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Everything posted by macca

  1. Didn't know he was responsibe for Jay Traynor, but it figures. Along with Ben Zine, Construction-Del Capris, a "Wigan Walk" demonstration record. Hated them all.
  2. I suppose you have to ask yourself if you're there to dance/listen to the music for the music or to listen to some dj 'giving it large' about how much a record means to him or how long he's been after it. Sometimes the prattle can be invasive, other times essential, as when identifying a record/artist new to your ears, for example. Also, one tends to see djs who are totally ratted when they get behind the decks, something that simply didn't happen in bygone days of yore. Not sure if someone who's completely arseholed should be in possession of microphone, it seems incompatible to me...
  3. Yeah, continental European djs don't usually use the mic either but I can't say it diminishes my enjoyment of their sets, it's just that I come from the UK and its a part of my NS heritage, I guess. I do like to hear a dj 'harangue' a crowd Keb Darge style though. You get swept into it...
  4. The After Hours man? S'truth, you wouldn't have thought, would you?
  5. she did a nice anne of cleves though...
  6. brilliant live group, with a beautiful and excellent drummer. saw them when the supported barbara lynn in santiago.
  7. Would that make it early 80s then chaps?
  8. thanks. late 70s or 80s period?
  9. Who first played/broke this tune please? My money's on Soul Sam...
  10. No mate, not really. I was just kind of anticipating that kind of answer, thinking aloud etc...
  11. Our local American base was RAF Alconbury near Huntingdon. A complete housing estate was built south of the river in Peterborough specifically for USAF personnel from this base. Our gardens actually backed onto theirs. This would have been 66-72. At the time I had a black buddy called Tyrone (often wonder where he is now). His mum and dad used to invite me and my brother over to their barbecues in summer. We'd cross from our side through a hole in the fence. The first time I ever tasted pizza was in that house. They also used to organise house parties with the music blasting out of the windows, James Brown, Motown, Stax stuff I imagine, and though they were servicemen, when in civvies they wore the colourful garb fashionable among US black folks of that time. What a time to be growing up in England...
  12. Eeeerm... Why is it Pop? Because it sold shedloads? A flawed argument, if I may so so...
  13. Superb bloody thread. It certainly beats that miserable old git Cromwell...
  14. Though I wouldn't go in for this type of event myself, I have to say that these Italian chaps from Florence have made a nice little video of their visit, and in spite of hearing My Heart Symphony again, it looks like they've made the connection with the music. The retro clobber is another issue, but they're definitely onto the vibe. The beauty of Blackpool Tower also lends something to it all. Some pretty good spinning too. I was never able to pull some of that stuff off, for sure...
  15. Cobblestone used to have me seeking sanctuary in the funk/oldies room. ALL of those Lou Roberts things. Loath isn't the word.
  16. Is their website down after being crashed, hacked and generally stamped on? Brian Poulton of Scarborough cleary felt strongly enough to contest the matter officially. Christ, some people do get their knickers in a twist, do they not?
  17. So perhaps Nev acquired it from Sam when he'd started to play 100% new releases. Nev's definitely associated with it in some circles.
  18. who played this first? I'd have said Searling or perhaps Soul Sam, who I personally associate it with. Some people say Nev Wherry.
  19. Will there be another minterish one out there, please?
  20. So people were terribly polite only on the dancefloor, right? As soon as you left that particular sanctuary and swam the channel of deep water between the reefs, you'd expose yourself to the white death lurking in the kelp beds...
  21. However, there's a whole bunch of peeps who'd actually fly to a venue to hear his stuff, which I did not so long ago. Long may he run...
  22. If Soul Sam didn't twiddle about with the knobs I'd want my money back...
  23. Can't understand how this tune failed commercially. Great record. What's it fetchin'?
  24. A fabulous phrase Stevie! I'm going to use it in Spanish, though they'll wonder what the f*** I'm on about, evidently...

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