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Everything posted by Youyou

  1. Not really an Alldayer per se, but the afternoon session of the 2019 Soulshakers Bamberg Weekender was great fun. Reason: good music and good beer :-)
  2. I have enjoyed and still enjoy "Atlantic Sisters of Soul". https://www.discogs.com/Various-Atlantic-Sisters-Of-Soul/master/869339 But you would need to listen to the tracks before. The record is more in the deep soul vein.
  3. And I really would LOVE to know, how many bought the record because they truly love the music and how many as an "investment", hoping that the price will rise. A few of the previous issues are already sold on DISCOGS.
  4. Soul Shakers Bamberg. Not sure though if this is considered an Allnighter, as you have two Allnighters, so a Weekender
  5. Hello, Whenever a thread for one of the classic recurring topics is started - such as Overpriced evilBay items, OVO vs. reissues vs. bootlegs, Ian Levine, etc. - there seem to be two camps: The first one is just happy to rehash the topic (maybe someone has a new opinion or a new perspective), and the other camp is truly annoyed. This time I have a topic which has been discussed before. So, I you are in the second camp, and you are annoyed, just switch to another thread I am interested in sleeves, or the best way to preserve our precious vinyl Florian Keller, long time German Funk and Soul DJ, posted a long article on his blog, claiming that paper sleeves will cause paper scuffs and “...while slowly decaying, sever wood fibre dust is piling up in the record grooves while slowly decaying, sever wood fibre dust is piling up in the record grooves” https://floriankeller.net/category/dj-stuff/ Chapter: Perfect 45 inner sleeves! He continues to discusses some different options but finally recommends Sleeve City’s Heavy Duty lined sleeves. The inner lining of the discussed sleeve is thick and sturdy, made of hi-density polyethylene (HDPE) ( https://tinyurl.com/y4amovvf) I have to admit that I am just a bit scared of plastic inner sleeves. I heard a lot of different options and two threads in the past ( https://tinyurl.com/y4cpft9b , https://tinyurl.com/y592pqmg) reflect that. To me, Paper Sleeves (maybe combines with cardboard sleeves) still seem like the safes option. Used since ages and no risk of any unwanted chemical reaction. A lot of you have a lot of disc which a worth a lot of money. What’s your take? Still paper? Or have you switched to lined paper sleeves because of the paper fibres? Take care YouYou
  6. It would definitely be fun if life continued just in another dimension. I wonder though, if we would then still discuss and talk about OVO vs bootlegs
  7. Mike, Great - thanks a lot. Appreciated.
  8. Hello, Just tried to listen to the interview. But it seems the link is broken and/or the file has been deleted. Is is stored somewhere else on the site? Take care YouYou
  9. Hallo Sven, Was haelst Du von - Debra Johnson - To get love you got to get love (Noriega) - Pat Lundy - City Of Stone / The Thrill Is Gone fuer Euro 70 + shipping nach Weilheim i.OBB? Viele Gruesse Jurgen
  10. Great release.
  11. Pete, I think "The Persuaders" recorded the album. Take care YouYou
  12. Hello, D.J. Rogers On The Road Again And it does not hurt that the record is cheap as chips! Take care YouYou
  13. Hello Epic, Thanks a lot - i will definitely have a look! Best regards Jurgen
  14. Hello, I have got a question, which is not really a 100% related to Northern Soul – but as I know how broad the knowledge of the forum is, it I try my luck. A lot of companies used special covers (sleeves) for their disco 12", e.g. Epic with their Red Lips Cover. Do you know a website, or maybe even an existing thread, which gives an overview of these covers? Take care Jurgen
  15. Kev John, Great - thanks a lot for your help. Best thing: the 7" is not event that expensive. Take care Jurgen
  16. Hi all, I am almost feeling cheap. Two years after my last post, the only thing I have to contribute is searching for a track ID :-( But the song the Eddie Piller was playing (and please, let's not turn this into a big discussion about the merits or non merits of him) is just sooo good. It starts at 1:52:17 I have tried to write down the lyrics (below). Please bear with me - as you might have already guessed, English is not my mother language. Any help to id the track would be really appreciated. Take care Jurgen Lyrics: You came into my world I was a bright and inquisitive girl .... You said you love me oh so much I sooner lost control First my heart then my soul Oh baby, baby, baby, where is that rainbow I wanna know I gotta know now"
  17. Chris, Great cause and great project. Looking forward to the CD. Take care Jurgen
  18. Hello, Not sure if it is considered as a Northern record (never heard it myself), but the Norris Vines "Give In" was release in Canada. And it seems that it is quite rare: https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=Norris+Vines+ Take care Jurgen
  19. Hello, Current cheap fav is DON GARDNER - YOU BABE (Verve) Best thing is: I bought it in a real record shop, not in the internet. C$15,- Take care Jurgen
  20. Hello, Another vote for Thorsten's shop! https://www.puresoul.de/ You might wanna check out his Facebook page, too. Been a while that I have been to Hamburg. Then, there were quite some shops in the area called "Schanzenviertel". Not sure though, what they have in terms of 7". Back in the days, I was buying all kind of stuff. Take care and enjoy your stay Jurgen
  21. Wow, I did not know that. I like her LP (I think it's called Woman) a lot! Take care Jurgen
  22. Hello, Thanks a lot for all your help! Take care Jurgen
  23. Benji, Hat Jay Boy die Singles in Deutschland selber vertrieben, oder ist das ueber eine der grossen Plattenfirmen gehandelt worden! Viele Gruesse Jurgen And for the ones who don't know German (I was just too happy to write something in German, have left my country seven years ago): I asked Benji whether JayBoy releaesed the singles in Germany on their own, or if they were distributed via another company.
  24. Hello all, I have got a question about Jay Boy records. I have always thought that Jay Boy issued only in the UK. But when I look at Discogs, it seems that they released as well singles in the US: https://www.discogs.com/Doris-Willingham-You-Cant-Do-That-Lost-Again/master/610341 So, is me being wrong about Jay Boy only releasing in the UK, or are the Discogs entries wrong? Might be a beginner question for a lot of you, but you need to start somewhere Thanks a lot for your help! Jurgen
  25. Pete, Wow, cool, will do! And as always, I will buy the book, look at the nice pictures and then buy the "Tojan Ska Classics 3 CD Box Set", as I am a lazy bum :-) Take care Jurgen

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