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Everything posted by murano

  1. Looking for the 1979 Sebastian „Sonny“ DiNunzio LP on keystone. Could pay PayPal, Banktransfer or cash in germany
  2. Hello! I‘m looking for a copy of Custer's Last Band – Before You / I Couldn't Last A Day Without Your Love on Golden Chariot. PM with details and price if you can help Cheers Maik
  3. Found a few acetates all with unknown artists. This one sound very like blue eyed UK soul. What do you thinking about?
  4. Need a copy of "Little Tony, I'm Coming Home On W.b. 7166" Issue or demo. would pay with PayPal.
  5. Thanks a lot dave!
  6. Hello motown collectors Found a VIP record on a fair. "The LaSalles, LaLaLaLaLa b/w This Is True, V.I.P. 25036" Anyone know who the lead singer of the Motown LaSalles is? Or anything about the Motown LaSalles? Is it a combination like the LaBrenda Ben & the Bell Jeans? thanks for any info.
  7. If you don't find that box, i have this one. Some titles are the same, all lookalike reissues. https://vitacongusto.blogspot.de/2009/11/explosivos-deep-soul-from-latin-heart_01.html
  8. For how much goes it nowadays?
  9. Want a copy of: JOE E. YOUNG & THE TONIKS "Life Time Of Lovin'" / "Flower In My Hand" Toast Waiting for offers! Thanks!
  10. Want COLLEEN & TEDDY "beachnut" on Mira And the Joe E. Young & the Toniks "Soul Buster" LP on Toast at a set sale price. I prefer Paypal. Hope anyone got a copy or know a seller who got. Thanks
  12. Found some informalion: Legendary houseband of the Jazzclub í…¾Domicile" in the mid 70's. Produced by Werner Sch¼ler. The singer Mel Canady was born in alabama and went to munich (germany) with his gospelband. He stay here and and work with a lot of german jazz and soul bands and as an actor on some theathers in germany. Now he plays Ray Charles in the Musical "Ray" on a theather in munich.
  13. hello! Look for a copy of: Shirley Wahls "Why am i crying" on King Anyone? Prefer paypal! Thanks a lot.
  14. Found something Maybe he is Chico Chism: My link
  15. Hello all. Found this it in antiques shop, found nothing about it on the internet. Only a post in this forum about Chico that he is the ex drummer of Howlin Wolf. Chico "The Boogie Man"-Coo Fanny Coo/High Rise Blues CHER-KEE vinyl EX label has a writing Put it on youtube so you can listen and see the record My link I can't give a price cause its unknown. Please make an offer..
  16. Nothing? Maybe its a cover up.. Come on, anyone knows something about.
  17. Sheila "La Vamp" same titled on french Carrere EP
  18. Hello! Found a song on youtube "pam jackson & magic city if you don't pop the question". Usually i don't listen to modern records but this one is great. Can't find much information about it. Only a chat and something about an acetate. other people write it is a cover up. The chat was from 2009. Can't belive that the song is unreleased till 2011. Anyone know something about it or about a release? Thanks M*
  19. Hello all, I search for the faster version of Jamo Thomas "must i holler". Is it a LP track or anything unrealased? Sure anyone know..
  20. Hello all. Found a strange vogue record. Titled as Group: "Slim Pikins" and Song: "Tighten up" produced by Ed Chalpin german vogue. The strange thing is that the singer say something about "I'm Tommie Knight and the Nights from Miami Florida..." Found nothing about Tommie or Tommy Night & the Nights. Anyone know something about the Group? Put it on Youtube: Thanks M*
  21. Hello All! Found a copy of the Ramon Morris Sweet Sister Funk. Not my sound, so i want to sell it. I search Popsike and some others to check how much its worth. There is a reissue on Groove Merchant GM 516 and the original has the same cat no. Both are U.K press. The strange thing is that my copy is on People PLEO 5 and is also a UK press. Anyone know something about? I know it is a soul not a jazz forum, but maybe anyone know..
  22. next time i visit belgium i PM a few days before Diggin Dave.
  23. i drive 1/2 hour to antwerp so I'm visit it 4or5 times a year. found a lot of good records there but that was 10years ago. nowadays you have many record tourists from all over europe and the sellers now the price of every f.... record. I know the shop in the ebay auction he has written "its from his privat collection" Why should he sell them on ebay as a bargain when he has a shop with many record collector visitors.....

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