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Everything posted by Louise

  1. Hey Phil I hate Marmite, but love the Gentlemen Four both sides, that's the trouble wih this scene too many people being critical of records, if the Gentlemen Four doesn't ignite the dance floor as easily as the Masqueraders so what, that's there loss. Mind you the Gentlemen Four has had it's moments down the years, for those who have never taken a sabbatical. Dave
  2. When did a common record like "Do You Love Me" become worth £800.00 So what value would a Gentlemen Four command ? Come on Butch dig your "Can't Keep A Good Man Down" and spin it, then let's watch the great and the good run around like headless chicken's to get one Stop press Milton Wright on Saitron has just gone for £265.00 when a month ago it was hitting the dizzy heights of £450.00 someone's gonna be pissed Dave
  3. Ted Massey the chin strokers Lionel Blair who likes to practice yoga in public !!!
  4. Judy Hughes !!!
  5. If anyone deserves a place in the SS Hall Of Fame it's Billy How's about it Mr Moore ? Dave
  6. Never mind the clothes who got the gear ? Dave
  7. Nice article but no mention of either Vickie Labatt or his own two 45 releases "Do You Love Me/Who's Loving Her Now" and the one on red shagg "The Fat Man" something or other ? plus Donald Lee Richardson "I Learned My Lesson" first released on Shagg. His Hotline 45 "Whatcha Gonna Do/Boston Fleet" as well as his own deep soul outing on Sapphire which I can't remember the title ? Also the one on Superdrome. Dave
  8. Well Steve The Dynamic Sounds Orchestra will be hitting the streets on a 45 late April, Dave Soul Junction
  9. It's A Secret !
  10. Hey Chico that Marilyn Barbarin sounded a bit crackly, or was she eating a lion bar Dave
  11. As a matter of interest The Metro's line up on the RCA album cover is as follows, the guy standing on the left hand side is Robert Suttles, the guy in the picture frame Percy Williams, the guy standiing on the right hand side Joe Buckman and finally the guy kneeling down at the front Alfred Mitchell. Dave
  12. Hi Steve Old Maurice still makes the odd cameo appearance out and about to this day. Dave
  13. How's about flippin' it over for the equally excellent "What's This Coming" ? Dave
  14. Lou Rawls "Stop Me From Starting This Feeling U.S Epic W/D Mint £25.00 Postage £2.50 (1st/Recorded). A recent Richard Searling rival in the soul room at Prestatyn Dave
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  15. Swiss Movement "I Wish Our Love Would Last Forever" on the Gold label complete with a gold label and yellow vinyl. Also most of the releases I've seen on the West Coast Shurtinga label appear to be on yellow vinyl. Dave
  16. I've given this a few spins at Grumpy Soul and it got a few of the Scottish lads very excited ! But for those who's of a more gentile persuasion who don't wish to throw shapes around a dance floor, then check out the very nice sweet soul A-side "Face The Future" "When Times Are Bad" ain't too shabby a record either. Dave
  17. Nice to see Poke getting some long overdue credit, maybe you ought to start a thread solely dedicated to Poke, then Rich ? He's still got a great DJ presence as witnessed during his cameo appearance in the Soul Bowl room at Prestatyn. Dave
  18. Not according to the prices regulary achived on E-bay, Manship's auctions etc, it's the more played to death has been records from the past that seem to reach top dollar. I always thought you bought records first and formost for your own personel enjoyment not to enhance your ego and kudos, could this be the real reason for the initail vitriol on this thread ? Dave
  19. Here we go again, its amazing how in less than 12 months the Secret Stash guys have gone from hero's with the unisssued Ringleaders and Sharpees 45's to zero's with their current releases. Only last week the great unwashed of Soul Source were hailing Ady Croasdell as the greatest discover of unissued northern with a potential vocal version of Tyler & Davis's "Hold On Help Is On The Way" and this week your giving the Secret Stash guy's a kicking for doing exactly the same, come on double standards or what ! The secret tash guys have spent a lot of hardwork and their own money, buying the mastertapes etc from the family to produce a great product included the unearthing of circa 50 previously unissued tracks thus far ! Thet ought to be applauded not lambasted, for preserving the history and legacy of these great small independent black Chicago ladels. There's one thing you lot need to remember, no matter how many thousands of pounds you spend on a record you only ever own the carrier not the music, The ownership of the music remains with either the label owners/producers/artists or the person/s to whom they may have sold the rights on to at a latter date and it is theirs to do what they see fit with period. Dave
  20. Posted on behalf of Ian Clark, who is not very good with computers lol ;-) Louise The uk soul scene would not be where it is today without the hard work soul bowl and john anderson put in all those days ago. From rare northern to rare groove and breaks and beats, let alone opening our ears and minds to such classics as ernest baker, melvin moore, pages, king tutt, zz and co, tolbert, bobby rich, gilmore brothers, larom baker, phil flowers, motherfox, sideshow, vise, george hobson that list is endless sixties soul from little ann, george pepp, bobby kline, martells, vondells, springers, poets wrapped around etc what a tune. Prices are like stocks and shares, but taste and having contacts and a dedication to soul is beyond the call of duty, respect and admiration. Without john and the chip butties i would have never gained the reputation for a soul spinner over these decades of soul music, the best years ever ! It was an honour to have climbed the steps to portland st to see the copy of maurice williams being sold for 3 quid or was it 10 to ian levine...aye "Its sold ian, I'll have find you another one" John has an unassuming air, never letting on e j chandler was in the next box..or the new wanderers on ready. The best was the aeroplane song and lil ann acetate 'lean lanky daddy'which i believe was written about john???..aye. I miss the barn,the smell, the chats, the chips, the whole house given over to a soul heaven. A stunning operation, thank god for John and america for soul music. oh! and the carstairs, also don't forget graham and john at cheapo, or terry at record corner.Plus dave burton with his tapered trews and the freddie jones. respect clarky hidden in norfolk, near kings lynn (or soul bowl as the locals call it).
  21. Ok for me it's "little Joan" all the way, my mate forever, but always so full of soul i will always remember the good times, i was oblivious, but Joan was always buyng records;-) Louise xxx not Dave for a change! xxx

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