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Everything posted by wolfie66

  1. I thought she were alright....
  2. The Chaumonts Love Is The Thing banging out of, I want to say, Woking, which would have been 80'something or other... Ah, aren't drugs great?
  3. Whaddya mean "now"!?
  4. Bought one of these the other week and they're lovely - fantastic, crisp image, quality material and a good fit for a, ahem, 'comfortable' 50 year old. I got a yellow one and the insects love it too.....
  5. Thanks Mike, nice article about some all round fantastic albums. Interesting stuff behind the pics too, I didn't realise it was all so diy. Shoes was always one of my favourites looks-wise, though as a Berkshire bumpkin who used to go to London for the 100 club only (apart from a couple of trips for threads and a 2nd hand record shop on Tottenham Court Road) it always pissed me off that I could never find any trousers that looked....well, just like that. I had a thing for them but never found any that were 'just right', didn't have a clue where to get them from. And I still can't - and it still pisses me off.....album time, I think
  6. It's like watching a kitten get stabbed!
  7. Snap - see point about making friends with dust... He is a sound guy, not sure I'd have been quite so honest - "A Frankie Beverley? No, didn't see one of them..."
  8. I stil haven't forgiven my boys for contaminating a record box with Lego Darth Vader's head, resulting in a scratched Roy Roberts! The only water damage was the tracks of my tears.... In fact you could take advantage of the hole in the middle and nail the spike's through the disc into the wall....I'll get me toolbelt.....
  9. Nope - but I reckon there could soon be a TSA asking if any TSA's have had their fingers broken while rooting through a record box
  10. Between the earthquakes, railway spikes and and concrete blocks I think the dust was the least of his worries...I'm so glad I live in boring old Britain sometimes - give me rain and grey over earthquakes and sun any day.
  11. I'm surprised your shelves went, if that's they're construction....the rest of the house, though....
  12. Flipping heck, I started this to make myself feel better after breaking a £30 record - I think all I've done is left about 20 others in tears! Been taking notes as well, so far got: Don't buy from abroad - especially America Don't buy from a soul night over here Don't buy from a dealer far away, meaning you've got to use the postal service Don't overfill your playbox Don't underfill your playbox Don't live on a continent that suffers from earthquakes - if you do sacrifice yourself for your records and make sure they're safe ahead of any family/kids/pets etc Don't put your records on the floor while you're on a chair, especially if it has wheels...... Don't put your records near a cupboard, especially if that cupboard has a door that works Bumps and bubbles are fine - DO NOT try rectifying them Don't use them in hot venues Don't take them outside when it's cold Don't take them out of their sleeves Don't sit on them Don't let infants eat them Don't transport them in a taxi - in fact, don't transport them? Oh, and one from me - don't clean them, make dust your friend. Sorted, Thanks for the tips everyone - I think if the above rules are followed then no-one need suffer a devastating loss ever again......keep that vinyl safe people! And I forgot to ask.....does anybody want to buy an Eddie Sull on Marc, one small crack.....?
  13. Thanks NCFC, I'm feeling better already!!
  14. I've just gone and snapped an Eddie Sull I sold on ebay over the weekend whilst cleaning it ready for packing, and my partner's tried wiping my tears away with "At least it was only a cheap one - can't see the buyer being too happy, either." she says True, but it was also lovely looking (a perfectly clean, yellow 'MARC' which I always thought looked quite classy...bit like the tunes) Got me thinking though, these things are 50-60 years old now, you all must have snapped some previously - any horror stories to share..........
  15. Thanks Frankie, it is a cracking tune, nice looking label as well. I'd certainLy never sell it as it's one of those that seems like it should be worth more (and it was a bugger to get tbh)
  16. Thanks Ricky, I did see the one on Manships but was just wondering if it ever gets a play out at all. Thanks Russ - good answer as well as I can now claim I need to go to Amsterdam when I want to shuffle about to this at a do...talk about win-win....
  17. Evening, could anyone tell me if this still gets played/is wanted at all?
  18. All done now, thanks for all the replies
  19. Looking to get decent copies of both: Dooley Silverspoon's Game Players King Sporty's Music Maker for any of the below. I know they're cheap and easy but I'm skint and tight.... Ledgends – Fear Not – Locket Ex Eddie Purrell- The Spoiler – Volt Ex Harold Andrews -Since I talked to my baby - HLS Cleveland Robinson –Woman in motion/My place in the world – Nosnibor M- Dalton, James & Sutton – Run Baby- National General wdj EX Modulations - Share your love- Mozel M- George Perkins & the Silver Stars- Cryin' in the streets - Silver Fox Timmy Shaw - If I catch you/There goes my baby - Wand Sammy Jay & the Tiffineers - You're driving me insane - Tribe E G Taylor & Sounds of Soul – You made me mad – Val EX Freddie Pride-All my life – Diamond Jim M- Robert Tenard - Gotta get goin’ Fabolus dj M- Gloria Lynne – Sometimes it be’s that way – Fontana wdj M- Bill Deal £ the Rhondels - What kind of fool do you think I am - Heritage Denny Belline & the Dwellers – It happens that way - RCA wdj M- Daniel E Skidmore III -Little Old Groovemaker/Listen to the wind - Parkway dj King George – I’m gonne be somebody, someday – RCA wdj VG+ Clarence Reid- There’ll come a day – Dial wdj EX+
  20. Oy Vey, just listened to both King Sporty and Dooley Silverspoon tracks, both absolute belters! (Anybody has these looking to trade please look at my lists...?)
  21. Absolute minter...........apart from the scratch shown in picture 1 caused by the decapitated (since stamped and smelted) head of ex-son's Lego Darth Vader! Very faint pop around the 2 min mark, if allowed I'll attach a wav file. Looking for £125 SOLD You move me pt 1.wav
  22. 3 TO GO ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT - AS PRICED OR ALL 3 FOR £100 The Jets – Everything I do – Port Ex £40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylA2ffO7XJY Eddie Sull- I’m lookIng for my baby – Marc M- £40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmrHNPYN-Vs Gloria Lynne – Sometimes it be’s that way – Fontana wdj M- £40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWn7fXKF_Q4 PM's only please
  23. Thanks Kev - it really is time I remembered vinyl has two sides....
  24. Couldn't find it under Bobby & the Premiers and checked "Gotta have a reason" side.... Thanks Swifty, think I'll go back and check the other 2.....
  25. Hello, Anyone give me an idea on prices for these please as I can't find one:

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