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Everything posted by Bbrich

  1. You could point out to your Mrs that your record is still worth the £200 but the fridge/freezer would probably be in landfill by now.....
  2. I dont look at buying records as an investment (investments are for holding assets e.g. to cash in sometime and possibly/hopefully make a profit), records to me are on the other side of the equation i.e. they are what i like to spend my money on and dont expect a return other than pleasure, same as a night out, holiday etc... if my records are worth 10% of today in 10 years then so what, it would be the same if i bought a brand new car (& i know which gives me the most pleasure). Hopefully i dont pay too much over the odds very often but i dont feel conned as I am doing it with my eyes open and making my own decision to spend whatever. I am not referring to any of the example discs & prices mentioned by the way just records I have decided to pay more than sounds reasonable for a bit of plastic that I can hear the same sound for free, Possibly Mad = yes (how can you logically explain the difference in price of an original versus a re-issue where the only difference may be a tiny machine stamp in the deadwax that I can hardly see). On the other hand paying big money for a boot/re-issue is real madness - like knowingly paying £100 for a fake rolex (unless of course you are buying them to deceive...)
  3. Told my wife i want this one for my funeral (not actually one of my favourites) but would be appropriate when the curtains draw and coffin starts to make its way to the incinerator......
  4. In my experience the more pricey the disc the greater the temptation for the seller to be more optimistic on the grading (human nature I guess). It would help if the same grading system was used by everyone. p.s. I had Ringleaders on my ss wants with no replies so maybe not so rare but it appears no-one on here has one for sale - if you do then i am still in the market for a decent copy.
  5. Please pm with price & condition . Thanks.
  6. Please pm with price and condition. Thanks
  7. please pm with price & condition, Thanks.
  8. I have a couple of UK records that were manufactured with the large hole (i.e. not push out centre) e.g. Curtis Mayfield move on up Buddah 2011-080 & wondered why this would be? were they specifically for juke boxes?
  9. absolutely! I started the topic with that assumption (& was a bit surprised that this was not a universally held view) and although i have always generally backcued because i found that the most convenient way, in the light of recent experience (2 x expensive records damaged - my own fault for going too fast I think by the way) I wanted to hear others views on; - do they back-cue & just accept the damage ? - do you backcue on the basis that if the equipment is good and you do it very carefully all should be well? {if i'm not mistaken i have seen some expensive records being backcued by top dj's at venue where it is on the camera?} - do you employ other techniques to avoid backcueing (that also avoids that wwwwwhhhrrriiiiinngg up and any gap of more than say 2 seconds?) that allows use of the mic when desired - many thanks for all advice on this. !
  10. I seem to have opened a can of worms with some differing opinions..... what i can say is the records I damaged were fine before the occasion in question and now have hiss so cannot be due to the age of the record. Also the hiss is only at the start. Reflecting back there is every likelihood that i did back cue too fast - i think these two records were where i changed my mind regarding what to play and probably left myself with not too much time... Lesson learned as they say so in future I will restrict back cueing to cheaper (vinyl) records & do it very slowly. and incorporate the other techniques advised
  11. Thank you Dave - this is the way forward for me & using fade in/out (per Solidsoul). Be great to ditch the headphones! Not sure it is my place to start messing about with someone elses setup part way through the event and pretty sure i would struggle to rebalance the decks/weights/change cartridge/get next record ready etc... in the 2 mins or so available ! Thanks to all for tips & advice - I may now stick to ovo (original vinyl) events and avoid the oso (original styrene) events
  12. When researching weight and anti-skate for my technics 1200's i settled on balance then add 1.5 gms but some advice seemed to say up to 3gms! - any experts on this ?
  13. thanks for advice - i guess i was wary of missing the start of new record but probably only a few tracks where it might matter. Would you wait to fade in until you have stopped the talk or would you fade in whilst still talking. cheers
  14. rec'd Stuart Cosgrove's 'young soul rebels' and looking forward to reading it. A different kind of book was Tony Ellis ' how to do northern soul properly' - really funny take on the northern scene = well worth getting a copy.
  15. I have been cueing up the next record turn it back half a turn and then it is ready to press play as the previous one is fading out or press play once i have stopped talking on the mic. However I am pretty sure I have damaged a couple of records doing this (now have hiss... both styrene). When i am at home I can pretty well see/judge the start of the record but not in the dark at an event. I dont want silences between the dics but dont want to just talk for the sake of it between every record then suddenly stop when the next one kicks in- sometimes i want to use the mike and sometimes just transition straight to the next one. any thoughts & advice please!
  16. I keep thinking i should play 'loves just begun' but cant resist 'you've got to be willing' - maybe i should play both next time i get a chance !
  17. Marvin gaye 'at last i found a love' - great cheap dancer
  18. Hats off to Alfie for organising such a top night, venue was perfect & we had such a fun evening..... so privileged to be asked to do a set which was as follows (looks a bit disjointed in the cold light of day, but hopefully some bits for everyone) all OVO. 11:00 to 11;45 pm NO Artist Track Label 1 Ivorys Please stay Despenza 2 Passions If you see my baby Elvitrue & Satelite 3 Yvonne baker You didn't say a word Parkway 4 Edward hamilton & arabians Baby don't you weep Maryjane 5 Chaumonts Love is the thing Bay sound 6 Servicemen Are you angry Wind hit 7 O'jays I'll never forget you Imperial 8 Patti & emblems I'm gonna love you a long long time Kapp 9 Cairos Don’t fight it Shrine 10 Cautions No other way Shrine 11 Kim weston I'm still loving you Tamla 12 Choice of colour Your love Apt 13 Charlene & soul serenaders Can you win Volt 14 Calvin grayson You've got to be willing In 15 Fantastic epics Lets get together Kelton 16 Specials I cant find another pt1 Satch 17 Marvin gaye Love starved heart Tamla 18 Roger hatcher Sweetest girl in the world Excello
  19. Now you tell me !! seriously though you cant sit out in 40 degrees of sun for a week. a 'Quaking Aspen' - I think it was me & my pal that were the 'quaking' ones... my neighbour (a tree surgeon) reckoned it was a Lime - either way we will have to avoid trees in future!
  20. The force of nature ! The morning after a tree came down whilst fishing in france earlier this year. My bivvy is underneath just left of the trunk, my mates to the right. We had vacated them less than 2 mins before when a rather scary storm arrived. Lost a lot of gear but lucky to escape unhurt.
  21. Surely there are plenty of cheap oldies (incl some in the 'top500') that would be familiar to most people attending a 'local' pub type do - so i cant see any reason to play boots or re-issues even if a 'dj' cant afford any biggies. If a so called 'dj' cant do that why are they bothering? there doesn't appear to be any shortage of people prepared to stand behind the decks. Also am i the only one who attends venues where a right mixture of of oldies and upfront gets played and it is not as defined as oldies only or upfront only ?
  22. Good to see the person in the picture is eyeing up a tamla motown album!
  23. todays choice would be; Sam williams- love slipped through my fingers Servicemen - are you angry Charlene & soul serenaders - can you win Choice of colour - you(R) love Calvin grayson - you;ve got to be willing
  24. Hi Steve, yes a french carp, personal best just over 60Ib.

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