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Article Comments posted by macca

  1. This is very, very sad news indeed.

    My deepest sympathy to his wife & family.

    Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie was really an iconic figure.

    As an impressionable fifteen year old I considered it

    a sacred duty to memorise the record titles, labels, production/writing

    credits of his wonderful creations.

    & who among us can really say they're weren't absolutely floored the first time they heard Tommy Neal or Jimmy Soul Clark,

    and that's just two titles.

    I think a Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie Anthology is a marvellous idea.

    Could it be done Ady & Paul?

    Que descanses en paz Richard, te queremos mucho...


  2. I especially like the moment in TSWONS when one of the Delfonics (is it?) insists on singing 'La-La Means I Love You' instead of the track in question and gets chided by another band member, 'we gotta talk about northern soul man', causing the culprit to chunter a bit. The new Willie Hutch 'Love Runs Out' cut is also very good & clearly demonstrates how the technology has moved on. Willie also sadly passed away recently. Did you get him to do 'Lucky To Be Loved By You', Ian?

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