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Everything posted by macca

  1. cheers steve. just got myself a copy. as you say, what a dancer! mr.searling coming up trumps yet again...
  2. does anyone remember where this was first spun & who by? a mate of mine thinks it's a late wigan thing. after repeated listenings, I think it's one of those soulful garage things, though I don't find it very soulful myself, I'd call it 'atmospheric'.
  3. have a great time tony. I would be there, but for an all-nighter up here in la coru±a tomorrow & saturday. lovely people, the valencia crowd, great city, great tucker. say hi to dani for me. cheers, macca. p.s. I request ray agee!
  4. gonna get a bit anoraky here... levon & the hawks recorded this little ditty in 1965, the year that they started to tour with BD. levon helm left the group early in the tour 'cos he couldn't stand the booing & the constants walkouts. the tour began, billed as bob dylan & the hawks, in september 1965 & concluded on may 27th 1966 at the RAH london. they later became 'the band' in 1968/9 under the tutelage of dylan's manager albert grossman & as tone says, became arguably one the greatest bands of all time. oh' yes... :-) macca
  5. wasn't swept for you baby on the flip of the uk 'the love I saw in you was just a mirage'? one of the best soul records ever (mirage) in my humble...
  6. I bought this for 'Lonely Heart', but the other side's a beaut, 'That's What You Said'. Any of you guys played/playing this?
  7. thanks catriona! and we thought those little kodak instamatics were crap. say hi to janet for me. haven't seen her for at least 25 years! macca X
  8. I like all of 'em, towanda barnes, nate admas, the ohio players, but sam's version is my fave. I haven't heard herman's yet. can I request an MP3 too? Email on personal profile. Cheers, M
  9. Nice to hear a top drawer/top notch (pardon the clich) DJ reactivating a quality oldie as well. Always loved the professionals. Periodic goosepimples, oh' yes... I went to the Casino a few times, but I don't ever recall Dean Parrish doing an encore. Astonishing to hear that. I've posted the link on a site here. It's educative in my opinion. 1977 was the maximum year for me & I'm not talking exclusively of Wigan. I didn't want it all to end. All those wonderful sounds: Yvonne Vernee, Burning Bush, Billy Arnell, Eddie Garrigan, Nate Evans, Milton Wright, Gene Woodbury/Bernie Williams, Lenny Curtis, Betty Fikes & The Passions, Gary Haines, Larry Clinton, Bobby Diamond, The Mystic Moods, Derek & Ray etc; Some I liked, some I loathed, but they all sum up that year for me for some reason.
  10. lovely memories. 77 was a great year & mr.searling is a joy to listen to. well done pete! M p.s. that herman hitson, is it as rare as SW?
  11. I remember people wearing white skinners with cherry red airwear & levi jackets, always at half mast. that was later though, around 1973. male hairdos were mostly layered, blow-dried centre parting & rolled under at the back. is this what you mean by 'they wore their hair long'? I remember that 'cos, like somebody else on this forum, I used to work saturdays in one of the town's trendy hairdressers. peterboro' was neither north nor south though...
  12. also famous for its kippers/bloaters... yarmouth, that is... did you know fish smoking was introduced by the vikings? it wasn't all rape & pillage...
  13. is it only wigan? I have some st.ives anniversary badges. bet no bugger's interested in them...
  14. where is it? I always read intro posts. a bit freudian, I know...
  15. thank gawd for clarse mobility then! I'm a toffee nosed git relocated to northern spain who spends most of his time writing for a middle class british travel journal. I understand what you're saying about the media portrayal of the likes weller & company. it's galling. I also think it's a bit late now to try & change this perception of the northern soul scene. modern day NS fans are, by & large, seen as obsessive, foaming at the mouth nutters, engaged in recapturing stolen moments of their lost youth. but then again, who really cares what they think? I care not a tinker's cuss...
  16. good question. likewise for 60's titles?
