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Everything posted by wolfie66

  1. Cheers lads, thought so to be honest 'cos I got it far too cheap on ebay Thanks again
  2. Is this proper? Other threads seem a bit vague so not sure. Vinyl, only info in runoff is: FM10714 TIA
  3. Thanks very much, no doubt only costs a fiver.......... For some reason the title or clip no: doesn't come up when it plays? Sorry to wind you Petes up as well, but why should I be unhappy on my own?
  4. Any help with this please?
  5. Go into Forum, Refosoul player on top right - what's the instrumental that plays when you open Refosoul please, last for about 2:02? TIA
  6. Special Offer 3 for 2
  7. Robert Tenard added will take offers on this too
  8. Will take offers on any/all
  9. Anyone?
  10. I've used www.soultunes.co.uk for a Contours track & was very impressed. Costs £18 for two sides of a 45, not sure if it's the same for a 12", but turnaround in a week I'll use them again 'cos the sound was spot on as well
  11. Could any of you good people help with this please? Ta in advance
  12. This is a really interesting question to me because it's one I've been asking myself lately. Personally I love t'internet - as a soulie (and I'll always consider myself that no matter what some people on here who state that you've got be forever going to do's to be a proper soulie - sorry, that's b*ll*cks) who got into the free party scene in the late 80's early 90's - and there's plenty of us around - then started a family the internet has been a godsend. Not only sites like this, where I can get a feel for todays scene before I head out, but sellers sites like Manships, Moerers, Gemm or whatever to keep the 45's up to date, and the wealth of other sites like Night Owl etc dedicated to Northern/rare soul. It made me realise that it is still about, if I'd relyed on flyers etc I would've thought the scene long dead, restricted to the odd advert track or YouTube clip. I think I've really got a feel for todays scene through it, and while I agree it doesn't substitute going to do's etc, no, nothing ever could because that really is what the scene is properly about, the music in itself isn't enough, for a new(ish) dad that still can't really afford to go it's been priceless. So yeah, t'internet is a great tool and should be embraced - and if the rare soul scene is going to survive beyond the old troopers who've been going for the last 40 years it's going to have to be embraced a lot more I think. With all respects to Baz A and co:I'm not saying that the computer will/should/CAN ever replace the scene, but it's a handy tool, and a bit of a godsend to those of us who've taken a different path along the way - That wasn't the question. Has t'internet improved the scene? You're all talking about it on here aren't you?.
  13. Right, I'm off
  14. Reg, you like unconventional get your camera ready - you ain't seen nothing like this!
  15. And that's why it's so special to you and thousands of others Pete, but to a mere puppy like myself who was born too late it's other places - mines the 100 club for soul music though the best was a forest near Stroud for me different music, different times. However it's all a matter of circumstance, and one persons experience is no more 'relevant' than anothers at a different time. If Wigan was the end thatmeans there's an awful lot of 'pretenders' about - many on here?
  16. What a load of complete & utter b*ll*cks One bad experience with some kids on a train eh? Of course I thought I was cool as a mod - my point was that as far as everyone else was concerned, and certainly is now, that sort of sub-culture is not 'cool'. Having someone tell me I wasn't a mod 'cos I wasn't one in the 60's is like those on here who think Wigan was the be-all and end-all of soul - it isn't, just a happy circumstance of timing - and that's your Mum & Dad's, not yours so even that doesn't single you out as something 'special' I thought the disco music & commercialisation spoilt the Casino anyway? Anyway, I wasn't a 'mod' - I was the fahkin' Ace Face mate!
