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oldsteve woomble

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Everything posted by oldsteve woomble

  1. Follow this link for the local news on the Gardens. You can add your comments to the Grimsby Evening Telegraph bulletin board if you feel like it?......... https://www.thisisgrimsby.co.uk/displayNode...tentPK=16631184 Cheers Steve
  2. Rule No.1 has got to be check BEFORE you buy. Then again, we've all been caught out in the excitement of the e-bay adrenaline rush before :angry: . Hope it didn't cost you too much.... Wonder if the seller knew? A friendly e-mail might work if you ain't paid for it, seller might have thought it was orig too? As The Invitations said' Look On The Good Side', a reputable e-bayer will see you right (or should, IMO). Steve
  3. Cheers TC, Dean Parrish was just fantastic. As was the night when Yorkshire TV turned up with the full film crew the year before! As I know you (and a whole lot of others) know, a whole lot of soul happened at Cleethorpes Winter Gardens in the last 15 years! The big Tamla sign is still locked in there, off to try to re-possess it tomorrow! If it turns up on e bay I'm gonna be a tad displeased! On the new venue front..... Watch this space!! Steve
  4. Kev there's still a few things of mine in there!! Couldn't get in to get them today, I'll have to try again tomorrow.... I'll probably end up having to buy them back on e bay! Steve
  5. Ey up Sean No, the place was sold to the Ramsden Family (local business people) a few years ago. From what i was told at the time, the staff were told to show them that the place could be a stand alone, profitable concern and then to see how it goes from there. (All allegedly of course!). From a purely business point of view, you don't have to be a genius to work out that, with today's competition, the changing of the licencing laws etc, it was always going to be a tough ask to make the old place work purely business wise. I would assume that the place is much more valuable as a development site. Still, it would have been nice to see one of our Soul Millionaires do an Abramovich on it though. HEY!!! Maybe there's still time! Millionaire's of the soul world!! Unite!! You have nothing to lose but your chains!! (oops! Sorry! Wrong struggle.......) You know who you are (WE know who a few of you are!). Come on, become a soul philanthropist! You'd be a legend on the scene forever, guaranteed! Instant Immortality!! Steve
  6. Worse fears came to pass today with the end of the 'Redundancy Consultation Period' (allegedly A.K.A. 'we're going to be making you all redundant in 3 months time but we'll just prolong the agony a bit and leave you in limbo in the faint hope of keeping your job'. The 'Consultation Period' (ahem) finished yesterday and today, guess what? The place has been boarded up and the locks have been changed. I drove down The Kingsway at lunchtime in the forlorn hope that minds might have been changed and that a mystery soul millionaire might have bought the place out of pure philanthropy and handed it over to the Soulies of the world to pass on to future genereations. But no. Just builders vans, a radio & TV crew, Big Al outside looking exceedingly sad and a lone picket with a 'save the winter Gardens' placard. Attached is a picture of the sad scene. "Lunchtime. Cleethorpes Winter Gardens. 12th February, 2007" Big thanks to all the Winter Gardens staff for letting us indulge in our dreams over the years. To Big Al, Janet, Jenny, Di, David, John & all the crew for letting us share the Winter Gardens with them. And to Jimmy Jackson and Ian Galloway (in the past) for giving us enough slack to enjoy our scene in our odd little ways. Jimmy and Ian, you were sometimes buggers to deal with, but we all loved you really. I am proud to be able to say that I ran the Northern and Modern Soul do's in the Winter Gardens Ballroom from my first in 1992 (with Gig, Sue, Ashley & Loz) to my last in November last year. 15 years of soul, and I loved every minute (well, nearly every minute!). Thanks to those who came to any of my do's during that time, whether you enjoyed it or not at least thanks for coming and trying it. We had some great do's (For me, the Dean Parrish All Dayer can never be topped), we had some not so great do's. But at least we always tried. Good times, bad times. We've had them all.......... Anyway. It's All Over Keep The faith. Keep The Fires Burning Steve
  7. That's got to be an unusual way of deciding your record purchases?? If you like it, buy it. If you don't, then don't. Same goes for spinning it out. Bollocks to worrying about what anyone else thinks. Get it bought (if you like it) get it played (if you like it). The worse that can happen is that people won't dance but at least you'll have tried something a bit unexpected. If it don't work then you could always do what my old mate Teddy Couldstone did when we were djing together at Louth town Hall about 15 years ago.He put Lorraine Johnson 'Full Time Groover' on, it cleared the floor so he stopped it after about 15 seconds, took it off the decks and threw it into the crowd with a cry of 'whoever wants that pile of shit can have it'. Top geezer....... It's probably still there to this day..... Happy days Steve
  8. Picked this up as a 12" at release off them lovely crazy beat geezers (cheers girth) and never see any about now. Lovely tune and always a safe floor-filler. I remember Trev Cox playing it first (well, first to me anyway! And in Cleethorpes winter Gardens main room! Nice 1 Trev!) and going mad 4 it. Is it quite scarce then? Steve
