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Everything posted by Louise

  1. Yep its deffo on a another label it's not Dave's but i have seen it it's an obscure label and i've probably said too much already........
  2. Sweetsoul28 is soulbowl its the same one as Taff mentioned
  3. Try the "Hello" thread in the main section he's there
  4. Probably the best idea
  5. Hello mate
  6. Ted its an old thread
  7. yep its "Little Joan"
  8. Just checked it out .... yep thats one of your best you are funnier than Little Britain and thats funny
  9. Oh how we laughed at that when Dave first got Eric Lomax in 2000 he covered it as Means of Escape i stuck a picachu sticker on the label and then Mick decided he would call it Eric Lomax and that name stuck ............Then Tim Browns price guide Featured "Means Of Escape" he even gave it a record number it turns out people thought Dave was playing it Uncovered so just how good are these price guides? or should i say how well researched are they
  10. Hello Ken you know you love disco
  11. Yes you did Dave played it at the Wilton The night he was playing disco (you must have had your ear plugs in )
  12. Hiya Chalky, Dave has an acetate Butch also has one and Soul Sam had it but i believe he sold it???
  13. Its The Topics on a Virtue acetate
  14. Anita Robbins is also available on the latest Grapevine 45
  15. Louise

    gideon from leicester

    "Gideon" from Leicester
  16. Louise

    pecker & janet @ buzzard

    Hiya, Janet is fine , Married & living back in the West Midlands!
  17. Christian i really don't know its a darts team thing its because iv'e got short hair and i'm "butch"
  18. You forgot we've also bought a carribean island and will hold weekenders there
  19. Hi Taff mate how you doing? I'm not going anywhere i'm at work, the numbers at home, so i'll bring it to work tomorrow and post it on here see thats how rumours start hope to see you soon xx
  20. Hi Christian his name is Martyn Bradley, i have the phone number at home will bring it tomorrow if you can't get it before
  21. There is a stanna lift there so no excuses

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