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Everything posted by Elipaperboyreed

  1. Hey guys, Thanks for all your kind words, I certainly appreciate it from the knowledgeable people on this board. Marc, the next 45 will be our version of Motorhead's "Ace of Spades" and just for you guys here are mp3s of the A and B sides: Ace of Spades I'm Gonna Break Every Heart I Can Feel free to comment! -Eli
  2. Haha no I was definitley not offended, I honestly just wanted to set the record straight. Which show did you actually see by the way, was it Proud Galleries? That was a strange show, since the sound in that room is so bad. Anyway, like I said, I've listened to and ingested so much of this music (Soul and Gospel alike) that some of it can't help but seep out in the songs that I've written. I just didn't want anybody to think I was trying to pass it off without credit (ala zeppelin) I honestly just didn't realize what had happened! Anyway, glad you enjoyed the show --Eli
  3. The lyric in my song is "All my love will come tumbling down." I honestly could not remember where I got the line from when I was writing the song. In my opinion, all the greatest songs have roots in other songs and everybody borrows liberally. Our song "Take My Love With You" is a reinterpretation of "Take The Lord With You" by Swanee Quintet. Would you cringe the same way when you heard Ray sing "I've Got a Woman" if you heard "It Must be Jesus" by the Southern Tones first? I personally don't feel that way. Anyway now that I think about it I must have subconsciously taken the melody for the line from "Temptation 'Bout to Get Me" but hey that's what happens when you're writing songs. I didn't mean to deceive anyone and from now on if anyone asks I'll point them in the right direction! --Eli PS: By the way, nice to be a part of this grou[

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