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Everything posted by Daved

  1. Correct link now added to post above
  2. Just found this thread in case anyone had mentioned this Boz Scaggs similarity before. Surely he's nicked Billy Prophet to come up with Dinah Flo? Or is it just me? I've forgotten how good this is
  3. Damon Fox is 1.54 but every second a gem
  4. I'm afraid to say I had a white T-shirt with a black fist and Keep the Faith on it in 1985. It suited me then
  5. Or Wales Wallace
  6. I think Bob likes a bit of soul. He was singing Ghetto Child last series.
  7. I remember it being on a CDR you gave me at the time Mike.
  8. My daughter and I have been estranged for a few years. This stared immediately after the separation, then was fine for some years and then happened again. I kept in touch but it was one way traffic. However, recently we've seen each other twice and even came along for a meal for my birthday. These things typically work out in the long run, thankfully.
  9. Most folk got similar scores last week. Hence, me in 3rd place! . We might see more distinction this week. I'm certain I'll get a lot less points with a lot of players from my team playing each other.
  10. One of the best imo. The two albums are excellent. He visited the UK quite a few times I believe. I saw him at a Fleetwood weekender and it was a real pleasure to hear that unique voice live.
  11. So many great songs. I can't find a full list but there must be one somewhere. Here's one that springs to mind
  12. The Ike Strong sounds great. I thought it was True Image first but it sounded different so I wasn't 100%. I'm amazed it was such a popular record that warranted lots of handclaps in unison.
  13. I'm back in and will be much better this year
  14. Old thread revival. Richard has recently added this to Mixcloud. I know nearly all of them, but some I don't. Any chance anyone could add a track listing please? https://www.mixcloud.com/spurs1961/my-final-dj-set-at-wigan-casino-691981/
  15. Ray Greene's recent album is very good and I'm sure he'd be great live. I have a promoter's name for him who might be interested.
  16. Album of the year so far imo. Loads of great tracks.
  17. I had my stag weekend there in 1997. It was sweltering hot in the room and Maxine Brown was superb.
  18. I don't know who it is, but it's not Teena Marie, although I can see the similarities at some points of the song.
  19. Congrats Girth. Bottom for me! For the first time ever. Must do better next season
  20. I saw it too and agree with Richard. Perhaps more singing and dancing than storyline compared to most shows but I enjoyed it. Was pleasantly surprised to hear Since I Lost My Baby.
  21. I'll be amazed if equals the original. It scared the life out of me as a kid.
  22. Looks like I'll have to eat my words Steve. It makes you wonder why we so boring for the last two seasons he was in charge. I still hope someone else takes over next season and Roy can leave on a high.
  23. Not sure Steve. I was really chuffed when he left and only a club like Palace would reappoint him after he bored us all to death. I can't thinking a performance like we had on Saturday is going to be very far and few between.
  24. That night involved Tommy Hunt, Ivy Jo Hunter and another? I think Kim & Brenda were on a separate later occasion. Great of him to bring these acts to sing at his events.
  25. RIP Chris. I used to love the Bretby all-nighters he used to promote with Dave Thorley. He was always very welcoming.

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