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Everything posted by Bbrich

  1. For what its worth this is my approach (I only get asked to do a handful each year) which starts some days before the event, if i am doing 2 sets then a box of about 90 records and box of about 50 records, 1 set then box of 90. Go through the collection & fill the boxes based upon; What is the event advertised as, previous experience of the event, knowledge of attendees preferences, what the promoter wants from/expects you, what time(s) are you on (8pm at an alldayer is not the same as 8pm at a soulnite), what are the other dj's likely to play, what have i played there before (if applicable). If new event to me then find out as much as i can. {If i dont know how well the setup is likely to be leave any valuable 'styrene' at home} Next step is to section all records into similar 'style' within the box using cardboard spacers. e..g so if record works then the one behind should work and flow nicely. Have a bit of an idea of some of the options i 'may' play. On the day do as others have already said i.e. observe the previous sets, dancers reactions etc.. non dancers reactions as well. Note down any records played that i have in my box and move to back of box to not play. Usually make a decision on first record (& 2nd record) when dj is playing 2nd to last and has last one queued up. After that it is real time decision making which either goes well or not !!
  2. Unfortunately I think if you are doing the first spot it probably doesnt matter what your first 3 records are at all because in my recent experience there is hardly anyone there yet and those that are, are queuing at the bar.
  3. o'jays for me with linda just behind. Escorts might have been ok it if was the only version i had ever heard but just not in the same class for me. I have the o'jays & linda versions and also this other version by the casuals which most people i've played it to dont like but there is a frantic/rawness i quite enjoy (labels reversed by the way)
  4. Very sad, a real pioneer. I didn't know him personally but had a great chat about all things music and football in Ibiza earlier this year - came across as a real decent guy. RIP
  5. I dont see how it can be 'restricting for the scene' there are plenty of dj's, with plenty of ovo to cover all types of events (top100/500/underplayed etc...). (& if not, which i'm pretty sure is not the case, then perhaps this would help solve the problem of too many events). It may however be 'too restricting' for an individual that wants to play big tunes that they dont have.......
  6. I have tried it on some cheap/knackered records and yes it 'can' improve the sound somewhat (wont help with styrene burn) .. But it seems to leave a milky sort of colouring on the vinyl - visible on the deadwax under a strong light. You do have to wait until it has all gone clear before removing and yes be careful not to scratch the playing surface, you can put a small tab (cardboard) under the glue edge to help with removal. Having said all that I wouldn't do this on any records you value and other methods may achieve the same improvement...
  7. So where does this leave individuals or dealers selling on bootlegs usually described as 'unofficial release' and mostly made some time ago - are they at risk from prosecution at least in theory ? And what about 'marketplaces' that 'allow' such sales to take place (including soul source.....) ?
  8. I've got the JB & the CS and have never been able to decide which i like best so voted for CS as it was behind in the voting. would be v. happy to add the other 2 to my collection !
  9. I agree the 'baby please' side which is the soundclip on site but the 'Precious Dove' side (shown on site as 'precious love') is not too bad. I wont be buying tho!
  10. I like the faster Lou version, the way he belts the song out.
  11. Admirations you left/want to be free. almost certainly way too much just had to have it when the chance came at £2.5k a side. actually never regretted any big spend only those i didnt go for. A friend who asked how much i paid for a record said 'you must have more money than sense', I replied 'that was always my ambition'.......
  12. I thought it was good and really evoked how life was back then & reminded how much things have changed. I am a couple of chapters into 'Detroit' (started in May & being a very slow reader and only like a serious read when on holiday) but again seems to build a great picture of what was going on at the time - although obviously i dont know how accurate that picture is because i wasnt there!
  13. I need to add some items to my 'please dont buy this for xmas list'
  14. Good post El Coral, although I would say there are collectors who dance and collectors who dj. I also know/come across quite a few who are relatively new to the scene (same age group as per the average). In the main they have never even thought about the ovo argument, but most are interested when it is discussed. As already been said promoters should make it clear about ovo, format so punters know what they are getting and can make the decision. (not sure about trouser width unless the bigger the higher the entrance fee should be due to using more dance floor space...)
  15. Chalky, excuse my ignorance but I'm quite intrigued by what the 'OTHER' is that you refer to. Could be the answer to improving attendances....
  16. I wont let my kids & their other halves come to a do (they are 25 & 28) as the image they would take away from most dos might scar them for life
  17. perhaps the term "currently popular northern" ?
  18. personally speaking I still get excitement from some of my 40+ year old records, especially those that are are still M-....... the wife on the other hand is probably more of a VG+ now.....
  19. and a few of the sunset from cafe mambo, San Antonio........... nice with vodka tonic in hand and some soulfulhouse in the background...
  20. In Ibiza last week, took this whilst taking a break from the clubbing/partying..... stormy conditions made for a moody look (the rock & me).
  21. Well i'm not surprised as so far no one has ever given me any sort of definitive answer as to how how many stateside or tmg demos were put out. Which in itself is quite surprising as i would have thought there would have been a company policy on how many to press up, maybe determined by popularity of artist. Then to me the interesting question is how many that were pressed still exist today, especially those in m or m- condition? makes me think that such stateside/tmg demos are under valued compared to some so called rare us pressed records.
  22. I would guess £150 to £200 for the Gino. My Atco has 'GINO' mispelt as 'GENO' & wondered if your was the same?
  23. I have marvin gaye 60's demos, stateside and tmg - I have been told they would have made about 500 demos for an artist like that - do you think it could have been a lot less? if so very interesting. Mine are M, M- or EX+ and all have the centre, one has 'radio station copy' stamped on it.
  24. If a seller says 'very rare only a handful known to exist' you might think they mean less than 5 i.e. less than the number of fingers on one hand........ but they might mean how many a strong large handed person could balance on their hand i.e. in this style.... (possibly even a lot more than this pile)

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