"Egham - 1st April 1979 (?) allnighter - we went on the train, Kev Griffin was DJing along with Ian Clark. Good crowd and I vaguely recall discussing the merits or otherwise of a European copy of Lynne Randell "Caio baby" with one Col Smith. Also remember a long wait on the platform for a train in the morning.....Col can you fill in some gaps here. Seem to remember it was in a gym / basketball type set up, and there were several of them?"
I was partly responsible for the above. We actually made a load of money on the nite & blew it all the next week on records. Still have 2 of them - "Looking For You" & "I Go To Pieces"
The other parties involved in organising it were Paul Ellis - sadly no longer with us & Roland Payne - who had an attack of nerves on the nite & never showed up!
Ian Clarke was paid to do 2 spots. In my youthful exhuberance I paid him after his first spot and guess what........he cleared off home! Other matters of note were Pete Myles and I having a blazing row. I won't tell you what the row was about, but will tell you with the benefit of hindsight, he was right and I was wrong! Also, Jasmine moaning the lights were too bright & in an attempt to disconnect them, cutting off all power to the decks.
Great times