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Everything posted by Algsoul

  1. love playing this one out now and again
  2. https://youtu.be/yyTCktR8Ebo?list=PLs80q_9HHggytbO_3vLe5a_-dG43wrJEj Brenda Boykin - Hard Swing Travellin' Man fro a few years back https://youtu.be/bFJeGjcWL0A?list=PL2PJ1AUKL_HMVleS_f-aRyQd3Y3h-rBVT Chicho Hamilton The Strut early 80ts ??
  3. r I p ian top bloke loved the times he played at our club the harold lawrence
  4. WANTED! Up to 3 tickets please for Whitby Weekender. Lawrence Grimshaw
  5. another good version https://youtu.be/FOVHpk3GWmI TheSupremes1970-"You've Got To Pay The Price
  6. is this what you are looking for https://youtu.be/5BhbYddVEVY Gloria Taylor - You Got To Pay The Price - Silver Fox lawrence
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNNaK0hSkrA&feature=player_detailpage e w and f RIP.
  8. good luck put a little in the kitty Lawrence and jools (Harold soul club)
  9. Note to our Guest DJ’s We understand that your records are valuable, treasured and expensive items. Please be assured our equipment and sound system is first rate. We use Genuine Technics 1210 MK2 turntables and Ortofon Concorde Cartridges. Each turntable is calibrated every time the equipment is setup on the day. Both tone arms are zero balanced, checked for ‘0’ anti-skate, and stylus tracking force is applied at 3gms weight. The styli are checked and replaced regularly too. We have all turned up to DJ at certain clubs and have been expected to play our records on cheap poorly maintained ‘junk’ equipment and worried about what impact it will have on our precious records right??? We respect our records and yours too. So please play your highly prized 45’s with confidence, and be assured that your records are not going to be chiseled and trashed by too much weight, worn Styli, or just badly setup equipment.
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161718590786?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT if anybody only as aux on your hi fi and want to put a deck to it these are only £18.99 and work ok
  11. the boot went for £53.00 on ebay the other day so maybe £150.00 issue and a little more for the demo lawrence
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NORTHERN-SOUL-BITSN-PIECES-KEEP-ON-RUNNING-AWAY-NASCO-LABEL-RI-/231781649624?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=rvEaut2Kxdii9a95SEzgWOLYWRQ%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc bit steep for a boot
  13. foreign exchange tales from the land of milk and honey https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL_v1WjUihzgjCyIzVcKZRgqr0L5DTU0vw&v=FmbSWlWr5NE&feature=player_detailpage
  14. check your card date as not run out the one that backs up your paypal lawrence
  15. https://www.jazzmanrecords.co.uk/ think you will find it on this site
  16. you lot just cost me money ordered most of the tunes on the thread lawrence

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