  9. No not gonna be there m8. DJing in York for Steve Bowman's 50th birthday. Was asked by Shazza to do it ages ago and I ain't letting him (or her) down cos they are reet top people, as are a load of the York geezer and geezerettes. Would have loved to have been at what might be the last Winter Gardens do but hey ho, onwards and upwards! I did my time there and loved every minute of it and I sincerely hope it's a fantastic night and I think it's only right that what could be the last night brings together the original DJ line-up. And then let's see what the future brings......... Steve
  10. Nice 1 Sean, a Hull boys playlist! . These were the kind of tunes that late-Callis Waudby and the piss-takingly titled 'Soul-on-Ale' at Sailmakers were all about (And many other Hull area soul nites since too) Not that we can remember much about it cos me and Captain Kearney were probably too busy fighting each other and Mark Robinson was too busy trying to keep the peace. I tried to introduce tunes such as these to the main room at my do's at Cleethorpes Winter Gardens on many occasions in the many years that I was running the old joint. But I was met with steely stares, many a rotten vegetable and mutterings of "they never played this at 10.37 p.m. on Saturday 17th July 1978 (or whenever) you heathen". Obviously the original, and undoubted, 'progessive spirit' had evaporated! (so I gave up and opened a modern room where we had many a happy hour!). Then again, I was 'offered outside' when spinning Hamilton Movement at the Gardens 5 or so years back and of course thats an accepted 'northern oldie' now. So maybe one day our 'oldies' like Denise LaSalle might become oldies to the vest and patches boys & girls. I hope not cos i want to keep them all for my very own. So there. . Anyway, 'Here I Go Again'.....(maybe veering a little off the orig thread) but I WANT to hear the likes of.... Flowers - Both Willie Darrington - never shoulda walked away Tony Troutman - wots the use Jimmy Norman - wanna make love to you Aquarian Dream - phoenix Hari Paris - u hit my love Michelle Wiley - feels good Smoke - u will always b a part of me Dysons Faces - welcome Nicky Newarkers - woman Wilson Pickett - How Will I Ever Know David Martin - yr mighty right Lashawn Collins Marie Franklin - Being in love aint easy Charisma Band George McRae -take it off Bill Brandon -streets got my lady Earl White Jnr Raj Rideout Ernest Baker Solomon Burke - pls don't say goodbye 2 me Honey Cone - somebody's always messing up a good thing Wizdum - so in luv Gene Chandler - I'll make the living Laurence Hilton Jacobs - wonderwoman Randy Brown - i'm always in the mood and all that......... Modern oldies I suppose you could call them. They're my thang, and i LUV EM!!!! Taxi for Woomble.............. Steve
  11. I reckon it's a top quality soul album. Picked it up on day of release, listened to it through and immediately thought "fuckinell this is the biz". Thought "got to share this with people" and texted all the soul-types in my address book advising them to cancel their plans for the rest of the day and get their arses down to virgin or whatever and JUST BUY IT! I've played "tears dry.." out at 2 soul nites to good response and nods of approval. If that track was coming in as an unknown vinyl one-off obscurity we'd get trampled in the stampede for it. Me, I think its a great SOUL album. Then again, it's each to their own and all that kak.
  12. NEW VENUE!! Duke Of Cumberland, North Ferriby (Near Hull). 2 miles from Humber Bridge Great new venue in this classy village location with Steve Woomble (Cleethorpes Winter Gardens), Shaun Kearney & Robin Hope (Hull soul legends!) playing all sorts of soulful party tunes! Memories of Callis Waudby, Sailmakers will come flooding back! (Sorry!) MARVEL!! As Shaun abuses the audience... STARE IN WONDER!! As Steve brings to life Jimmy Bo Horne's 'I just Can' Speak' after 12 pints BE AMAZED!! As Robin tries to break up the other 2 from fighting on stage. LAUGH! As the audience throw rotten tomatoes at the DJ's As Johnno once said....Happy Days!! PLUS!! We'll chuck in your supper for good measure! Saturday December 16th, 8 til 2. Prepare for the spirit of 'Soul-On-Ale' to rear it's too long forgotten head........ Ring Steve on 07718 877065 for info and all that stuff See you at the bar!!
  13. NEW VENUE!! Duke Of Cumberland, North Ferriby (Near Hull). 2 miles from Humber Bridge Great new venue in this classy village location with Steve Woomble (Cleethorpes Winter Gardens), Shaun Kearney & Robin Hope (Hull soul legends!) playing all... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  14. CLEETHORPES WINTER GARDENS SOUL!! Saturday August 27th.... 8 til 2 2 rooms of the finest quality Northern & Modern Soul at this truly legendary venue! Ballroom : Northern Oldies, Cleethorpes memories, Soul club classics, Motown, current soul nite and niter spins... Rob Thomas, Steve Woomble, Mick Burnett (Scarborough 99 Soul Club), Nick Bost, Gig Reilly, Gaz Sewell 'Top Of The Stairs' : Modern soul in all its guises! 7ts, 8ts, 9ts, Y2K, X-over, modern oldies, Soulful garage, disco and funk classics.... Gary Welsh, Trev Cox, Rick Scott, Steve Woomble, Tats Taylor, Robin Hope Always a great nite, £6 advance (01472-692925) or £7 on the door. The legend lives on! SOUL! How it should be,where it should be.....
