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Everything posted by soulpaul0

  1. my two pennys worth.................you get top 500 or night of things that clears the floor ,what's need is a few unknows played even if it clears the floor and to follow it up for a few weeks to get it in the minds of the only want the top 500 /i went to wigan lot.
  2. southgate 2010 open my ears to a lot of new tunes to me with some great people
  3. two photos from bhr/bsso racing this year
  4. easy its a lb jay better know as a little black jobbie
  5. ohh arh thats s*it, make me laugh hope you new year does'nt fizzle out so easy
  6. thats it having a senior moment (its a worry) was trying to think of it all day of to play it again cheers paul
  7. the brain gone blank who sang- i cry myself to sleep- tried you tube ect and its not listed. girl singing about how she lost love.
  8. well done for the post it might be 30 years old but its well worth a listen 2 down 9 to go you forget how good the tunes are because you heard them a million times before but never play them as they are only motown/not rare /northern so off to listen to some TMG
  9. cheers pete will try and track it down plus b side you deseve a pat on the back
  10. Does anyone know if ronnie forte's that was whiskey talking every come out on cd ? super tune never seen it on cd must be many more that are hard to get and not released (talking about well knowed tunes/big hitters on the dance floor.
  11. so did marrying the ex and look where that got me got to say every post i'ma thinking yes thats the one, then read next and think top tune just because most are common/not rare they don't get play out as often as they may warrant it's to late to night but it's a motown night tomorrow
  12. sounds good worked out nightbus etc then forgot it was on that weekend kicking myself as its alot easy than going to kenndeys ect as its only 10 miles not 240 on a duty vist to my mum looked like a good night from the play lists. paul
  13. is there going to be a repeat of this as could not make this one and it looked awinner
  14. it's a gas is on the a side and the b side= vitamins are/is easier to take than this record. more leaning to IS on the second word i think thats right?
  15. might get more then the usual two or three right for once but won't bet on it!
  16. matt did'nt think it would be that easy /cheap to get but will look out for it but must say nice and easy is a good tune also but never here this is the thanks played out so time to dig in the boxes folks and play it (might be a bit slow but i would dance to it as it atune that needs to be heard)
  17. that's it sorry for the delay but looking at other things on soul source then had to play it three or four times first so pete you do get thanks for typing the answer so quick you must have worked you fingers to the bone just going to listen once more
  18. does any one know what the record is call with the words -i work my fingers to the bone (also ) this is the thanks i get. it's by a woman singer and it's not the carol jiani tune, this is not a quiz just want to know whats it call so i can buy it is it on a cd?
  19. wil come but busy this week and next week not looking good and the week after ect.
  20. i was up for that in till i saw the door tax. want chicken in a basket (with lights going on for 5/10 mins) for that.
  21. the white label scan (second one down) is it thank you for the reply live and learn must omit thought it was a reissue but took the chance so happy its not and not a waste of a £5
  22. got the mirettes on mirwood white label promo copy right number 5531 for now that i found you, baby but the b side is the same is this right or a boot/repress?
  23. some great records on here but no one mention a fav of mine i should be proud. by martha reeves if that don't get you you got no soul!

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