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Everything posted by macca

  1. Rarely ventured in there up to 78, too smoky and poky for my liking and always preferred what was on offer in the main room up to that point. Around 79-80, coinciding perhaps with Larry Houston/Top Cat and the like, I began to venture in there a lot more. Remember us all sitting on the counter of that bar at the back and talking bloody nonsense and the next thing you knew it was 6am. Stuff like Dottie Cambridge ' Cry Your Eyes Out', Moses Smith 'The Girl Across The Street', Marsha Gee 'Baby I Need You', Del Larks 'Job Opening' and Bob & Earl 'My Little Girl' come to mind.
  2. is margie joseph one more chance popular with northern dancers then? would have thought it a bit too 'crossover' for them. tremendous record.
  3. Record arrived on Thursday (at the UK address I gave him). End of story for me. I shan't be dealing with him again. Thanks for all your input.
  4. I'll wait to see if it arrives in peterborough before I take any action via ebay. It's more than a month since the auction closed now so time's running out, if ain't run out already. I'll just put him on my shysters list and put it down to experience. thanks again for your input folks.
  5. His last message to me on Monday was to kindly inform me that the record "ships within 48 hours". So that's 9,00 + 2.50 + whatever it costs my dear 88 year old Dad at the Peterborough GPO, bless him... All for a UK demo of Al Wilson Show & Tell which I won for 9.99... Mark O'Shaughnessy - Resolution Records, Bath. Trades on Ebay as Louisjoe... Mac. p.s.He didn't exactly catch his arse on the door in his rush to get to the post office either, did he?
  6. Thanks for your thoughts on this one chaps. He also indicated in one of his 'options' that I could make the claim against the Royal Mail, but I don't see why I should have to do that. Surely that's for him to resolve once the record is back in his hands? I won't buy from him again, obviously. Here's the message that got my goat. Perhaps I should have been more assertive as DaveK suggested. Here are yr alternatives: 1) Have it shipped to a UK address @ £2.50 2) I'll refund the record price @ £9.99 3) Send me £9.00 to resend it to Spain by tracked mail 4) Make a claim to PO for the £9.00 (good luck dealing with these utter incompetents) 5) Have it shipped regular mail to Spain @ £4 at yr own risk (not advisable) one thing that WON'T be happening here is me re-shipping the record again @ my own expense. I'll then have actually lost money on a £9.99 sale.
  7. I've been looking for a 1st release 45 of this tune but have seen various label designs. Can someone point me in the right direction, please?
  8. I felt like doing that (the record up his posterior option). Think I'll just withhold feedback, assuming my Dad eventually receives the record. Not going to get into any kind of spat that might jeopardise my own feedback rating. Ain't worth it. He hasn't left any feedback for me yet.
  9. Just after Christmas I bought a 45 off a UK dealer and at the point of sale he advised me that it had to go international signed for, given the continental destination. The record cost me ten pounds and I would have been happy with standard airmail. I agreed, reluctantly, to the 9.00 pound shipping charge rather that get into a pointless argument with the chap. Two weeks pass by and no sign of record. It turns out that it went to Uruguay (I live on Uruguay Ave!) instead of Spain. After Uruguay it made its way across the Pacific via Hong Kong and arrived back in the UK this week. The dealer tells me he wants another 9 quid to re-ship it. He also gave me the option a 2.50 to a UK address, 4.00 quid unsigned for (not recommendable he said, though I've never had a record go missing), or a refund of 9.99. I chose the ship to a UK address option so my Dad can forward it to me. Had I been the dealer, I'd have absorbed the cost of sending it again (4 quid) just to preserve goodwill, though I recognise that he's not to blame and will more than likely make a claim against the Royal Mail to recover his initial costs. It's left a rather bad taste in my mouth. Am I being too sensitive here? :-)
  10. Not really mate. When I came on board in 1974 in the wake of calamities like Wigan's Chosen Few, there were plenty of people 5 to 10 years older than me who were either leaving in disgust or were just hanging on until the "great rift" of 76-77 kind of forced them out. Those people are in their early 60s now. Everyone is a world unto himself, so though my record buying has slowed down at times it has also picked up from time to time, in an almost cyclical manner. If you're going to pay sky-high prices it's probably because you're after a certain sort of record but there are 1000s upon 1000s of sounds out there going cheap that can certainly satisfy my needs. It also depends how wide you cast your Soul net. Since hearing a deep soul ballads/midtempo set at a weekender lunchtime session over here (Areta Bilbao!!), I began to seek out that sort of stuff. Who knows, you might find yourself bitten by the bug again in years to come. From a personal point of view I know I'll still be acquiring vinyl in another ten, probably... if I'm still about. ;-)
  11. I reckon international collectors, particularly Europeans, will be keen to snap them up. A lot these guys were in their mid to late teens in the mid to late 80s and have been paying their dues ever since. I know when I was 35-40 I was still avidly collecting so I don't see these guys as any different. If you're still collecting in your early 40s you'll still be doing it at 50-60 and beyond if the passion's still there. What happens to the nighter, soul night thing in the UK is another question.
  12. I don't think I've ever had more than 400-500 singles at any one time, and I've had four collections, practically one for every decade. As I'm buying stuff most weeks, I'm playing stuff every other day, discovering B sides and getting pleasant surprises, especially on the Deep side of things. Immense enjoyment. My second collection was the "tastiest", put together in the late 80s when I fixed a ton limit on a given 45. As we all know, this sort of money could get you some really tasty stuff in the late 80s, and some records like James Fountain were picked up really cheap. People are talking 10,000 45s, but some folk on here are in the 35,000 plus league. I'd love to have a gander at something like that. I say, would you like to join me in the 'media room'. I'd love to be able to say that.
  13. I remember this being played by a newies (funk-disco) dj one night around 1977. He was getting flak from the NS/oldies crowd so he he hit them with "The Snake", after some derisory comments over the mic about neanderthals. He obviously intended it as a calculated insult but it struck me as rather strange at the time that he was actually carrying it in his box. Never keen on the record, and I like Maxine Nightingale even less... Strangely enough, the family weddings I attended whilst living in the UK were always plagued with Beverly Ann 'He's Coming Home', The Javells 'Goodbye Nothing To Say' and Muriel Day 'Nine Times Out Of Ten'. Not sure if I prefer Al Wilson, Maxine Nightingale and Chuck Wood.

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