  15. CLEETHORPES WINTER GARDENS SOUL!! Saturday August 27th.... 8 til 2 2 rooms of the finest quality Northern & Modern Soul at this truly legendary venue! Ballroom : Northern Oldies, Cleethorpes memories, Soul club classics, Motown, current soul nite and niter spins... Rob Thomas, Steve Woomble, Mick Burnett (Scarborough 99 Soul Club), Nick Bost, Gig Reilly, Gaz Sewell 'Top Of The Stairs' : Modern soul in all its guises! 7ts, 8ts, 9ts, Y2K, X-over, modern oldies, Soulful garage, disco and funk classics.... Gary Welsh, Trev Cox, Rick Scott, Steve Woomble, Tats Taylor, Robin Hope Always a great nite, £6 advance (01472-692925) or £7 on the door. The legend lives on! SOUL! How it should be,where it should be.....
  16. CLEETHORPES WINTER GARDENS SOUL!! Saturday August 27th.... 8 til 2 2 rooms of the finest quality Northern & Modern Soul at this truly legendary venue! Ballroom : Northern Oldies, Cleethorpes memories, Soul club classics, Motown, curren... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  17. hey here's your chance if you missed her.... We're proud to announce..... GWEN McRAE LIVE!! @ BACK IN STRIDE, WELLY CLUB, HULL!! FRIDAY 1st JULY CONFIRMED!! steve
  18. Steve Woomble and Cleethorpes Winter Gardens are extremely proud to present, the one and only DEAN PARRISH! Live and direct from the USA! All Dayer, Good Friday, March 25th, 2 til 2 PLUS!! Two rooms of the very finest Northern and Modern soul, old and new, with tunes for absolutely everyone.... MAIN BALLROOM - Ginger Taylor, Dave Raistrick, Rob Thomas, Roger Banks, Sean Chapman, Cleethorpes originals Rick Scott & Chris Dalton, Gig Reilly, Nick Borst and yours truly (If I can blag a spot at my own do!!). PLUS!! The True Queen of Soul herself, our very special guest, MARY CHAPMAN!! Real Northern Soul, old and new, Truly-Rare and Truly-un-rare(!) but all with the stamp of guaranteed soul quality. MODERN ROOM - Adam, Gary Welsh, Tats Taylor, Shaun Kearney, Robin Hope. (Sean Chapman's gonna do a bit as well and I'm gonna try to sneak in myself too!). Real x-over is definitely on the agenda in here as well as new releases, garage (mostly courtesy of gazza) and the very finest modern oldies! Hey, Modern Oldies, now that's a fine term! Anthony White, Earl White Jnr, Dysons Faces, Nicky Newarkers, Jimmy Norman, Randolph Brown, Flowers, Solid Solution, Innersection, JB Bingham, Michael Henderson, Bessie Banks.... If you know these then you know the score! Anyway, thinkin' on why not email me your Modern Oldie faves and we'll dig them out on the night! Cleethorpes Winter Gardens. We've kept the faith..... As The Vanguards said, "Good Times, Bad Times" ... we've had them all! :-) And we're still goin' strong! Back in the early 90's we had maybe only 50 or 60 of us keepin' it going sometimes. Over the years it's steadily built up and up with all of the 'lost souls' returning it was up to around 800 soulies at our anniversary last August! Like I said...Good Times, Bad Times.....we've had them all.... And wether 50 or 800, we still love(d) the music. We still kept the faith. So keep the faith with us..... On a personal note, a massive thanks for all of your continued support over the years. It 'Never Ceases To Amaze Me'! I've been running Rare Soul Nights at the Winter Gardens for 13 years now (ohmigodisitthatlong) and have absolutely loved every minute of it. Timi Yuro. You Know. See you on Good Friday at Cleethorpes Winter Gardens. All the very best Steve Woomble
  19. Joe I traded Sam a white demo a few months back he might still have it knowin the state of his sales box. I just couldn't click with it, although I tried! Steve
  20. All I can say is i was delighted to trade my (vinyl) copy of the Bay Brothers with Sam cos i always thought it was shit. Plus it went towards a Delegates Of Soul so I was well happy.
  21. Good shout Phil great 70's track in a Hull/Cleethorpes kinda fashion but was Darlene Love on it?? Was that her playin the spoons in the 3rd verse? :-)
  22. It Only Happens.......................When I Look At You... Unbeatable!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Only buy records you like. Bollocks to how rare and all that shit. Just buy the stuff you like within your price range. Get tapes off people who share your passion and who ain't trying to do a deal on you. Don't buy something just because everyone is chasing it.

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