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Everything posted by Daved

  1. Errr no. No soul category in the MOBOs. Criminally under recognised.
  2. Sorry, I don't know, but it's an excellent record. I'm surprised it's never made it onto a compilation CD.
  3. I agree with most on this particular point. It's difficult enough for new artists to sell anything in quantity these days without their material being covered up and boot legged. If it was as easy as trawling download sites, obtaining some decent retro sounds, covering them up and cutting carvers, then we'd could all be the next Butch without too much difficulty.
  4. Why not? It's a great record.
  5. It's had some recognition but it's a remix of an old song rather than a new release.
  6. Hi Mike Yes lol. I'll make an effort this year, for the first time in many years, to do a round up. I'll also include my best CDs of the decade.
  7. Hi Gary, I hadn't included compilations but you're right. The Maze Tribute CD is awesome. "I Can't Wait" track from the forthcoming Marcell & The Truth CD is superb and a great taste of things to come. I also think the Jeff Ramsey tracks are the best on the James Day CDs so another one to look forward to.
  8. Oh, and Teena Marie - Congo Square
  9. Mike, There's been a lot of very good CDs released recently. In fact I think 2009 will be remembered as a bit of a golden year. Examples include: N'Dambi - Pink Elephant Maxwell - BLACKsummers night Will Downing - Classique George Benson - Songs and Stories Calvin Richardson - Facts of Life Smokey Robinson - Time Flies When You're Having Fun Lee Fields - My World Lisa McClendon - Reality Ann Nesby - The Lula Lee Project James Day - Natural Things Makeda - Escape From Egypt
  10. He is generally better known for his work with Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway in the last 70s.
  11. Me'lisa Morgan again with picture
  12. Mel'isa Morgan
  13. His new CD is good - Songs & Stories
  14. I've been to quite a few both north and south and I would say that there are few differences. The differences that so exist, generally speaking, are: Younger punters down south More oldies played up north People stay longer up north Modern soul better up north Allnighters more popular up north As I said, they're generalisations and there will be notable exceptions but that's just my view.
  15. Paul Collins on Solar is also very good. Not certain when he's on these days - Tuesdays 6-8pm? Anyway, you can download his shows at the following link: https://www.raregroovesmodernsoul.com/
  16. Suioz, do you what you want. As long as your open about it and the punters don't mind, then it's no big deal. You don't need any seal of approval imo
  17. You could order it here, but it's not available until 15 Sep https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_1_7?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=100+club+anniversary&sprefix=100+clu
  18. Excellent CD it is too. Very much worthehile purchase.
  19. A surprisingly high figure I believe. At least it was when someone last asked this question. I got mine for free when I ordered a load of other stuff from a bloke in Southend 25 years ago.
  20. The best version of this much covered song imo. Also available on a Jazz Juice LP/CD which is quite hard to find these days and iTunes!
  21. My Favourite Person Imagination Darling Darling baby Message In Our Music Brandy
  22. Blimey. There's a question. Changes all the time but these have got to be up there. The O'Jays "My Favourite Person" Jean Carne "Was That All It Was" Teddy Pendergrass "When Somebody Loves You Back" Bill Paul "Bring The Family Back" (still a stone cold classic!) Harold Melvin & Bluenotes "Bad Luck"
  23. Like a few others have said, when I travel far I go for the music. When I go locally it's purely for the crack.
  24. There You Go. There you go
  25. Did Edwin Starr's "Contact" or "Happy Radio" get played at Wigan? Also, I don't think anyone comfirmed if Billy Ocean "RLSD" or "LRHWY" got played there or not.

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