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Everything posted by macca

  1. Sometimes they can hit you in the face and remind you of what a snob you can be, musically speaking. NYE last year in Edinburgh, dancefloor heaving to stuff played by Yogi like Tear Stained Face, sounds I'll never ever own, and then he hits you with Show & Tell by Al Wilson. It sounded glorious, so much so much I logged onto Ebay there and then (sad git) and bought one, a UK demo for a fiver. One of those priceless moments in one's Soul career...
  2. You might get into trouble for that comment, Steve. We're all primates, after all.
  3. That actually reads 'Bare Soul'. I've bared my soul on many occasions, I'll tell you .
  4. The Spanish Inquisition has deftly stepped into the room.
  5. Then shore up the defences and dig in for an almighty conflagration unseen in this green and pleasant land since Mafeking Night (Richard Starkey voice)...
  6. Not wishing to put you right mate, it was just an observation on how things have changed on that front, evidenty for the better. Many of the tea-leaves that once frequented venues probably wouldn't consider a 21st allnighter worth the trouble. It was a great environment for the opportunist - had my beloved leather trenchcoat stolen - and of course records once or twice. Carelessness on my part, but irking all the same.
  7. It hasn't always been like that though, has it? you used to have to bolt things down way back when...
  8. Would you call You Know To Love Me Disco, Pedro? Searling played that at Wigan in 1979/80. More of a stepper, innit?
  9. Virtually everything on TSOP? I think even Pete Smith would disagree with that. Arf, arf, arf...
  10. You sure about that Jordi? My photographic memory of MGM pressings, known today as second issues, tells me it was Stevens with a V. M p.s. Scraping the barrel of anorakdom...
  11. went to see the film last night, albeit the dubbed version. not a dry eye in the house, including me! very, very moving indeed. if deforrest whitaker and oprah winfrey don't get oscars for this it'll be a travesty. lenny kravitz, musically definitely not up my street, has an actor lurking within him if you observe him closely. the sound system in our local cinema is incredible so stuff like shorty long 'function at the junction', patti drew 'tell him', james brown 'outtasight' and the people's choice 'party, it's a groovin' thing' nearly had me out of seat and on my feet. it's dedicated to all those who fought and died in the civil rights struggle and based on a true story. ronald reagan comes over as the canute he was. maybe not as dumb as we've been led to believe.
  12. perhaps he was someone's mate that had been 'taken hostage' in the pub, given some filon and pointed towards the dancefloor for laughs. did that sort of thing happen there or was it far too scary a place for the 'non-believer'? I ask because we very occasionally used to take a mate hostage and convince him to come with us to local niters like peterbrough or st.ives. in spite of them having a 'memorable' night on the doobs, they'd never venture back. they were much happier in "anabelles" trying to pull birds whilst dancing to andrea true connection or tina charles, I guess...
  13. Macca sings to Elaine.. I have faith in you baby... all this botty trumping from the nitpickers doesn't mean a doggone word. Bring it on!!
  14. I was 14.5 years in February 1975 when I first attended said club with one of the moderators on this site. He's six months older than me so was evidently quite ancient when he visited the place in the summer of 1974. I've been green with envy ever since. So, going by your esteemed calculations, the maker of the film was comparatively ancient when she passed through those hallowed swingdoors in its latter period. I think we're going to love it...
  15. 662 replies and it still boils down to one thing... choice.
  16. Nice one Mark. I played this out a couple of Fridays ago. It was early on, only me, my girl and the barman in the place. We all just looked at each other. Words would have been pointless.
  17. That's a terribly diplomatic way of putting it, Jordi!
  18. Isn't stockport, runcorn etc mildly posh? a world away from hovis ad townscapes, right? I guess those stiletto teetering handbaggers are bored broker's wives airing a totally different kind of bloomer of a saturday?
  19. Apart from the bloomers comment that Steve probably regrets ever uttering, nobody has ever questioned their soul credentials, I believe.
  20. I'd still like to know what an upfront venue is. Is that where everybody tries to sit on the stage?
  21. retro bods lining up to join soul source? I'm going by the use of that first person plural object pronoun in mark soul's first post, I might add.
  22. I've tried babelfish with this last post but buggered if I understand what it came up with. no comprendo isabel.
  23. The getting smashed part is the part that least appeals. Do these retro bods still get blocked too?

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