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Everything posted by macca

  1. Sincerest condolences from spain ady, or as they say here, 'te acompa±o en el sentimiento'. M
  2. Shhh... we don't do drugs on here chaps.
  3. esther phillips's version of 'fever' might prepare le boudoir scene quite nicely. M
  4. the expression 'return to the fold' is contentious as it implies a manifest ovine nature in human behaviour. bleat, bleat, bleat... it's similar to the expression 'el efecto ±u (gnu)' in spanish, conjuring up, in my mind, images of anxious, bearded, frothing at the mouth, cloven hooved beasts trying to cross the crocodile infested waters of the serenghetti national park. one recklessly jumps into the water & the rest follow suit. the survival instinct & the promise of sweet grazing pastures on the other side makes them throw all caution to the wind.
  5. You were a brave young bird then!! M
  6. it's voice your choice I guess. I personally loath this kind of thing, but I imagine it's no different to the cavern 'shrine' in liverpool. I made the journey in feb 1975 at the tender age of 14, though I was with the big 'uns on the train up there. I think karen was referring more to making a 600 mile trip unaccompanied. it's different for girls. & who said anything about love? I wish them well, I really do...
  7. tea & scones? oh' dear, and I thought it'd be caffellatte & schiacciata.
  8. I'm certainly not knocking the wigan legend, I attended myself several times & have mainly postive memories of the place. from a personal viewpoint, I intensely dislike 'themed' establishments. I've never been inside the rock/hollywood cafs of this world for the same reason. so whether we're talking brian jones's guitar or the late mike walker's bowtie in a 'cabinet display', I wouldn't really venture into the place. is that snobbery? possibly, possibly not. M
  9. the 3 part eating area to be known as the mezz sounds cool. the word creates an exotic mediterranean, terraza type of appeal. I guess they'll be serving up lattes, capuccinos etc; crumpets, pukka pies & tea cakes will be far too low-brow for this sort of establishment. spin, spin, spin (the other kind)... M
  10. sounds well & truly gross, but then I'm just a old cynic.
  11. is richie havens being ruled out 'cos he wore a kaftan & opened woodstock? as far as 'blowin' in the wind' is concerned, black artists recorded it 'cos it expressed hope for them in times of segregation, mavis staples said as much in scorsese's dylan biopic. it also spurred sam cooke on to write 'a change is gonna come', an amazing song. if some of you think that otis had a limit range vocal range, perhaps you should give it a another listen. it makes my hair stand on end every time, which is what I think this music is all about. in short, I don't think this was a case of genre jumping, but rather a case of singing songs that had to be sung.
  12. pete, bob dylan, an utter c**t? that's outrageous! is nothing sacred in this world!? heathen, heathen... M
  13. so was rhino bigger than double cookin' then? I didn't get to wigan till early 75 when records like that had probably been dropped in favour of stuff like 'love bandit'.
  14. could also be like those 'I have faith in you' RICTIC counterfeits that pikey's dog was on about recently. I bought mine from a reputable dealer in 1989, as an original copy which I then sold on, in good faith of course, at keele in 1993 for 25 quid. so to recap, the supposedly dodgy one is the pale yellow one or the orangey yellow one? mine was the paler one, if I remember well...
  15. it actually makes me feel queasy. sam williams for 20 quid! gonna go & lay down...
  16. I know which one I don't like, but that's easy, innit? charles mann - it's all over. probably heresy, but I've always loathed it. walter jackson's uphill climb is a testament to the power of soul music to move you onto a higher plane. esther phillips's just say goodbye is lovely. great piano. bobby bland's call on me always gets to me, but BB farting on mic would be soulful, it has to be said. garnett mimms - a quiet place, for obvious reasons
  17. thanks a lot alot guys, wonderful info. just waiting for my mate to confirm the gloria jones. I fear the worst. the seller was ejklewis on ebay. no mention of orig or boot in item description, & my mate bit, but once bitten, twice shy, as the saying goes... M p.s. expensive too. 25 quid each!!
  18. according to JM there's a vinyl counterfeit that reproduces the 1964 styrene west coast press label design. would this be the vinyl boot then?
  19. huey piano smith. the one about pneumonia... bob dylan - sitting on a barbed wire fence (for the line about the arabian doctor & shot... it's a stomper too) the del larks - job opening, for obvious reasons...
  20. here they are. look suspicious to me, but as I've never owned either of the records, I'm not sure. having a problem uploading. will be back...
  21. I'm sure we're two stops short of dagenham. I have two copies of cody black going going gone on ram brock (red & blue) & two copies of fred hughes don't let me down on veejay (issue & demo). well you would, wouldn't you?
  22. wouldn't buy sam fletcher if it dropped to $10. wouldn't slip through my beat ballad filter I'm afraid.
  23. GLORIA JONES - TAINTED LOVE - CHAMPION SOUL TWINS - QUICK CHANGE ARTIST For a mate who's starting out on the collecting lark. he's bought these two records & I suspect they're boots. could somebody let me have scans plus matrix info etc please? TVM M

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