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Everything posted by Louise

  1. Beg pardon Len But from that list I gave you I played Joyce Elaine Yuille and Dee De Warwick at a allnighter on Saturday night. Dave
  2. Here you Len Try tuning into some of these show to hear some of the newer soul output: Mick O'Donnelly's Soul Discovery Show (Solar Radio) Mark Merry's Soul Sermon Mix Up (Starpoint Radio) Steve Guarnori's Soul Time Show (Solar Radio) Dave Thorley's Crossing The Tracks Show Plus Laurence from Soul Brother Records does a Sunday morning show on solar which highlights all the new vinyl and cd releases. Plus a shed load of other radio shows which can all be found in the Soul Media section on Soul Source. You ain't gonna like everything you hear but if you can pick up on a couple of tracks per show then all the better. Dave
  3. Dee Dee Warwick soon to be available on vinyl very soon Dave
  4. O.K Len Go and find (goole) these these out: Joyce Elaine Yuille "Just Say Goodbye" Victor Hayes "Picking Myself Up" Natural Resources "If There Were No You" E.R.I.C Life's A Mess Dee Dee Warwick "You Tore My Wall Down" All currently or soon to be available at a very affordable price. ATB Dave
  5. Not wishing to be pedantic, but would that be rings or chunks Rod ? Dave
  6. Simple answer my friend, don't accept a DJ booking in Lancashire, a proper discerning DJ would be selective where he or she plies their trade while a 15 minutes of fame player of records would a accept a booking in Syria at the ISIS Christmas party just to DJ, and pay their own airfare although he or she would most likely only need a one way ticket. Dave
  7. I've been following this thread for a few days now with feelings of both amusement and disbelief ! So inkeeping with the title of the thread here's a couple of point's I'd like to raise: When did the scene's demise become the DJ's fault ? For a proper DJ (and not a crowd pleasing player of records) to break a new unknown record he needs to have a receptive and intelligent audience to appreciate the fact ! being behind the wheels of steel can be a very frustrating, intimidating and unenjoyable experience when coming under attack from a bunch of Willie Mitchell's "THe Champion" requesting got into northern via a recent BBC documentary maniac's, therefore why DJ's bother to put themselves in such a uncomfortable situation. Secondly the claim that no new records are turning up ? well there is, but because of the recent trend of if it ain't a 100 mph stomper it's no good anything midtempo and soulful gets largely ignored. A lot of previously unissued material is being released by several bona fide record labels worldwide which again is getting largely ignored because its only a tenner or because it's deemed a new record and DJ's are scared of being accused of not playing original vinyl. There's a whole world of great soul music out there if your open minded enough to got out there and find it, too much living in the past ain't healthy. Dave
  8. Hey Dave Surely if it plays backwards she's singing "gink si hctub evad
  9. Sadly heard last night that legendary Detroit Drummer/Producer/Writer George MCGregor passed away last Friday. He had been ill for some time, and had suffered a heart attack early last week before finally passing away on Friday. R.I..P George Dave
  10. That's a matter of opinion, personally I buy the records I like and not what I'm told I should like, but if your personal opinion of me is that I haven't "got a clue" the so be it. Dave
  11. No Chris I haven't bought any, but why would I , if his podcasts are anything to go by, pressumably the cream of his collection, ?why would I waste my money buyings his cast offs ! Dave
  12. Well 18 hours after the start of this thread I see the great unwashed of Soul Source have really shown the extent of their knowledge, with the passing of a true pioneering legendary DJ like Lucky Cordell goes virtually unoticed !!! I've lost count of how many times of I've seen and read the accolade of 'Legendary DJ' being awarded to some trumped up ebay over bidding tinpot Northern Legend in his own lunch box hot boxer, who are nothing when held up against the likes of Lucky Cordell. If this scene spent more time reading up on it's true history and not the latest over commercial TV coverage that seems to be rammed down everyone's throat then, they just might find out that it was the likes of Lucky Cordell who first spun The Savadors "Stick By Me Baby", The C. O. D.s She's Fire", Nolan Chance "Just Like The Weather" Gene chandler "Mr BIg Shot" ete, etc, etc Rest In Peace Lucky you deserve it. Dave
  13. One of the good guys, he'll be missed. Condolences to his family. Dave & Louise
  14. Well in answer to your quote "Being put to the test with the needle on the decks" the other caravan occupant's and Johhny Hampton owners club members including myself were in alphabetical order Mark Dobson, Pete Hulatt and Mick Smith who've all given their fair share of airplay to said record. Dave
  15. What ! this record has been hammered for years and as for there only being a handful of copies (as stated on a previous thread) well I was in a Caravan at Cleethorpes that contained four careful owners of said record. Likewise with Melvin Davis on Wheel City it amazes me how some of the blurb on certain auction sites polutes the true rarity or more to the point the non rarity of some of these 45's !! Dave
  16. As I've previously stated on a thread over Christmas about celebrities professing to be northern soul fans and then being given their own shows to spin the same old cheesy tracks etc, they are only as good as the guys who produce their shows. So although not wishing to stand up for Craig Charles who I personaly think is a complete knobhead, his comments on their being racism on the northern scene were probably put in his mind by one of his shows researchers/producers at the BBC who quoted Jazzie B's now infamous comments from a earlier BBC documentary. At the time of Jazzie B's misguided out burst I compiled a list of some 50 names of West Indian and Asian kids from the Dudley West Midlands area who all at one time frequented the allnighter scene both during and after Wigan.With many of those that did eventually leaving the northern scene moving over to Jazz Funk. One guy in particular Des Mitchell went on to become a presenter on radio West Midlands for awhile and the last I heard of him he was working for a radio station in Canada. Des's original day job was as a driver for a natural stone company and he used the company's transit van on weekend's to take us to allnighters. On one particular Friday night the company van was in for a service so Des's gaffer lent him his Mercedes Sports so of to Hinkley we went in a Mercedes Sports with a Black guy driving and aload of white kids speeding their tits off in the back ! needless to say the old bill pulled us over several times wanting to know where w nicked the car from, happy days! Dave
  17. For Sale Ronnie & Joyce "On The Stage Of Life/Yes I'm Falling In Love" Alpha Mint £25.00 Plus postage £2.50 (ist Recorded) Dave
  18. Are we talking Dj's or records here Pete ?
  19. Should go very nicely with the Grapevine Tee Shirts that were on sale at Prestatyn ! One Size fits all XXL, one colour Yellow!!!!! How sad is this scene becoming, have they run out of US originals to boot, that they now have to start booting legal re-issues ? Whatever next, northern soul DJ tribute acts, would the real Ginger Taylor stand up ! Dave
  20. Louise

