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Everything posted by Bbrich

  1. MINT Na Allen - Thanks for nothing - ATCO
  2. Hi looking for a M- copy, please pm to confirm vinyl and label condition with price please, many thanks!
  3. Now sorted - thanks all
  4. Thanks Tony, but been offered copy by member on here.
  5. Hi, please pm with price & condition, thank you
  6. I hope the enforced break can allow for a return somewhen with events only run by people with the right skills and approach, less but better attended events - I dont just mean big events but capacity at smaller events as well, tv/media forget the scene & lose all interest, no association with mid-seventies fashion, more punters actually dancing rather than standing drinking and chatting........ maybe lose the term northern soul and come up with something new to kickstart the scene and lose some of the above in the process.
  7. Very interesting read - thank you Mark! with your vast experience would love to know your best guess at how many copies of each exist (along the lines of JM's less than10, less than 25 etc.. in his 'million $ of soul). p.s. you have passionetts in the list twice.
  8. & mine (weak spot) but quite like Tommy hunt 'lovin on the losing side'
  9. Hi, looking for an EX or M- please pm price & condition, thank you.
  10. just a few points from me; - pub type/free dos = no big deal - paying events = i want to know what i'm getting for my money - as a dj if you think its ok to play boots then you should be ok about making that public. - I dont think price/value comes into it as there is still the same number of each title (originals) out there to be played (except v.rare newish discoveries perhaps) . - yes most people want to hear/dance to records they know but in my experience they also appreciate it when they hear something new to them that they like. - I dont think any decent dj would continue to play an expensive rarity if it always cleared the floor (ref an earlier point). and I dont think it is either play all well known or play only valuable rarities - a decent dj can mix all ends of the spectrum to suit the circumstances (including cheap originals!). - it maybe comes down to how you view the world, logically its the sound that counts but the heart says it should be originals....
  11. Hi Woodbutcher - when does that list date from please.
  12. (Hi Steve, hope you are surviving the lockdown out there!) You could try Discogs, quite easy to add records to 'your collection'.
  13. Between spots I lock the box and chain it to a table or something - ok wont stop a targetted approach but should stop the chancers. Whilst playing I cant see you can have the records in view as there is usually nowhere to put them except behind you. Maybe need to have the mrs up there to keep a watch - but a shame if it comes to that.
  14. Willie Makkit - All my love - Paradox, M- v. rare uplifting sound in absolutely spotless condition, flip (Timeless) = quality chillout. £1200, please pm if interested, thanks for looking..
  15. Hi, original only, please pm with price and condition, thanks.
  16. Sounds great!!
  17. Vat, especially x-border (within country v within EU v outside Eu...) vat is very complex and an awful lot of businesses dont understand it properly and neither do some of their accountants ! this is especially true for smaller businesses who may only do a small amount of x-border transactions. My advice, forget the technicalities because you will have trouble explaining/convincing the seller even if you get to grips with it all. Just say you want them to ship the product to you in Serbia and will they reduce the price by the vat. Depending on their answer you decide if you wish to pay that price or not.
  18. surely it depends on the situation; music policy, time your on, knowing the crowd etc... but you could always try a record in a similar style/vein to the one you played before the one that cleared the floor.
  19. Big thanks to Alfie Linney for the 10th anniversary NYE special. It really is a terrific venue and everyone seemed to have a great time! the venue was fairly full by the opening time of 7pm and was still rocking past 2 am. Lots of enthusiastic dancing.. My set was;
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  20. Please correct me if i'm wrong but my memory of the baggies trousers (mid 70's) is that they were 'high waisted' i.e. 3 or even 4 buttons.... and the single belt loop style was really on jeans and came in a bit later.? But I guess the 'high waisted' wouldn't work with the majority having larger beer bellies...... so they are not even true to the original style. It may have course just be my mixed up memory......
  21. I usually chain my box (locked) to something on the stage, table or something fixed. I like to think its a precaution that is unnecessary but just take a look at the sometimes 8 - 10 boxes on a stage at some venues and consider the value that could be there !!
  22. about 90 for a 1 hour, 140 if i'm asked to do 2 spots. any more and I think i would have to keep looking through to remember what i had with me and make it harder to choose the next record each time...
  23. Very rare local label TSU Toronadoes (but does have some crackle!) so VG. Tried to upload sound recordings done on my phone but couldn't so can send if required - just pm please. £185.
  24. Ive got two east coast demos (both frankford/wayne stamped originals), both play perfect, but one is M- on play side with a scuffed/scratched flip & the other is M- both sides but has a slight storage warp (nap). Any opinions on which to sell/keep and which defect would affect the price most.... Many thanks.
  25. bit of a tangent but would appreciate any help with regard to the various issues of 'it's too late for love/the thought of losing your love'. There seems to be dj(white), red,,gold,yellow on Lamp80 and red & yellow on Lamp652. any info on order of releases (assuming all legit?) and rarety? many thanks.

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