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Everything posted by macca

  1. we can start a vine. you know, the owner of the original sends it to the first on the list, he/she then sends it to the next in line & so on & so on. a simple & efficient way of circulating a cd. it would read something like this:- 00 - joan (email) 01 - chalky (email) 02 - 45seller (email) 03 - jctom (email) 04 - macca (ajmac@mundo-r.com) 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 -
  2. tremendous record & sooooooooooo soulful. 150-200 quid? amazing. I got rid of one about 6 years ago for probably a 10th of that. :-( macca
  3. was this record pressed? any idea on value/availabilty? cheers, macca.
  4. thanks john. so the only legal issue was on grapevine then? did betty boo come from the same masters? macca
  5. sam ward - sister lee, which I dedicate to my ex wife, without the 'please come back to me' bit... all for purely mercenary reasons you'll understand... "ain't nobody cook the way you do..."
  6. wasn't love ballad by george benson another? or was that a case of big at blackpool like carwash?
  7. this is a wonderful record. it always brings a lump to my throat. lost youth, the long hot summer of 76, getting pissed on colt45 & southern comfort at the sunday night pub disco (having been at wigan the night before probably :-) I think it was also an oasis in the middle of all the disco shite too. I've gone back & listened to stuff like brass contruction, new york port authority, crown heights affair etc with a more open mind, but it still leaves me cold, just as it did then. candi staton was always an exception. a great soul record with superb lyrics to boot. nice one pete.
  8. come in the water's lovely. I've always likened the record bars of all-nighters to a morrocan souk in reverse. you might like to offer the dealer in question a cup of tea, ask him questions about his family, if he has any attractive sisters, how much he earns from his daytime job (if applicable), if he lives in a flat or a house etc, etc, all this pleasant chit-chat can smooth the way for the moment when you go for the jugular, pitching in a ridiculous offer & waiting earnestly for his/her reaction. he or she could just as easily tell you to f**** off & then promptly warn other sellers that there's a nutter on the loose. it always worked with me though, being able to shave a pound or two off the asking price in the process. seriously speaking, as others have said, get yourself on some mailing lists: pete smith, joe dunlop, rob messer, adey pierce, andy dyson are just a few that I'm signed up to. all offer great records at very fair prices. pat brady & john manship are also great sources, with soundclips, friendly communication & spot-on grading. I find these last two invaluable for searching out stuff previously unknown to me. finally, the financial committment required. my three credit cards are up to the hilt, but I just can't resist. online buying with ebay is also tremendously habit forming, watching the progress of auctions, the sniping, the buzz from winning stuff, the feedback scores etc, etc... this happens to be my 3rd collecting cycle since I got into the music in the mid 70's & I'm enjoying it just as much as I did back then. good hunting!! M
  9. I saw a radio playlist from that guy in Leeds saying this was on Pameline. I remember it being released on Grapevine in the 70's. Is it as rare as Stanley Mitchell on Dynamo? Stanley, along with Sam Ward, are two of my fave all time records & unfortunately, out of my price range. When Tony Hestor began picking up plays (around 1977?) I remember thinking 'what's this shite?', but the record quickly grew on me. I still think The Detroit Executives is better than The Ideals. Popcorn certainly knew how to cut the cod back then, didn't he? I often wonder who he was aiming his stuff at though.
  10. eva cassidy's untimely death was a great loss. she did a fantastic version of people get ready. a great album, songbird...
  11. I think women djs have made great strides on the NS scene in the last 15 years or so. I would have to be honest & say that record bars in the 70's were strictly a male preserve. the gals just didn't tend to venture in there. if I wanted to find my then girlfriend, I didn't have to look very far. she would always be rabbiting with friends at a table or giving it some on the dancefloor. oh' yeah, & there was always the playing with your earlobe thing when you were on a downer, in spite of icy glares & general obnoxiousness from me. who else had to endure that?
  12. junction 11 argument? sounds most ominous... the council for the prosecution: it is alleged that mr. scraptoft-gutbucket proffered grave insults, implying that knutsford services were in fact eminently superior to those of sandbach, given the fact that the tea served there was never, I quote, stewed. the council for the defence: my client wishes it to be known that on several occasions mr. risby-claptrap indulged in what can only be referred to as harmless verbal jousting, something quite normal in these circles mi'lord, and hardly a justifiable cause for the ugly fracas that ensued. the presiding judge: lord hamish mckinlay-farquarson of that ilk QC: in the light of the evidence given here today, I must conclude that disputes of this nature be settled out of court, and in the time honoured fashion. unfortunately, the world in which we live today is plagued by such petty litigation, brought about by unprincipled individuals whose only purpose is that of self agrandisement and the doubtless need to feed their wholly uncontrollable and insatiable egos. I therefore declare this case closed and order the council of the prosecution to pay all apertaining costs. The court is dismissed.
  13. in 1964 baby love was also done to death. I still think it a shite record, albeit from a 'bonafide' soul group of course. she can take me to rehab anytime she likes, pretty staunch lady in my book. macca ps any relation to mary whitehouse?
  14. quite frankly, the hounddog's bollox. is that buddy guy on lead? macca
  15. Anybody got one these they want to let go of por favor? best, macca.
  16. any info this one please? if it comes up often, rarity, value etc; I believe there are issues as well as demos... cheers macca
  17. I've never had much time for these 'pop incursions' into what was/is, for me, ostensibly a soul music scene, but this record was always an exception. I can also see why it was covered as johnny caswell. (also a white guy?) I think it's near perfect northern soul, whatever that is. the relentless stomping beat, the wailing girls, & I don't think his vocals are all that bad, ok, he ain't danny wagner or dean parrish, but the record still cuts the cod for me 32 years later. it always goes on any homemade compilation I make. I've never actually owned one though.. mmm... macca
  18. it might not have been torch days.. 1974/5... but what about you in that hole in the wall in queens street peterborough. loads of records. who was behind that? memory shot to bits... macca
  19. I met frank at peterborough one night, might have been 77 or 78. I found him to be a decent sort, always up for a natter with his cup of tea. & like dave godin, he was also a bonafide bob dylan fan, which kind of pours poop on the argument about 'so called icons' not appealing to the soul fraternity. in short, poppycock. but I won't go there, nay, nay & thrice nay... mac (unspeakably cool) p.s. who the f*** is amy winsome anyway?
  20. y blodwyn pig probably appeared on the same bill as dylan at the isle wight, but does that mean they're bedfellows? I think not... mac

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