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Everything posted by macca

  1. I was after a Mirettes - He's Alright With Me on Mirwood & my Ebay search led me to this copy on Soul Fox. He's got several Soul Fox things on there, all decribed as 'US issues'. Can't get the Ebay link to work.
  2. You sure they were all white? I had the album too & I seem to remember them looking like something from Hair.
  3. Just been blown away by that YouTube clip of them singing Such Misery. What a performance! All credit to the band too. These guys must have rehearsed & rehearsed in order to recreate that haunting sound. I noticed there was a black guitarrist playing one of those big Gretch type instruments. Is he a Precision? Anyway, my question is; how much should I expect to fork out for a nice minty demo of this tune? Nothing on Ebay right now. M
  4. on this scene there are undoubtedly people with vast knowledge, but acquiring rare soul knowledge is rather like studying picasso's guernika, everytime you cast an eye over it you'll find some little detail that had gone unnoticed before. it's like an inexhaustible canvas, there'll always be gaps to fill in. what am I on this morning? must be the coffee...
  5. sweet music - chris cerf The vocal has a Len Barry feel to it. One of my fave sounds in 1977. I admitted to Pete Smith that I found Footsee quite exhilarating listening to it on his podcast. I did & still do think Gary Lewis is shite though.
  6. when I saw the the wife beating bit, I immediately thought of jerry lee, got me signals crossed. would you say jerry lee was better than the carstairs pete? :-) M
  7. jerry lewis... gary lewis? are we at cross purposes here? johnny vanelli was a monster. I still think it sounds good today. strap me to that pillory...
  8. really? I always thought this very soulful. tremendous vocal, great brass/bass... a searling spin? M
  9. Sorry I should rephrase that, I'm giving the impression I think it's a worn out oldie, whereas I actually wanted to ask if it was considered as such, or not. Spanglish interference I'm afraid...
  10. Gracias gentlemen. Just heard it on Pete's podcast & it sounds great... bloody great...
  11. LIVING A LIE - VERVE Any info on this? Rarity, issues, demos. Considered a worn out oldie or what? Gracias, M
  12. makes you realise how terribly complicated it's all become. or perhaps it hasn't really. lots of barracking back then too... we're a bunch of barrackers!!
  13. superb stuff. didn't think detroit soul's all of my life was that early on... M
  14. great pic. the expression on your face says it all, roccia. should be denounced as a form of torture, the iraqis at abu greiv got off lightly I think.
  15. Don't apologise Albert, their valenciano/castellano is a lot worse! ;-) All-Nighter impossible this time. Had to cancel my room. I'm shitting in the milk, amigo. M
  16. It was on a another thread billy. I was just making a tongue in cheek comment about all these 'iconic' urban tribes, & rightly or wrongly connecting it to this thread. in the 70's I belonged to the northern soul community, dressing a certain way, livin' the nightlife etc; my father listened to lena horne, shirley bassey & irish country & western. buggered if I was gonna listen that, I considered it hideous & still do, with the exception of lena horne of course. who is chabby dodds? please forgive me if it's a daft question, but I live in a land that must divest itself of its culture in order to be on a par with blighty. I'm looking at my coat.
  17. a pop tune with a slightly jazzy vocal, do you think? I used to love hearing it at around 6.30am, when you knew things were winding up & started tthinking about that hideous journey home. fond memories of this one.
  18. If we're to believe what imberboy says, children shouldn't be listening to their parents' music, otherwise we'd have seriously iconic urban tribes like chavs listening to whatever chav progenitors listen to. Perish the thought. On a more serious note, I never had kids, so I can't comment.
  19. so, europe has to free itself from its culture, eh? this could well be the biggest emancipation movement since the days of wilberforce. perhaps the time has come for you to help Europe throw off its shackles too. keep 'em coming good sir, they're a joy to behold.
  20. I agree with you Paul. It's just that I've been away from the UK scene for about 15 years & I remember the 100 club as a rare soul bastion, so it was kind of odd to hear that a chart topping classic was played down there. definitely not saying there's anything wrong with it! M p.s. I may also be suffering from a case of selective memory...
  21. I think people on the UK scene should accept the fact that as with the language, they are no longers the 'proprietors' of the genre. it's gone way beyond that now. the UK will probably remain the spiritual home, but recusants, in my opinion, should be forcibly shipped over to attend overseas venues. pith helmets & spats will be optional of course. now where's my coat? M
  22. The man is blessed. I'm not a religious person, but how does one account for such an extraordinarily powerful & moving voice? God given is perhaps a clich today, but Levi Stubbs comes about as close as you can to such a definition. I'm still moved by all the classics & it was heart-wearming to hear that Baby I Need Your Loving, a million seller (?), was spun a couple of times at the 100 club anniversary recently. One I've been playing a lot recently is the flip to Do What You Gotta Do'. When he sings 'back in the streets again' I go into a different world.
  23. Two or three decent nights a year? Don't think so. In Spain's case, Madrid & Barcelona clubs alone, hold regular club sessions (Boiler & SMART). The problem is the size of the country, so attending any venue involves a major trek, particularly in my case. Don't think a month goes by without there being something interesting to check out. I get the impression that in the UK these days, one has to sort the wheat from the chaff a bit. I must admit, I love the Spanish spin on the Rare Soul Scene. There's that beat & the tapas too, if the tortilla makes you feel like I do, you gotta scoff some too etc;

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