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Everything posted by macca

  1. Did you know that one of the names for crow's nest on a sailing ship in Spanish is carajo which is also slang for penis? Funny old world...
  2. I really wouldn't be that offended Tim, honest. It'd be on your conscience, not mine.
  3. I think that the Margaret Little vocal is rather suspect, but musically it wouldn't have been out of place in 1973, would it?
  4. You're welcome Paul. It was meant to be light-hearted. M p.s. Buenos Aires really is a wonderful place by the way. Fab grill houses & lovely chics
  5. How does the law sit with legitimate 1st time UK releases, in spite of there being a very rare US original? Don Gardner springs to mind. The UK release is technically an original, no?
  6. When I said 'I don't have any', I was referring to events of course.
  7. Try playing the Mello Souls on a carver at one of my events, pal. (I don't have any)...
  8. Whether Columbus discovered much is very much open question. He thought he was in Japan for a start & didn't actually reach the continent. That accolade goes to John Cabot, an Italian navigator sponsored by Henry VII. As far as it being fecked up, Costa Rica, Chile & Argentina are very nice places indeed.
  9. Whoever doubted that it wasn't the law? As far as original vinyl vs boots/reissues is concerned, there's no debate. Those that break or flout that law should be mercilessly and relentlessly persecuted, wherever they may be. Minor infringements can be dealth with on an ad-hoc basis, providing they are reported of course. I'm deadly serious and, by and large, I have fun when I attend Soul events, honest.
  10. I would disagree Mike. The presence of boots/carvers/acetates on the scene since day 1 is no justification for their abhorrent existence. It's like cross-dressing, in the privacy of your living room only please. I nearly bought Don Gardner on Grapevine recently & ended up, like Cranmer, burning the finger that almost clicked 'buy now'/'add to shopping basket'.
  11. Or look at it from a different perspective. What if Cindy Scott (another one) had bombed in 1972? Personally, I don't think it would have, which might seem a little predictable, no? I'm of the opinion that breaking ground is important. Lots of jocks have broken ground over the years, including yourself Pablo...
  12. With the utmost respect, I don't think any of those sound like the Montclairs or Carstairs (if that's what we're talking about)...
  13. NS history, loud & clear. A lot of moscas cojoneras still flying about though, which is odd, considering we were all likened to a bunch coprophagists 10 pages ago. keep it up!
  14. The bonus tracks. Don't think Ian would have chosen Lee Miller's Lou Lawton discovery... :-) 17. I Wonder What My Baby's Doing Tonight - Maxine Brown (bonus track) 18. I Don't Want To Lose You - Mel Wynn (bonus track) 19. You Can't Keep A Good Man Down - Gentlemen Four (bonus track) 20. Let's Get Back Together - Honey Bees (bonus track) 21. Knick Knack Patty Wack - Lou Lawton (bonus track) 22. This Man - Wally Cox (bonus track) 23. Marching - Camp (bonus track) 24. All The Way From Heaven - Chancellors (bonus track) 25. Dearly Beloved - Jack Montgomery (bonus track) 26. Change - Earnestine Eady, The (bonus track)
  15. I'll second that. I bought it in on release too, at the tender age of 14. I later transferred it to CD. Not a duff track on it. Though I don't think the same can't be said for my other fave compilation album, Richard's RCA jobbie 'Jumping At The Go-Go', as much as I love Mr. Searling. The sleeve & Big Boris were crap, in my opinion of course... I'm going to have to look for the official release on CD. What are the extra tracks in question? Would they have fit into the scheme of things in 1974? These two LP's were instrumental in terms of NS knowledge acquistion for sprogs like me.
  16. This is getting nastier & nastier. I remember a Colin Curtis visit to Peterborough sometime in 1976 marred by fag-end throwing while he was on the decks. Disgraceful. He came back in 1979 to a heroes welcome, but it was a Jazz-Funk all-dayer run by a guy who wound up a lot of people on here a while back for excessively promoting his events. Anyway, my question is this: Cleethorpes was seen by many as very progressive venue through 1975/6. Did you ever feel they were attempting to steal your fire with regard to music policy? Many records are credited today as being Cleethorpes sounds, especially when you look at those 'story of' CDs from Goldmine. I must be very difficult 35 years after the event to say who played what first, I know...
  17. Fabulous. Too much weight on a limb's gonna cause it to crack & our man is sitting on the stairs. Nice one!
  18. Chicory Tip would be more fitting in a film with a Torch backdrop, wouldn't it? Just looked at charts for May 1974. The shittiness of it all beggars belief. It's no wonder we all ran away to this sect. I wouldn't want to pre-empt the plot, but it would be entirely appropriate to see one of the film's characters smash the transistor radio to bits when 'sugar baby love' comes on & then get a clout from his mum for his sins. This would have to be kitchen scene, before setting off for school, always a stressful moment. Mum: Didn't you buy your dinner tokens yesterday? Lad: Yes, mum (thinking of the Furys on Jayboy he's gonna buy on Saturday night).
  19. I especially like the moment in TSWONS when one of the Delfonics (is it?) insists on singing 'La-La Means I Love You' instead of the track in question and gets chided by another band member, 'we gotta talk about northern soul man', causing the culprit to chunter a bit. The new Willie Hutch 'Love Runs Out' cut is also very good & clearly demonstrates how the technology has moved on. Willie also sadly passed away recently. Did you get him to do 'Lucky To Be Loved By You', Ian?
  20. It's Brazilian Pikey, bought last week in a one horse, adobe-walled town called Taroudannt in Morocco. I'm beginning to think it's been laced with kiff though. :-)
  21. Soul Source is rather like a microcosm of an all-nighter late 1976. If you wander around those dimly lit alcoves, you'll see venerated scene sages poring over stone tablets, pontificating on varied aspects of scene law (sic) to awe-struck neophytes. Their constant farting in chapel and jockeying for the front pews provide the seasoned 'moscas cojoneras' (the flies that annoyingly buzz around the gonad region in summer) with an opportunity to engage in a bit of 'light entertainment' at the expense of chemically deranged. In of the darker areas of the hall, especially in the khasi, looms the real fauna, the cloven hooved beasts with the sulphurous breath, whose company we soon learn to steer well clear of. You can almost smell their presence & it's always best not to look them directly in the eye for fear of being abducted. Pan's Labryinth's got nothing on this place, it's definitely not a haunt for the faint of heart. I'd just like to think that there's room for all of us, but than again maybe I've probably had too much coffee this morning.
  22. To be fair, all the hanging around between takes is perfectly normal practice. Filming can be mind-numbingly boring. My nephew is an actor & he says it can be soul destroying (sic) at times. Arrogance & heads up rectums is another matter though.
  23. Here they are, bless 'em. Wasn't ICSHLY a monster too, eh? M
  24. Interesting thread. What about Alpaca Phase III 'I Like To Party'? Huge at Cleethorpes & Peterborough summer 75. Another piste packer at the same time was Reggie Garner's 'Hotline', which I don't think anyone's mentioned so far. Both Mecca records originally, no?

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