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Dave Rimmer

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Everything posted by Dave Rimmer

  1. Hmm, I'd hardly call three 'lots', which is the post I originally replied to. That was the point I originally questioned, it just then started to puzzle me as to why nobody was prepared to name all these 'big name' DJs that were using laptops. As I said in one of my earlier posts, I wasn't being critical, and would have been quite happy using a laptop at the Hamburg weekender boat trip myself (Because that's when I ended up with a bottle of beer spilt all over the decks, records included) I just don't believe that there are 'lots' of big name DJs using laptops, and would be surprised if anyone could name more than half a dozen 'big name' DJs who have used laptops at all, never mind on a regular basis. And if my assumption on that is correct, it's a mis-leading statement to say 'lots of big name DJs' use laptops.
  2. Like you say, what does it matter, if you name them. I keep pushing because nobody has actually named one of these big name DJs, just alluded to knowing about it. You see, I'm a simple man, I don't understand what all this smoke and mirrors is about. if you know someone uses a laptop, what's the problem with naming tham. I haven't said I am crticial of them, (In fact given certain circumstances I'd fully support the idea), I just want to know who the 'Big name' DJs are that are using laptops. Why is that a problem to you ?
  3. So who are these 'big names' ? Why are people afraid of naming them ? If they use a laptop, they use a laptop, as you say, it is what it is. So why all the secrecy ?
  4. Well, actually I haven't heard about plenty well known DJs doing this, which is why I asked the question, so, yes it probably would be helpful if these well known DJs are named. After all, if you say 'plenty' and the other post says 'lots' I'm surprised I haven't heard about it, I'm out nearly every weekend, from one end of the country to another. And I thought that's what this thread was about...a DJ playing MP3s from a laptop.
  5. Who said I was talking about you
  6. No, but I know a professional photographer who still recieves payments from an agency who manage the photographs she took years ago. If someone uses one of her images in a book, or on a website, they have to pay. Simple as that.
  7. I'm not being funny here, but when you say lots of big name 'DJs' are doing it, who do you actually mean ? Can you name lots of DJs doing it ?
  8. The Don Mancha, Don Montgomery, Jack Montgomery and John Terry connection is all explained in the interview I did with Don Mancha https://www.soulfulkindamusic.net/inter1.htm
  9. The last sentence is the key. I probably DJ 40 weekends in a year, sometimes Friday and Saturday, however, when I'm not DJing, I go out for the night to a venue of my choice. Simple really. If one of my mates is DJing somewhere, or running a venue, that's where I'll go.
  10. Like Chalky says, without a doubt. There are lots of people around who have never been scooterists, and never wanted to be either.
  11. Only a very vague connection to the scene with this one, but I found it quite surreal. A couple of weeks ago I was sitting in the courtyard of Jessica's local pub in Llandeilo in Wales. Now Llandeilo is a town of 2000 people, with, I think five pubs, so you can imagine what it's like. So we were sitting chatting, when Katjca (Spelling?), the only Finnish girl in the town comes across for a chat. So, we have a Finn, an American, and an Englishman sitting outside this pub. Katjca happens to ask where we are the following weekend, and Jess says I'm DJing, so we are at my house. Katjca asks what sort of music I play, and I say northern Soul. This is the scary bit: She then says you don't know a guy called Heikki from Helsinki do you. We both say yes ! It turns out that Jessica only knows one guy from Finland, and I know two, and Heikki is one of them. Not only does Katjca know him, she's got his phone number in her phone, and he's moved into her old flat ! What are the odds on that happening ?
  12. Not DJ related, but I have a very similar tale from 20 years ago involving a Torsion Teste, which I'm sure a few on here will remember from the time it happened. They howled with laughter at me then Ian, so you have my sympathy I even had the collection of student nurses studying my testicles as well !
  13. Lifeline dates now added to the allnighter planner. If any other allnighter promoters want their dates adding, just PM me, and I'll usually get them added within 24 hours.
  14. Yeah we had a great time, it was just full on all weekend ! The problem is though in order to secure the hotel for the weekend, John Mills had to book every room in his name, and that didn't come cheap. There were also all the associated hassles of finding equipment for three rooms, sorting out DJ rotas, changing them round when DJs can't be arsed turning up ! etc etc etc. I remember one year John Mills came into the bar on the Sunday morning with a five pound note held out in front of him. I asked him what it was, and he said "profit from the weekender". So we had a pint each that year ! But I think we managed to use all the top DJs in the country that were playing rarer stuff at the time. Would I contemplate doing it all again. Not a chance !
  15. It's probably much easier if you go to Youtube yourself and type in Northern Soul as a search term. You'll get a mixture of results, but as nobody on this site would agree what defines a Northern Soul record, you'll have to make your own mind up as to whether things fall into the category.
  16. The last couple of years when Hoss couldn't make it I had the honour (!!!!????) of partnering Roger on those breakfast shows, and they truly were mayhem. I remember one Saturday morning we got through 8 cans of bitter each ! and on the Sunday morning I went straight from the niter to do the radio show. Chaos ! But great fun ! I don't know who will be doing those spots this time because I won't be going in March, (I'm DJing in Germany that weekend) and when I spoke to Roger last Saturday he hadn't been booked to DJ either.
  17. Erm, if they really are unknown and obscure tracks that you want to play, how are you going to get copies of them ?
  18. That's because you've said you want to pay less than £300
  19. Just out of interest, here's the review I did of the book in question when it was first published. Andrew Wilson - Northern Soul - Music, drugs, and subcultural identity - Willian Publishing - ISBN 978184322087 Originally written as a thesis for his PhD, Andrew Wilson, with this historical ethnography (And I had to look it up in the dictionary what a historical ethnography is !) has certainly covered his subject well. This is a heavyweight book ! Although the subject matter is related to the Northern Soul scene throughout because that's where Andrew drew his research from, this isn't a book about the Northern Soul scene, or even Soul music for that matter. It's a serious piece of research into the why's and wherefores of how and when , and what consequences, drugs have had on the cultural groupings of people who were into Northern in the Seventies. In all honesty, if you have been around the Northern scene for any length of time, you will recognise some of the scenarios discussed, perhaps not from personal experience, but you'll have heard of someone in those situations..There are light moments of humour as well, in particular, I love the quote where the author is interviewing a friend from the Seventies and asked him "When did you first take drugs ?", and the reply was "When you gave me some !". Classic ! Because this is really an academic piece of work it isn't cheap, and if you buy it through the Publisher it will cost you £40. However, if you email Andrew on a8drewson@googlemail.com, I'm sure he can come to some arrangement with you that will be a little bit less.
  20. The question is not how much is it worth, but how much did I pay for it And the answer is I couldn't have bought three of your trolleys
  21. Bloody hell Brett, those are £140 !
  22. I've still got that bag, well an updated version (Quick tip if you use bags from Argos to carry records: They will be wrecked in about 6 - 9 months from the weight. Keep the receipt and take it back to Argos, they will give you a brand spanking new one under the 12 months guarantee. I've probably had ten big wheeled holdalls, and only paid for three )
  23. My sentiments exactly. I bought a shopping trolley from Argo for £20, the type you see old ladies using lol. Ripped the bag off and use elasticated straps to hold the box on. Does the job perfectly, and £40 cheaper than the specific DJ trolleys.

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