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Everything posted by macca

  1. just try asking tobi lark/legend if she feels she was saved from oblivion.
  2. great thread guys. & what about the presence of black GI's in the UK? kids in clubs, I'm talking about the period 1945-1965, must have been impressed by their moves. I think that most of us would admit that, apart from the R&R period, the swinging 60's brought 'expression' onto the dancefloor. I also think that the UK mod movement clearly aped what was 'happening' in the USA. black artists exhorted us to do the duck, the twine, the freeze, the hully-gully, the monkey, the boogaloo, the swim etc, & dance styles changed on a weekly basis. to suggest that that was homegrown is absurd. we drew from it, like you draw water from a well & you ain't gonna miss your water, till your well run dry, oh' yes...
  3. come on rowly, I know you're a closet clippetty-clopper mate. :-)
  4. christ, I've just watched pete's youtube jobbie, a live vocal & it's made my hair stand on end. as I said in an earlier post, they seem to be dropping like flies & we're only a month into the year. que descanses en paz barbara.
  5. I heard fats domino say in an interview around the time 'ain't that a shame' came out, that what kids were calling rock & roll (read white kids) was really just R&B, something that people had been playing up & down the mississippi/missouri rivers for 15 years or so. he was obviously referring to people like wynonie harris, big joe turner etc. tremendous stuff. really liberating.
  6. that's mighty nice to know I'd like one for my johnny moore 'walk like a man' too. the glories 'I worship you baby' came in a nice green one. isn't this all very pervy?
  7. I'm reliably informed that the geetar is a fender jaguar.
  8. particularly young? I don't think 70 is particularly old. life expectancy has increased in the last 25 years or so. the old figures of 75 for men & 80 for women are no longer really valid. I guess that people in the music industry, & I'm not referring to JH here, drank & drugged pretty hard, particularly in the 50's/60's & 70's. they are now paying the ferryman, sadly... macca (with only 23 years to go )
  9. s'truth they're going down like flies, aren't they? I can't help feeling that a lot of our beloved artists are being taken from us prematurely. how many of them really live to a 'ripe old age'? sad news indeed. que descanse en paz...
  10. me too soulgirl, but it's the comps I'm not keen on. I find it all too staged.
  11. you should attend an all-nighter over here. you have to fight your way past the people queuing up to engage in bolivian marching powder intercourse. I don't believe for a minute it doesn't happen in the UK. perhaps the old british reserve at play? more discreet probably? drugs exist at venues today as much as they did in the past. even at evening sessions. I witnessed it this christmas. suffice it to say that they were my age or older, in fancy dress & jawing on the dancefloor periphery as if they'd just been beamed down from cleethorpes pier 1975. each to his own. buenas noches, macca.
  12. couldn't agree more, definitely to be avoided, but then my conscience would be clear 'cos I don't get up to that kind these days. I'm clean living, self-righteous old git. oh' yes...
  13. if you insist old boy, I can send you piccie. but your interest has me a little perplexed.
  14. your maths is shite bearsy! I was a month away from sweet 15... :-)
  15. I always found them a bit of a yawn, escaping into the record bar. there was one thing about them that always amused me though, when the lights went up, you could always spot the ones that had overdone the old gear. & then there was the dutch courage aspect. I can't dance for shite, but I'm definitely in with a chance. sorry, I'm being cynical again.
  16. kids at venues? mmm... on february 2nd 1975, 32 years ago tonight, I passed through the casino's doors for the first time in my life. I was blown away, needless to say. my date of birth is 30.3.60... having said all that, I don't think there was anybody around me over 30.
  17. sterling info chaps. thanks a lot. M
  18. a toss between landslide, I'm satisfied with you (vocal) & tell me it's just a rumour baby. the previous record had been 'see my baby jive' & suddenly my ears pricked up. there was no looking back.
  19. I can't change/ mend the torn pieces. OK chaps, this has been asked before no doubt, but what's the deal with this record? I believe there were two releases & two different artist names. then there's rarity question. in my day it was a cheapo, not so now. cheers, macca
  20. levi stubbs could sing the book of mammon scrawled onto a loo roll & I'd be most happy... macca.
  21. most of these piss-heads, town gooks etc, used to take on all-nighter goers under the impression that they were dealing with jessies 'cos we danced 'alone' and wore trousers that looked like long skirts from a distance. I have to say that some of the shadiest characters I've met in my life came from our own ranks. the wholesome picture of cosy brotherhood that is sometimes painted these days is laughable. me & my mate used to drive over to nottingham & pick up the coach to wigan from the brit. I remember one night certain people quaking at the talk of 'shooters' being on board. how heavy can you get? the towns gooks were pussycats alongside this lot. having said that, I don't recall any major incidents at all-nighters in all the years I went, save the 79-81 period when revivalist skins came on board. that was a dark period for me. I began to question the whole thing.
  22. you will dance! sounds like a control freak.
  23. derek's in kettering for me. 1978 :-) a 3 tracker with billy arnell, larry clinton, betty fykes & the passions. tiempos felices, as they say here.
  24. frances, cropped red hair, lovely smile, used to hang out with linda. we all went back to her gaff after a samson & delilah all-nighter, early 78. she cooked me egg bacon & sausage for breakfast. it didn't go down too well with the rest of the gang, all wasted & waiting for the pubs to open so they could 'kill off' the downer. I was going through a period of abstinence at the time. it didn't last long.
  25. thanks chaps. it's much scarcer than I thought then.

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