish shows. cockle warming stuff. I do understand the non-believers though, it either hits you or it doesn't it. now back to soul. well, let's talk about his past birds. clydie king & mavis staples for start. excellent taste I might add...
  3. christ! mike & tone bob fans. would never have admitted it myself for fear of being marched to the ducking stool, or worse. working man's blues indeed...
  4. I'd be pretty ornery too, if someone turned up on my doorstep at 7am. definitely not cricket, in any part of the world. however, once inside the gaff, I'd be the horny one. arf,arf, arf...
  5. I don't think he really hates the enlish, I think it's said a bit tongue in cheek. but then again if record hunters leave the place turned upside down, it's a f****** disgrace. we should be ambassadors after all. talk about drool. best rodger I've for years. who wants sex after that? like watching some bint flaunt herself on a webcam. no, it's actually better... macca
  6. I have my elder mod sister to thank for that. she was into all the usual suspects. when chris farlowe's out of time went big, she had me & my brother doing the steps in the 'back room'. she went a bit strange later & had us frugging to canned heat's let's work together, which ain't that different to wilbert harrison's original I guess, just a bit squallier, swampier or whatever. the northern stuff came at the age of 14 at the local tuesday night disco at the wirrina peterborough, to things like there's a ghost in my house & the joker. I remember it being a unnerving experience, especially when you had people like paul donnelly & the then extremely agile gary spencer in front of you. gary was quite brilliant, as was bill bingham, who just used to spend the night perfecting his spins. makes me smile now...
  7. don't think we can be that subtle rachel. I do collect records, but I'm a long way from 'verballing' about frankford wayne & the like. no different to ancelotti seats & del'orto carburettors really... must have spelt that wrong....
  8. I think you're looking at it from the wrong angle rachel. leary was merely saying that women were selling themselves short, given the fact that men occupied a space a few rungs down the evolutive ladder. now you can't get any more feminist than that, can you? besides, leary was hardly your right-wing, reactionary, chauvinist pig, was he?
  9. timothy leary said that women who sought equality with men lacked ambition. do you really thirst for all that pervy stuff about pressing plants, dead wax, delta numbers, stamped or scratched matrix, stock copies, demos etc etc? it's a shadowy world.
  10. stunning. the quality of the esther phillips 'just say goodbye' video is exceptional. what show was that?
  11. eddie dinn! must be the only chinese backdropper I've ever seen in my life. he was a bit on the monosyllabic side though, wasn't he? or was it just a language problem? you've reminded me of a real character. used to lurk in the entrance of the bull & dolphin. : macca p.s. for me it was november 2nd 1974 at stanground soul 'ole, peterborough. I think john manship was one of the DJs that night. I went with nickg, who spent some time in the cloakroom with nell, if I remember well, or was that your brother steven?
  12. s'truth, don't know how I arrived at that one. just put both of my feet in my hideous mouth. sorry about that chaps.
  13. in ruins? the old girl strikes me as being a bit tone deaf, to tell the truth. this lot were, inexplicably, the target of prince charles's affections, weren't they? never had much time for them myself. their philly output just reminds me of white socks, cap-sleeve t-shirts & furry dice, & their version of 'little darling' is piss poor in comparison to the maestro's. I can't stand the deram label either. I associate it with 5am downers. macca & yes, I know about their swan output...
  14. were they responsible for slowing down the pace & introducing the term 'beat ballad' as well? I can remember being surprised at hearing 'slow' things like 'walk with a winner' & 'the drifter' back in the early 80's. that might have been the 6T's crowd though. ??
  15. Is there such a thing as bad pronunciation? Who am I to tell somebody from Clarkesdale Mississippi that his/her English leaves a lot to be desired? Closer to home, there's the regional variations of the West Midlands, North Norfolk, Tyneside, the West Country & my own Fens, not to mention Ireland, Scotland & Wales. I would suggest that nothing is bad, just different. And onto the thread in question. What about Little Richard's 'speech' at the beginning of 'Get Down With It'? Would have been incomprehensible to my Bolton born grandfather's ears, if he'd heard it.
  16. sir edwin could do no wrong in my book. songs like 'happy radio' & 'contact' were never my personal cup of meat, but one could never reproach him for doing them. 'I have faith in you' is an incredible testament to his vocal power. I saw him two or three times in the 70's & he always brought the house down. a lot of people used to grumble about the presence of live acts at all-nighters, but I like to think that edwin was the one exception that brought people together. sadly missed indeed.
  17. not bad at all. what were the sounds playing in the background then?
  18. as a dancer, the geezer with the white cap isn't that good, in my opinion. it's very easy to do what he's doing, but it ain't really 'dancing' is it? the black guy shuffling is superb. he makes it look so effortless.
  19. pedro, the guy's obviously an anal rententive & is best ignored. he's probably paranoid about how clean his doorknobs are too. barking...
  20. shirley and jessie you can't fight love -wand produced by mac 'doctor john' rebbenack
  21. you're right, it was entrancing, you stood out amigo, among all the clitheroe, st.helens & bolton mafia was PD givin' it some & then some more. memorable stuff. what I couldn't understand was how you could keep up such a pace till the wee wee hours. but then again I was an innocent lamb from stanground in a lime green bowling shirt. s'truth....
  22. makes nice reading. I first went up there at the beginning of 1975 & thought it awe inspiring. the beachcomber was open beforehand, so I had the opportunity to watch the older geezers 'warming up', cue mr.donnelly & the spinning leg routine. priceless! I didn't return till 1977, favouring at that time the all-nighters at st.ives, I'd agree with Tone that wigan wasn't all that a welcoming place, a little on the 'heavy' side & perhaps a little sordid too, but awe inspiring nonetheless. a handful of visits in 1978 confirmed my suspicions about the place. I had a sabbatical in 1979 basically 'cos the girl I was going out with wasn't having any of it. sad git! the things you do for love. I returned in 1980, mainly on oldies nights, finding the place generally as steve described it. further visits, maybe half a dozen, early to mid 1981 closed the chapter for me really. I couldn't face the 'last night' scenario & by that time had thoroughly lost interest in the place, preferring to go down to the smoke, west hampstead & 100 Club. I would sum up wigan by saying that it could be both gobsmacking & downright depressing, sometimes on the same night!! my everlasting memory of the place is heaving in 1975, with people dancing to larry santos & johnny vanelli. pop records?
  23. don't know if any of you who attended peterborough or st.ives around 1977/8 will remember a character from the huntingdon area called james hill. a very peculiar chap, heart of gold & very committed to the music. he was strange to say the least, with a completely anarchic dance style & a very, very plummy accent. he also collected records, but was taken advantage of in a ruthless way with people nicking his records behind his back etc; as he'd only just got into the scene, he was pretty clueless as regards to records & would phone me every week with a checklist of the then big sounds. anyway, to cut a long story short, two jokers decided to send him up to tony dellar with a request for wynder k frogg's green door while the record was actually being played. dellar's response was swift & merciless. you trying to f***** wind me up pal? look at the f**** record you twat! poor old james came back to the table almost in tears. why do these people insist on humilliating me, macca? I kind of felt sorry for him. people can certainly be cruel at times. the scene used to have its fair share of characters, didn't it?
  24. loads of peoploe made the trip to st.ives from norwich 75-80. jusrt wondering what happened to these peeps. frances, linda. keith etc if you can read this, un beso muy fuerte. big loud kiss!! macky

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