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Everything posted by macca

  1. That's the track about heroin abuse. Simply gobsmacking, just him at the piano, if I remember well. Sam the Man!!
  2. anybody know the value of the demo in mint minus condition? I see issues are going for 40-50 pounds... cheers M
  3. It's a question of taste I guess, but these modern R&B artists, in the American sense of the term, leave me cold. The stuff they do sounds to me like the pap you see on X Factor, Fame Academy and the like. The guys put forward as examples of today's Black Music, like Joe & Brian McKnight don't sound much different to Justin Timberlake to my ears. I guess this music just isn't for us forty-somethings, is it? When Motown was at its height, Marvin Gaye was 23 or 24 years old & the people buying his records just a few years younger. To every thing there is a season, no?
  4. That's an astonishing vocal from Jerry Williams. The man can evidently still cut it, & I love that 'leg banging' at the piano too.
  5. You're right, it's evidently the same person. I presume the same backing track was used for all the artists you mentioned. Pat Lewis's version is in the refo section, but I can't get it to play right now. I can imagine Martha doing it justice though... M
  6. The lovely Rose indeed. Very poignant when she wells up in TSWON, she seems a sweet lady. I heard from a Detroit nut that Hit & Run wasn't actually her, that the Debonairs had been slated in & Miss B's name ended up on the record. Anybody else heard that one before?
  7. It's sound business ken to launch the product in this way. I don't personally like the spiel, but the net has to be thrown to catch all the shoaling fish, not just a few isolated sprats. You'd be surprised how many sales are chalked up to 4am impulse buying, especially those that come in after a beery night out on the tiles. I've done it myself. Who hasn't? BUT, in this case we're not talking about a mini trouser press, we're talking about some of the most iconic names ever to grace a 45 in the flesh, at least as far as this scene is concerned. I personally feel they thoroughly deserve it.
  8. Ian, I think you mentioned in the other thread that Mr Rounce had turned up at the Mecca with a copy of Freda Payne's 'Band of Gold'. As an 11 year old, I remember my older sister raving about this track when it hit the charts, it was all we heard in our house for weeks on end. Was it another of these 'cross-over' records, along the lines of Robert knight, Tammi Lynn, Jamo Thomas etc?
  9. This is very, very sad news indeed. My deepest sympathy to his wife & family. Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie was really an iconic figure. As an impressionable fifteen year old I considered it a sacred duty to memorise the record titles, labels, production/writing credits of his wonderful creations. & who among us can really say they're weren't absolutely floored the first time they heard Tommy Neal or Jimmy Soul Clark, and that's just two titles. I think a Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie Anthology is a marvellous idea. Could it be done Ady & Paul? Que descanses en paz Richard, te queremos mucho... M
  10. What would the motives be for not wanting Soul music played Malc? Did they consider it too low-brow or something? The Rubettes is OK, but not Elouise Laws?
  11. & the 'german sensibilities'? Teutonic knights & bratwurst? M
  12. Errrm... Paul, is this not a little over the top? Benji was just making a point. German system & sensibilities? A dictatorship sounding familiar? You'll be blaming him for bombing your chippie next?
  13. Seen here on a list of Soul Sam spins for March 79 at St. Ives. https://martysbox.tripod.com/id30.htm He's also playing magnetics 'lady in green', sharpettes 'lost in a world of a dream' & don ray 'born a loser. A weird time to be on the Soul scene. Don't be suprised Albert. All part of this very oddball scene mate. :-)
  14. Thanks for all the info guys, a reet good read. shame we don't have more info on his final resting place, circumstances of his death etc, etc... He'd have probably loved to know about his cult status on this scene. Brother Jack!!
  15. Here's one that'll make you positively gooey Paul. Why don't you ask him if he put the feelers out for Jack Montgomery for SWONS? I'd love to see a video of our Jack. If there's a monolith in NS, it's him, I reckon...
  16. it all went pear shaped again, didn't it? I liked the soul notes track that james posted. the vocal sounds so familiar. now who does it sound like? jack montgomery in 'don't turn your back on me'?
  17. wash & wear love is one of the greatest EVER to have been played on this scene, full stop. redeeming points? if we didn't get past the intro I'd be more than happy, after that it's mess your pants with joy time, all the way. I never felt like this about kenny smith or the anderson brothers.
  18. Nae problem. Some of the stuff I've read on this thread borders on the insane. One might not agree on the musical aspect but I think character assassination is downright nasty. Life's too short, in my opinion of course.
  19. You must try a Spanish Soul weekender Russ (if you ain't already) & then we'll talk. I don't like gutters. M
  20. A stab at humour. It didn't work. A keyboard will never substitute the human voice.
  21. I live in Spain Ian. As you know, they had a fascist government here for nearly 40 years, ending in 1975, when you were setting in motion the 'new order' that would result in the wholesale burning of 'pernicious' dvds in 2008. I can already smell the pyres. Some people need to get a life...
  22. I see nothing wrong with Soul & food, especially where I live. If you attend a weekender in Spain, a big, long drawn out lunch (or dinner) is an integral part of the event. Ice is broken, friendships are made with people getting to know each other prior to the event, with much quaffing of wine & beer. I think it's highly civilised. It has nothing to do with age either, given that the average Soulboy/girl in Spain is around 30. I've always thought the UK punter could learn something from it. It doesn't have to be chicken-in-a-basket any more than it has to be Leibfraumilch. UK people prefer to go to warm up events. I prefer the 'community' of a good restaurant, but then I live in Spain, not Peterborough. It's all culture.
  23. A divergence of opinion as to what constitutes NS is one thing, but calling someone a nazi, a traitor etc, etc, especially someone with Ian's heritage, is a bit over the top in my book. NS changed our lives admittedly, but is it really that important? I love this music, but I wouldn't pretend to 'die' for it any more than I would die for Bob Dylan.
  24. The tapes going to Australia story is interesting. It'd be nice to hear them. What about digitalising them Andy?
  25. Jackey Beavers 'Love That Never Grows Old'. Amaaaaaaaaaazing!!

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