    BB King Rip

    Just received this B.B. King anecdote from Denis Wilcox the former lead singer of Elbowed-Out. Good memories of meeting B.B. King. In the late 70's,my band "Elbowed-Out" had the great privilege of opening for B.B. King at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle Washington. We had finished our set,and I decided that I wanted to watch B.B. King's set from backstage. Soon, I'm standing in the wings as the band is getting set up and ready to go on. I look up,and here comes B.B.,and he comes right up to me and starts telling me how he enjoyed our set. WOW! He has a big hamburger in one hand and a Coke in the other,and continues eating and drinking while we are talking. Then his band starts playing,and the MC starts calling out,"People,are you ready?! Are you ready for the King?!" And B.B. says to me,"well,I gotta go now,can you take these for me"?, and he hands me his hamburger and Coke! Then he went out on stage while still chewing,and proceeded to show everyone just why he is called The King of The Blues. I feel so lucky and honored to have touched with him. Rest in Peace, B.B.. Denis
  21. Nice to hear former Timeless Legend group member Butch Johnson's solo outing "Smooth Dancin" getting some airplay Dave
  22. Spot on Arthur, I bought my first copy off a Soul Bowl list circa 81 for a fiver Dave
  23. Rick Ramos from Natural Impulse Reginald Garland (21st Generation, Perfections, Mixed Sugar etc) Dave
  24. Usually followed by a few good early morning headaches !!!!! Not forgetting the night Johnny Weston had both decks running backwards at the same time Dave

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