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Everything posted by Bbrich

  1. Love looking at this thread - some great photographers in the soul world. So I thought I better contribute something, not a great picture but if you like fish this was a good looking beast;
  2. bootlegs are stealing whether it be from some potentially poor artist or a big corporate music company. They are also potentially diverting money away from legitimate re-issues - I am sure a lot of work goes into sorting out the licensing rights etc.. etc... . i.e.. there is a big difference between bootlegs and legitimate re-issues. The playing out of ovo versus non ovo debate (which would include legitimate re-issues & bootlegs by definition) is a different issue. Unless of course I pay to go to an ovo event and are given non-ovo records by the dj - which could also be classed as 'deception'...
  3. Totally agree & explained perfectly , better than just doing the same moves irrespective of the music. I sort of think the music goes into your ears and comes out of your feet {unfortunately for me at least this can involve a bit of a time delay & not all the message gets through.......}
  4. Less records but I've spent more. No particular plan just that i managed to get a few of the bigger wants.
  5. Just arrived and looks great, is a birthday present from my mum & dad which I had asked for, so definately worth the price. It will get hours of use so compared to some of the surprise presents I have had in the past that were of no use to me, then yes great value! There are lovely scans, although I would prefer the scan of the boot next to the scan of the original not seperate sections. Also would be better if any other ways to identify the original from the boot was also in the same place. re; the prices (JM knows a lot more than i do) and they are a 'guide' based on a true M- with faultless labels etc... so really a 'top starting price' to be negotiated down for most records.. Having said that most records on his auction seem to go for more than the listed price...
  6. Lots of very valid and interesting views on this thread, but i have a slightly different take as I do see a fair few people say in their late40's onwards (kids moved on etc..) looking for a night out, a bit of a dance and maybe a couple of drinks. Someone suggests a local motown nite, maybe a northern track gets played, they buy a few cd's etc... etc... some of them progress to a local northern nite, some get more into the music start collecting, looking for rarer sounds , more upfront soul nites etc.. weekenders sound fun etc.. So as the 65+ start to fall away there is a gradual feed of 50'ish people to takover... (I am not talking here about people returning to the scene but those who most of the music is new to) after all unless they want to sit watching tv all night what else is there ? they could well have been into say house music/hip hop etc... but they probably not going to go to the local high street club with the 20 yr olds. Equally I cant see many 20 year olds who want to spend their weekends with a load of 50+ folk so if anything they will create an alternative scene even if it is with the same music (my daughter has recognised a few of 'our sounds' at club nights she goes to although they never call it 'northern'). How many of us when in our teens/twentys would have gone to a nite with people old enough to be our grandparents!
  7. i can tell much difference except the slightly earlier vocals . (my 3 is a demo).
  8. mine is a '3' and i vaguely remember the vocal kicks in earlier but i am far from sure on that.
  9. I dont know where it came from but i have a copy of Evelyn Thomas-Doomsday. I tried to give it away on here before for free to anyone prepared to pay the postage but no takers. So now i'm prepared to give it away to anyone on here for free and I will pay the postage - any takers?
  10. please pm with condition & price. Thks.
  11. Please pm with price & condition - thanks Rich
  12. actually most of the girls i know especially the missus definately wouldn't agree that you can eat too much chocolate !!!
  13. You are right about making it special - would i look forward to the events as much if i went to one every week - probably not!
  14. For me I would love to do more but I cant sleep beforehand and i cant sleep afterwards so takes me a few days to get over it and whilst i still have a business to run it is difficult, so about 4 to 6 a year is the most i can manage (age comes into it i'm afraid ......)
  15. going to the Brighton 'Mini-Niter' this friday which goes on till 4am so not an 'allniter' as such but late enough to write-off most of saturday!
  16. two of my favourites are 'fee' & 'roadshow' which have already been posted - i do like the 'cartoon' style.
  17. I managed to get a special exemption from the author regarding footwear due to my wide but smallish feet as the 'regulation brogues' are very uncomfortable for me....
  18. Extremely funny book! I couldn't put it down once I had started. There are also quite a few serious points but made in a 'tongue in cheek' manner. If you cant afford it then put it on your xmas list.
  19. Hi, please pm with price & condition. Thks
  20. Also quote "many collectors have got most of the rarest sounds" a bit of a contradiction surely, by definition the 'rarest' sounds must only be owned by a few !
  21. Quote..."covering up a record is just a way to keep it secret in case someone with a good 'ear' has bought it but does not know its being played, and to artificially keep the price high. I think its fairly close to fraud...." am i missing something here because i would have thought a dj covers up the record to keep it 'exclusive' and if they were to sell it then the real record is revealed. As for people who own the record but dont realise the 'coverup' is increasing the demand are possibly going to sell it cheaper without realising i.e. the price will stay artificially lower not higher ?
  22. Steve Mancha - friday night, (& the flip is only mon to tues) so 2-0 to fridays so far
  23. Brenda Holloway - Reconsider. imagine hearing that for the first time at a do......
  24. one of my favourites. my copy looks like a sanding disc but actually plays almost perfect.
  25. some that spring to mind..... Pic & Bill - talk about love Alton & johnny - hang on in there babay bob & earl - harlem shuffle Marvin & Kim Weston - 'a few' Marvin & Mary Wells - once upon a time frankie & johnny - i'll hold you Judy clay & william bell -private number

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