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Everything posted by macca

  1. He's currently on a tour of baseball venues with his buddy bob dylan. now there's a pair, and both very soulful they are too. donde est¡ mi abrigo?
  2. I think Brice Coefield 'Ain't That Right' on Omen is one that's pretty much up there. It's not just the sound, the label is extremely pervy too...
  3. Keep On Loving Me Like You Do never really did it for me.
  4. The Fabulettes - The Bigger They Are. Camp - Marching Homicide inducing.
  5. Ben Zine, all of the Lou Roberts tracks, Cobblestone, The Dogs and Patrick Bradley. All of these were monsters in 1978 but I used to find them extremely mood changing. Faced with a situation like that, where do you go? The funk room, the record bar or the exit?
  6. Eddie Regan - Playin' Hide & Seek Had people scurrying to the dancefloor & I could never work out why.
  7. I just called to say I love you has to be the grossest, no?
  8. Paul, saw that photo booth shot of eddie din in the major lance collage. Living proof that the soul scene has always been multicultural! Some on here might find it bizarre that one of the very first people I witnessed do a backdrop was chinese, in the bull & dolphin or carousel 1973, I can't remember which now. Is he still about?
  9. I enquired about this record on here a few months ago. The consensus then was around 125 sovs, if I remember well. I bought John Vincent's copy, still covered as Milton Wright 'Downtown', at a St.Ives all dayer in 1979. I also lost the bugger that same day, due to a moment's carelessness in the record bar.
  10. I think Dave Evison was probably the first non Peterborough DJ I saw in the flesh, so to speak. The first thing I was struck by was the manic delivery on the decks, and how enthusiastic he was if you collared him in the record bar. I would never have dared to approach someone like Soul Sam back then, but with Dave you just knew you wouldn't be despatched in 30 seconds. People like Dave would make you 'sit up in class'. Some nights I used to think, if I hear Cecil Washington (or any other 'top newie mega rarity' being being hammered to death) again, I'm gonna feckin' top somebody. Dave provided welcome relief in such moments when an intro like Maurice Williams 'Being Without You' would lift my spirits. Long may he run...
  11. What an absurd way to go. One of my best friends fell down the stairs at home five years ago & wasn't found till the next morning. RIP Mr. Scott.
  12. I've known plenty of non-dancers over the years, either through shyness or just because they were involved in other activities, some legit, others not so legit. I think it depends on how you feel, if the music is moving you etc; I've spent whole nights in lounges, but also long periods on the stages and in the corridors of venues. Nattering was as much a part of the night as trawling through records boxes and hitting the floor. Ficklefingers, that font is almost painful to read mate. :-)
  13. The British Soul scene is far too tribal top accept a truly across the board music policy like we see on t' continent. They even have tables and chairs at venues as well. Most bizarre.
  14. A lt of people would be swayed by tempo back then, records rejected out of hand, only to surface years later. In terms of its Soul credentials, I think it's absolutely faultless. The vocal is stunning, not to mention that brooding intro. As someone has mentioned Gene McDaniels, I must say I never really liked Walk With A Winner. It always sounded very cabaret act to these ears. Probably sacrilege, but what the hell.
  15. brother fight brother, yes they do...
  16. Just got back from my usual two hour yomp around the headland, powered by Detroit Classics on the Ipod. When I reached the river bridge, Love That Never Grows Old came on. I swear I got across the bridge faster than normal. Well, I decided to look up the record and found a debate raging last November over whether the record was overrated, overplayed, overpriced, bla, bla. Well, it turns out the Jackey Beavers departed this life on October 28th 2008, just before that rant kicked off. He was assistant to the Governor of Georgia for 8 years and a Bishop in his local church. How about devilstomper for a church website? RIP Jackey, you gave me many a pleasurable moment, I can tell you. https://www.daily-tribune.com/index.cfm?eve...73830D71D918ACB https://www.devilstomper.org/
  17. That was my much missed mucker Mark Draycott. He donned the skates & a witch's hat he found while rummaging in the dressing rooms upstairs and approached a bewildered brian rae and requested a record for me & my then girlfriend, it was probably around 6am. We cracked up, but a lot of people in there took it badly, due to the over ingestion of this and that, if you know what I mean.
  18. Me neither. It sounds like a Ric-Tic type thing. Who is it?
  19. Here's the Carol & Gerri boys performing in 1967. This should have card carrying members of the Soul Police frothing at the mouth...
  20. I always found HCIEFAW a bit too 'girlie' back in the day, but in recent years it's grown on me a bit, like so many. Is it me, or are the horns off mark? Last time I heard this out was 1993 at the 100 Club when Mark Bicknell (I think) span it. Does it still get plays, or is it considered same old, same old?
  21. That John Miles makes me smile & then some. Youth Club fodder, along with Jimmy James. Lovely.
  22. Might have drunkenly stomped to this at weddings. ">
  23. What an interesting little spat you're having guys. I'd like to echo Ian's words on Geoff. The man is a veritable encyclopedia of knowledge, to use a well worn clich. I've yet to meet him, but we've conversed many times on Carm's site & not just about Soul. Top bloke.

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