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Everything posted by macca

  1. Looking for a clean original of this tune, gentlemen. Postage to Spain. Muchas gracias in advance. M
  2. Not a nice start to the weekend. So many milestone tracks under his belt at Motown, a man who has certainly left his mark on all of us. RIP Frank.
  3. The comment about Ginger being an oldies only DJ in 1977 is laughable. I heard him playing the Isley Brothers, Livin' In The Life, a new release and more in keeping with what was going down in the Mecca that year, which would have sounded most incongruous alongside Chubby Checker, The Superiors, or even alongside undeniable 77 "newies" like Paula Durante, Florence Devore etc. Perhaps he felt that St. Ives was a more open-minded venue and gave flight to his imagination accordingly. I also remember hearing the Betty Boo instrumental at that venue, which, as others have pointed out, closed in November 77. By the time the Fleet opened its doors June 78, Betty Boo was a floor filler and I remember dancing to it there too. I'm with Martyn and Pete on this one.
  4. Glad to see the fires of discontent are being stoked already. Stick a bunch of NS folk in a room and it'll soon turn into the Council of Trent.
  5. Bloody stereotypical leaden existence factory fodder references again. A lot of us were penpushers, you know.
  6. Kidneys poached lightly in Jerez vinegar are divine. Don't you just love this scene? Emails like this coming out of the blue, and someone's wish is about to come true. Bloody marvellous.
  7. Search off. Thanks for the replies.
  8. Looking for a mintish copy of this, either label will do. Cheers, M
  9. I thought the main objection to these guides is down to the fact that for years many US sellers were simply unaware of the prices rare soul records could command over here. this has affected both the individual who's just after a bargain for his collection and the individual who buys records to sell on to other collectors. I think with the advent of internet in the late 90s, people were already placing wants lists online, some, foolishly, with prices that they were prepared to pay for certain sounds, right?
  10. Did anyone see Dean Parrish I'm On My Way sell on Ebay for $255.00! Thirteen people bid for the record. I thought this booked for only 50 or 60 quid, and in M condition. On the other hand a nice looking copy of Gwen & Ray went for only $224.00 with 7 bids. Both records were in America.
  11. Love Taj, he played in our local square as part of a Jazz festival a couple years back. Lots of calypso type stuff, loud hawaiin shirt, fedora, shades. I was in the second row shouting for A Lot Of Love and got it, though I guess he'd have played it anyway. I was chuffed.
  12. True. I bought The Natchl Blues off Manship, and the 7" (hairline crack nap) at Notts Palais in 1978. Talk about obsessed.
  13. It used to annoy me when djs cut out the horns at the end of manifesto and that guitar 'freak out' in the middle of 'a lot of love' by taj mahal. All or nothing!!
  14. c'mon grant, typical SS? there's no other way the thread could go, is there? it would be pretty sterile if we all just mentioned our top 5 all-time turkeys with no corresponding discussion as to their merits or faults. nobody's attacking anybody for finding a particular record naff. neither is anybody donning the black cap. preferences are like colours, there's lots of different shades. I once heard a mate dismiss lenny curtis as midtempo crap. I reserve(d) the right to remain incredulous on that one, but think none the worse of him for his 'crime'...
  15. Well I didn't have to know, but thanks anyway for taking the time to be a little more specific.
  16. I don't get it. why proffer an opinion and then not be prepared to explain and/or justify it? I said I didn't like Patrinell Staten as I thought it was a below average performance both vocally and musically.I have listened to it several times (got it on a CD) and tried to get acquainted with it but have failed miserably. I could have said it's dog shite full stop, that's my opinion and I don't have to explain it or justify it to anyone on here, but what would be the point of that? Mr Soul for me too is an underwhelmer, but the other two are masterpieces of the genre for all the reason Gareth gave. There's no harm in being incredulous at someone else's opinion, as long as it doesn't descend into ridicule and such like.
  17. Lee Fields - Take Me Back on Angle3 is one of the most brilliantly atmospheric records out there. Pity it's so dear today! :-(
  18. Cheers. So it was 1974 then, same tape as Footsee getting a couple of spins? That tape had the hairs on the back of me neck stand on end.
  19. Just a little contentious, Joel!

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