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Everything posted by Daved

  1. Vocal for me almost every time aside from the aforementioned Sidra's Theme and Liberty's "Girl You Better Wake Up"
  2. What I've heard of it sounds great.
  3. Otis Redding - Otis Blue. The ultimate 60s soul LP.
  4. RIP Idris. "I Believe In You"
  5. derr. Of course. But surely most of the pictures would've already featured in the earlier book?
  6. Isn't the book the same one that came out last year and can be bought separately?
  7. John Harris was on the original CD listing. Has it now been pulled for copyright reasons?
  8. Really? I've got Ben Aiken. I used to love it at the time but haven't played it for over 25 years. How much out of interest?
  9. Didn't Chris King also DJ at Wigan?
  10. Why did he do it? The ammo?
  11. RIP Bobby. Soul hero. Legend. I'm so pleased I got to see him live at the Kentish Town Forum about 18 months ago. Despite his frail health, it was still a wonderful concert.
  12. That's a great intro. So is Lamont Dozier's "Don't Want........."
  13. I understand what the big deal is. Perhaps I could if it was an undiscovered song that was excellent. We've all heard it a million times before. You can see I don't take this record collecting lark seriously
  14. I agree. If something like "Hard to Handle" was previously unreleased then it would be a massive NS tune. I love Otis too. The best ever imo!!!
  15. RIP Bob. I'm absolutely shocked It feels odd to be so sad about the death of someone I've never met or spoken to. He brought about much sanity to this site when some people were losing their cool. Often with a great sense of humour too. I remember, during one of those heated, over long ovo threads, when someone asked what would happen if they played a 2nd issue of a record out, and Bob replied that the floor would open up beneath him and then drop him straight to the gates of hell
  16. The good news is that it's at the Indig02 which is a much smaller, better venue than the main arena. The bad news is that tickets are £50 standing and £75 seating. Much higher than other gigs in that arena. I expected it to be a bit more expensive but that's outrageous. Btw Jock, Levi won't be there
  17. RIP Don. Massive figure in Detroit soul. Still making great records in the 70s too.
  18. I don't believe there is
  19. Sorry that's NW!
  20. Steve Plumb runs a do called Oh So Soulful 70s or something like that which is probably what you're looking for. It's in the Leyland area I think.
  21. What a disaster!! Train wreck city.
  22. You’re right about what you say about the B&S chart and music undergoing a radical change. However, 1988 was actually a golden year for soul music with many fantastic LPs — most of which don’t feature in your chart. Off the top of my head I can think of Angela Bofill, Chapter 8, Jean Carne, Broomfield, Perri, Anita Baker, Luther Vandross, Gerald Albright, Will Downing, Pieces of a Dream, Mica Paris and By All Means
  23. Great news. Hope there'll be a podcast available
  24. Really? No announcement on the London gig on 31 May
  25. Great playlist. When was this gig? when is the next one?

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