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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. Cheers Dave..........but I've just looked back across the thread and it seems no-one has actually mentioned which track it is off the album.........I'm assuming Do you Love Me or I can Make it Better?? Ta
  2. Nice soulful funky stepper on the other side of Help Yourself called Why!
  3. I remember a piece of graffiti on the wall of the toilets that said "Wigan is a poor excuse for a pharmacy"....made me chuckle at the time
  4. Not heard the track...can anyone post a soundclip Ta
  5. I'm surprised Winstanley didn't try it out at Wigan!!!
  6. Actually the more I think about it......Bowies best dancer has to be The Laughing Gnome....great on the fours beat.....anyone got an instrumental out there...maybe Soussain??
  7. Not heard - It's Gonna Be Me - sure you're not getting that mixed up with the track N'Sync did (don't even ask me how I know they did a track of the same name!) Agree with you about Win........thats a great track, best on the album. Amsterdam has its moments too......leads us down another path about white soul or at least white passion......Jacques Brel that man could let rip when he wanted too. Doesn't Bolan have a more relevance to this site, what with being Gloria Jones hubby! any takers for Dandy In The Underworld???
  8. Blimey this track is already expensive enough on original due to demand from Bowie collectors and the Mod scene......what will it rise to if the northern fraternity start chasing it down, I can see 'em turning up on Manships auction as we speak!! Actually as an aside and coming in from leftfield but surely Bowie's most soulful track is Rock & Roll Suicide!!! that last 45 seconds is neck hair raising.......but takes us straight back to debate what constitutes soul!

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