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Everything posted by macca

  1. Watching the video and being reminded of certain situations in my dim and distant past. Sorry to have been so minimalist on this occasion.
  2. macca

    Howard Tate RIP

    Heard about this while we were in BCN, and Steve G duly paid tribute in his set. Grande!
  3. macca

    Dobie Gray R I P....

    A miserable, grey, drizzly day here made even more so with this news. RIP Dobie Gray, you touched all of us, without exception.
  4. Good luck David. Hope we can bring this to a 'good port'. ;-)
  5. Are we talking about the same back track but for different songs, i.e. Len Jewell/Godoy Colbert. Therefore, examples like The Shirelles and Linda Jones both doing Last Minute Miracle, don't count, right? The Tymes and the Superiors 'What Would I Do', as far as I remember are two completely different songs with completely different backing tracks. Same goes for Maxine Nightingale and The Javells. Correct me if wrong.
  6. Lorraine, going back to what you were saying about gospel/jazz tinged vocals, if a vocalist is truly talented, don't you think he/she can 'cut the cod' in different ways, i.e. show a different side to himself/herself every time they walk into a recording booth (if the producer lets them, of course). I'm reminded of the wonderful, and until more or less recently, supremely underrated Debbie Taylor. Her late 60s and early to mid 70s recordings feature a very raw, primal, 'tear up the church' type vocal, yet on her 2011 'My Favourites' collection as maydie Myles she reveals a very sophisticated, mellow side. I love both personas. Best wishes, Macca.
  7. No ex Brazilian footballer has ever jocked at the 100 Club, as far as I remember.
  8. Edited and sent via PM for being OT. Agolopies.
  9. They were just two random examples Pete. It could have been any other 'representative pair'. Chuck Cockerham came to mind because it had an immediate impact on me when I first heard it (as did Lenis Guess!). I've no vested interest in Crossover or Modern, I've only been receptive to either in the last 3 or 4 years. I missed the Stafford era completely and was out of the UK by 1990. When I started collecting again in the late 80s, I bought 60s exclusively, well that's not true entirely, I sought out and bought stuff like Elouise Laws, James Fountain, Pointer Sisters, Len Jewell on Pzazz (Crossover tune?) and other 'massive at the Mecca and Cleethorpes tunes'. There's still a lot of it (Modern) that I baulk at, particularly Disco, but a good, angst ridden vocal these days floors me every time, regardless of the rythmn, production etc. This led me to seek out a copy of Garfield Fleming not long ago. Why wasn't I listening in 1981? Too sectarian back then, I guess. I wore my Levine must go badge with pride in 77 and chuntered like billy-o when Soul Sam embraced new releases. It's been a long walk here, I'll say that. I'll also withdraw the comments about derision and pity. Looking at my post again, it does seem a bit sectarian and holier than thou. Rich, the comfort zone thing in BCN will be weird, what with so many different genres under one roof. My partner loves it ALL though and never leaves the floor once out there. I'll just be ferrying beer, probably. I did shake an ambitious leg to Stevens & Foster 'I Wanna Be Loved' last year there. It had me smiling to myself and reflecting on more 'exalted' times,when I'd have been frothing at the mouth with righteous NS indignation at the mere thought. Paz se±ores!
  10. The very same people who carp on about how 'crossover' has done 'untold damage' to what they see as 'Northern'. I can't help but think that these folk never really evolved beyond Lenis Guess, admittedly a great record in its day. To me, a person that would dismiss something like Chuck Cockerham as some sort of cancerous blight on the scene is worthy of derision, or perhaps pity on a good day. I'm using Lenis Guess and Chuck Cockerham as random examples, of course.
  11. yes, there's some poop mentioned, though not all is 'excremental'. epitome of sound, stemmons express/precisions, gene woodbury/bernie williams were great records then and now.
  12. An interesting poll Chalky. I went to a weekender recently where the lunchtime 'wakey-wakey' session was 100% Deep Soul on some seriously tasty labels, it definitely made me think about collecting Soul records in another light. As a collector/dancer, I very much welcome hearing 'new to me' records, and these days with smart phones, one can begin the loin tingleing quest on the spot! However, I also love to hear stuff that connects me with my teenage years, as with Mick H spinning The Del Reys and Kenny Smith, or Ady Lupton The Charades. It's still nostalgia I guess, but for me 'excusable' nostalgia because I perceive those records as 'acceptable oldies' as opposed to the kind of stuff I'd rather not hear (or are 'unacceptable oldies' simply a question taste?). Of course, for younger folk hearing those sounds for the first time, it's an entirely different situation. I'd say 70% new to me sounds, plus 30% 'acceptable to me oldies' is the ratio I'm looking for at Niters and Weekenders, but I recognise it's horses for courses and that we don't all have the same 'needs' music wise. The OVO factor would also be non-negotiable for me...
  13. Thanks, as always, for your informative comments chaps. love the record.
  14. Aside from the seller's description 'legit 2nd issue', what is this? The label is Jerri which I believe is the same one as Stevens & Foster. Is it what it says it is and if so, why the hefty price tag of $100? https://www.ebay.com/itm/TONY-TROUTMAN-Whats-Use-MEGA-Modern-Soul-LISTEN-/300581123755?_trksid=p3286.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D2%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D2929923371697810118
  15. The clips are impressive, as is the director's pedigree. I look forward to seeing the end result. Mac (former card carrying member of the dark underbelly cogniscenti)
  16. In terms of musicianship, interplay is quite a performance. I can imagine the muppet house band pulling it off quite well. rhona's theme for me is dreadful, though I do love sidra'a theme. I think one can appreciate them for what they are, northern instrumentals sadly out of favour. I love a good instrumental. davis & tyler, for example. wouldn't give esperanto house room...
  17. Another giant takes his leave of us. In amongst all the stuff on Libya and the fall of Gadaffi is this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-14627670
  18. I still get a manic buzz when hearing connie clark, don't care if it's politically incorrect! :-)
  19. I just used the 25-40 bracket to mean the immense majority, there are of course 40 somethings, but those over 45 seem mostly to be small groups of visiting brits, who are always made most welcome of course. Least I'm not a token old duffer!!
  20. I just used the 25-40 bracket to mean the immense majority, there are of course 40 somethings, but those over 45 seem mostly to be small groups of visiting brits, who are always made most welcome of course.
  21. In fairness, I do 'promote' Sweden, Germany and Italy as well. Jump in, the water's lovely, room for all etc. :-) Good call. I went to an all-nighter at Jacks near London bridge in December 2006. There were lots of young folk there.

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