  17. Yep, 2 left feet, that's me - in fact I'm ambiuseless
  18. Been reading a lot of comments on here lately regarding people who can't dance, or who don't dance to soul "properly" Either been about the POG thing or new recruits, I also read about the Wigan days somewhere that only the best dancers could get on the floor - that can't be right surely? Does it really matter? I dance like an epilectic in a strobe-light shop (apologies to any epilectics on here - and, little tip, stay away from strobe-light shops ) but don't give a monkeys when I'm up & into the music, which is what we, and it, are all really about surely. For instance, I enjoyed the dancing on POG, mainly 'cos I can't do it, but some of the comments about 'athletics' or 'gymnastics' etc.......... What happened to live & let live. I'd like your views on this because I'll be going out soon after a looong break - or I will be as long as some self-important pr*ck at the do doesn't think it's OK to have a pop at my shuffling
  19. Personally I couldn't give a flying f*ck what a load of blue-rinse pernsioners or oh so ironic students think of either Wigan Casino - I never went - or 'northern' soul - if I worried what the sheep thought of me I'd never have been a mod, would never have been into scooters, and would certainly not be into rare soul. Which means if I gave a toss about the herd I would never have had the absolutely cracking adult life I think I have - great mates for 30 odd years, absolutely fantastic nights with them - and some absolutely sh*te ones which we all take the p*ss out of now - and last, but by no means least, the music, 'our' music. It was Paul O'Grady ffs not Newsnight. Personally I've never really considered myself or the scene 'cool' (see above ) just having a crack with like-minded peops who love the same things as me, so that effeminate herbert and the rest of the media divvies shafting the new 'thing' - all right, raping it and leaving it bleeeding in the hedge - is like water off a duck's back. I had a crack the next day with the lads at work in fact, some good British banter with Rock fans and a pretty, waxed & shaven 'new man' who listens to this poxy new Indie row where every new band is the next greatest thing - oh, and Lily Allen/Kate what'shername? Music is relative and music is subjective, but let's face it, we're right and they listen to sh*te! f*** 'em but let 'em be, and take that Paul O'Grady abortion of a programme for what it was - div tv Now if you'll excuse me I've got to sew a couple of Wigan patches on my vest.............
  20. Err - that's sort of what I was saying wasn't it? That they're all into their soul but would never consider themselves soulies? As for those only into chart music, well I don't even consider them music fans - no interest in anything specific, no hunting out of something you like, it's just background noise. The real point I was making was that the days of kids restricting themsleves to one genre/sub-culture are long gone.
  21. I do also think there's a generation 'gap' here too. All 'youngsters' - i.e. under 30's - I know would say they are into, or like, northern soul, some even go to the odd night, but they all have such eclectic taste these days they would never consider themselves a pure 'soulie'. Right up to the late 90's you could probably spot different musical sub-cultures out & about through clothes etc, here in Newbury, especially in thwe 80's you'd walk down the street past the usual Mods, Rockers, Bikers, Scooter Boys, Rockabillys, Psychobillys, Boneheads, Suedeheads, Hippys, Dog men, Punks, Soulies ........etc? Now everyone not only dresses the same, but picks their sounds from a massively eclectric mix that would probably include music from all of the above sub-cultures. I think this is why youngsters aren't bothering so much with the all/nighter scene, who wants to go to limit their entertainment to boring old 60's/modern soul (remember I'm playing Devil's advocate here before the pick handles come out ) when you instead go to a Badaboom night night that plays tunes from across the board. I listen to mixes on mates laptops or phones (? f*ckin' progress!) and they're all doing a Mr Scruff now. Soul has, like everything else, been commodified, and everyone dips in & takes a little bit from here and there, so probably the best signifier is those that go to a dedicated night - regularly or not. There probably is more people with a greater knowledge of 'real' soul nowadays. whether that makes them osulies or not? Sorry, I'll stop confusing things now, Lasagne time!
  22. Cheers Daryl, obviously a man of immaculate taste Peter, yeah the Tyrone is the best dancer, however I think the Lou Rawls has a little more soul in it - though maybe I'm just a traditionalist? Would be interested in buying one if anybody has a spare/goer? I understand going rate is a fiver
  23. Peter, yep, it's the same as Tyrone Barklays and there is a short clip on Manships. I've always loved Barklays even though I used to rip the p*ss out of a mate for listening to this 'modern' sh*te ahem - Lou Rawls version, probably because of the warmth in his voice, just turns it into something different I think, especially when the backing girls come in. Absolutley mustard proper soul! Steve
  24. Cheers lads, and err......... good doggy

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