  17. damned right simon. hues corporation was another monster hit. scally: I watched OGWT in the 70's & I'm not from a middle class background, though my dad was chief buyer at british sugar in peterborough. do I qualify for middle class status? I think commercial, mainstream disco-funk orientated music (K&TG, EW&F) got more than its fair share of media attention/radio exposure. what happened with saturday night fever's appropriation of the disco phenomenon is another debate entirely. there is no doubt whatsoever that most of the hallowed 70's mecca/ritz era 'northern' classics came directly from the US gay scene, something that some levine baiting folk will never acknowledge in a million years. it's a pity low cost flights didn't exist back then, or else the non-believers could have been flown over for a weekend's exposure, so to speak.
  18. I own this dvd set & have to say it's a question of highs & lows. nice to see artists that were previously just record labels to me. I loved hearing people like garnett mimms talking about 'ragavoy' & admitting he thought 'looking for you' was crap. so in a way, it was certainly interesting comparing the artists' perceptions of what is good & bad with our own. one high point for me was seeing james fountain, now sadly departed. was that a mime jobbie, or a re-recording? others like lou johnson & billy butler already seemed to have one foot in the grave, so why not give them some badly deserved recognition. am I wrong here? I sat through the motor city section out of curiosity, mainly just to see how some of the artists had fared over the years. on the whole I would give the project a thumbs up, it was certainly a very challenging thing to take on, a mammoth task indeed, and as abe lincoln/bob dylan once said, 'you can please some of the people part of the time, you can please all of the people part of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time'... or something like that. macca p.s. do we have any info on the jimmy burns interview? that rendition of I really love you (one of my all time faves) on the acoustic was something I hadn't expected at all. somehow I can't imagine him preening in a red stage suit like JJ Barnes. I thought jimmy burns was cool. I suppose talking about which ones were dragged out of crack houses for the occasion would be a bit libelous, wouldn't it? although somebody mentioned something on an earlier post... MR/MS MOD: I'VE JUST REALISED I'M SERIOUSLY OFF TOPIC HERE. PLEASE DELETE IT OR MOVE IT WHERE YOU THINK IT FITS BEST. APOLOGIES, MACCA.
  19. when I used to read blues & soul in the 70's, I used to virtually ignore the new releases & head straight for frank elson's column. how narrow minded can you get? it was only in later years that I discovered the broad church that is black american music. I acquired some parliament/funkadelic not long ago, stuff that I wouldn't have listened to in the 70's for 'political reasons', not to mention bobby womack, al green, jerry butler, o'jays etc; TSOP was never out of the music press, the stylistics, a group I always abhorred, were lapped up by pop fans of all ages. I think it's untrue to say that soul music never got a look in. the mkIII cortina furry dice brigade were mostly commercial soul fans. we used to take the piss out of them for it at the sunday night disco. brick house & all that shite...
  20. coloured. haven't heard that term since mlkjnr marched on selma.
  21. I always thought 'start' was a rip off of 'taxman'. let me tell you how it will be... M
  22. me! just think, we'll all be able to indulge in some who played it first claptrap. I doubt he'd have the time or inclination though. life's too short for petty squabbling. there are more pressing issues to be discussed, oh' yes... M
  23. Looking for Ex to M copies of their Gemini stuff. Can anyone help please? Cheers, Macca.
  24. I would agree with pete on this one. if he hadn't been hounded out, who knows what stuff he might have come up with in the last few years. without his monumental input, the strange world of NS might have been a very different world indeed. I think the olive branch should be extended. did he flog his records again?
  25. the answer lies in mixing & matching all genres as in on the continent, a much younger crowd, but respectful to 'veterans' who happen to wander in off the street. sadly, the immense majority of british NS fans are far too parrochial to take such an idea on board. at the last 100 club, I saw a venerated dj/dancer, sitting on the floor, gesticulating rudely at ady's R&B flavoured set. perhaps it was just for a laugh though.

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