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Everything posted by macca

  1. Too right! I saw it being disparaged a while ago on a Facebook page dedicated to oldies. I gather 70s Mecca-Cleethorpes-Wigan etc monsters are persona non-grata among the oldies crowd. I can only conclude that these people either never did Wigan or came on board during the Mod Revival. Revisionists.
  2. And Cleethorpes too, East Coast Connection rules! Also huge at Peterborough's Wirrina allnighters in 1975, along with the aforementioned tunes + Betty Wright Where's The Love, Falbala's Magic Band, that Control Tower thing on Motown. Them were the days... I'm going off track, sorry.
  3. Could be worse. I'd like to buy and destroy all known copies of Ben Zine. "Can't Live This Way" does bring back great memories of that period (Roger Collins, Babe Ruth, Today's People, Alpaca Phase III, Rimshots, Moments, Frankie Crocker, LJ Johnson, Exciters, Evelyn Thomas etc) before the onslaught of the real poo around 1978.
  4. A clip from his last ever show. He apparently laughed and joked with a few fans at the theatre then went back to his hotel where he died of a heart attack some time later. RIP. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5FwBfimGbPU#action=share
  5. Why is the red star on opposite sides in the ebay and popsike copies?
  6. Right after his gig at the Teatro Lara in Madrid. A magus. RIP.
  7. We've had loads of threads about tone deaf artists like George Lemons, Margaret Little, Dora Hall? What about records that seem like an utter din due to relentless squawking, screeching and other primaeval sounds? I just listened to Chaka Khan's I'm every woman, prodigious lungs on her but after listening to it I thought what a din. I'm more of a Gladys Knight, Debbie Taylor, Sandra Wright, Millie Jackson bloke myself. This doesn't have to be Northern orientated, all Soul genres welcome. The sacred Linda Jones got a little bit too carried away at times for my liking and Whitney Houston just sounds like f*** row to my ears, but I accept that might be heresy to some of you. Esther Phillips, though I love Home Is Where The Hatred Is, can grate on me after an hour's worth. C'mon, let's be havin' you...
  8. Taken on a warm June evening, around the longest day. This the Salnés Valley in Galicia, NW Spain. The greenery is vineyards, vineyards that produce the grapes that make Albariño wine, and in the distance the Atlantic Ocean and mussel rafts.
  9. The early attendees of places like Tiles, The Scene and other London clubs say there were different dances every week and if you didn't keep up, you were a div. Geoff?
  10. I read somewhere, probably on here many moons ago, that Sam was the first to play this in the period post torch pre to early Wigan. Or was it another Blue Max tune?
  11. See the soul merchandising was at full crank as early as 1973. What the hell was the Work For Peace soul badge?
  12. 12 hour allniter at The Torch. Struth. Plenty of elite WGC merchandising to get you through that marathon, I'll bet. "One didn't waltz around the Torch". Sir Tezza.
  13. Is a vox pop a new type of time release spansule that uses a non gelatine coating for the more ethically minded? Sorry.
  14. T-Connection - Do What You Wanna Do I only remember it as a mainstream Disco record though. I can't imagine Blackpool being first with it either. All those Purley, Canvey Island types were bashing it too, surely.
  15. Is he an accomplished actor though? This is a serious question as I have NFI who he is. It wouldn't be the first time someone from the world of showbiz has turned their hand to radio show presentation with credible results (Lou Reed, Bob Dylan, Little Steven etc). They are musicians though. At the end of the day it's just an opinion. Give 'em enough rope, innit? Yours, warmly, smugly but in need of a new kitchen, luv Macca. X.
  16. I liked It's Too Late Bobby Goldsboro and Hearts Desire by Joe South in my early youth. I had no f***ing idea of course and am now fully repentant.
  17. Good lord. $2,224 after 19 bids. Had no idea it was going for this sort of money now. From a seller in Arizona. This was famously counterfeited, wasn't it? https://www.ebay.com/itm/201349534008?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  18. Bizarre that he's got so far with limbs and other extremities intact, especially on a scene like this. Where's that old 'you wouldn't waltz around the Torch' spirit that Tezza spoke about? Red eyed, tongue lolling beasts lurking in alcoves etc etc.
  19. It'd still be lovely to say thanks to the remaining heroes and heroines who haven't called in. Time marches on I'm afraid. Without wishing to score brownie points, it was me that got Darryl Stewart on here. Lovely bloke. I had a hand in Cecil Washington too though others had got to him before me, obviously. He didn't hang around long. Lots or them are on Facebook but how interactive with their fans they are is another question. I was immensely chuffed this year when Gwen Owens wished me a happy birthday. A soul artist wine tour led by Ady Croasdell and Lorraine Chandler would make my day and year! Ideas!
  20. Not common, no... but not as scarce as I once thought it was, judging by two mates who have copies and Popsike info. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking there's more than a handful...perhaps we need to define dog rare? Copies that can be counted on one hand?
  21. I used to think this was dog rare but it seems not to be the case. I first remember hearing it via Soul Sam but understand Richard S played it at Wigan too, late 77 or early 78 perhaps? Am I off the mark date wise? Still does it for me. Great memories too.
  22. Agreed, which is why I said "who knows what might have happened next". I don't really know. I'd have been flabbergasted at even an attempted nut. We're not spring chickens either.
  23. Wasn't really doubting him Spot, I was just amazed that someone could have danced on or left the floor after such an incident. I think I would have been astounded at first then who knows what might have happened. The 'sounds very odd' comment was ill thought out. No offence intended Jim. The male handbagger bit was just a throw away comment too. Still trying to picture one! :-)
  24. How does one get nutted and then choose to ignore it or turn the other cheek? Sounds very odd to me, the male handbagger dimension too.

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