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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. Sounds like he should have kept his love in his pocket!!!!
  2. I like what you have written here Ian. You have obviously been in touch with, met or know about the artists and musicians that have made the records we love so much. Carl Davis in a real estate office does seem a major waste of talent, better than what happened to Darrell Banks though! What you said about the music business though is just so true. I only speak as an observer but particularly contracts from the 50's 60's 70's (and I'm sure right through to this day) seemed to shaft the artist unless you were one of the big acts. Diana Ross, Beatles, Stones etc and even they will have their stories to tell, especially in the early days! It must be very hard to have a talent and get a shot but not quite make it. I sometimes wonder if its better never having had a taste of that world. I mean, imagine being on the books of a big team as a youngster and then being let go to end up playing semi-pro......I would imagine some players adjust well and some don't. Same with the music biz, being an artist with a big label - Motown for instance and then not really making it, well must be a gutter! And like you said luck must play a big part, and i suspect a good head for business........I mean how else can you explain say the continuing popularity of someone like Cliff Richard, not the most talented singer on the block, but 50years in the biz........that has to come down to good business acumen, something that not that many artists posess I suspect, or get exploited too much and by the time they learn the lessons their time is passed. It be nice to read the Tony Cummings article if someone out there has a transcript. Rob
  3. Jeez now you're getting complicated.......you got a simple formula for adding inflation..........what if I bought it 20 years ago.........when inflation was higher that it was 5 years ago?? Regards Rob
  4. A case of scarcity over quality methinks!! Rob
  5. Interesting thoughts.............I wonder about this topic, I've seen a few artists over the years, but am left wondering why with after seeing JJ Barnes in the Ric Tic review back in 82 i hear he is reluctant to speak to the soulies this side if the Atlantic? is that about him or his experiences of the Northern scene (and i do stand to be corrected here if I am wrong, coz it is a rumour that i heard??) finding something else that you can work at isn't that bad if you don't make it in music. lets face it most muscians don't make it........its not just soul...............this goes across every genre of music there are scores of rock , pop and folk acts etc in this boat. All of whom hoped to make it and didn't. I guess what makes it particular poignant is our heroes and heroines are deemed to come from impoverished and predjudiced backgrounds. Just a few thoughts Rob
  6. There's a thin line between being clever with sampling and being utter rubbish. Countless old soul records themselves have reused backing tracks with different lyrics as we all know (Moonlight Music and You, Go For Yourself etc) as well as also borrowing bits from different 45's ie Howard Tates - You're Looking good - lifts the middle 8 from Percy Faith - Theme From A Summer Place (yes go back and listen to them both!!!!!!!). But I like to think that some of this was done with some artistic credibility. The Pointer Sisters and Flirtations remixes are in my opinion pretty crap and pointless..........doesn't improve on the original and not using it in a different way to make it interesting...........i rest my case m'lord. Rob
  7. Just get the CD with it on...........Jeez never thought I'd hear myself say (or write) those words " get the CD"....but unless that look alike issue is legit then I would hope that the CD pays some money to the original artists...........but I know I could be very naive in that comment!!!!!!
  8. Look on ebay theres a guy that sells AM cleaning fluid on there. Some specialist HiFi shops also sell a sort of tank that you spin the record in to clean it about £50 ..failing that luke warm water and fairy liquid has always been good for me. Rob
  9. Hi ........a few years back now I picked up an Emidisc (see my avatar) of Garnet Mimms - Its Been Such A Long Way Home - but the other side differs from the realeased issue which had Thinkin on the other side. (The guy also had an Emidisc with Its Been Such A Long Way Home/ Thinkin, which I didn't buy). My copy has a track called Sweet Sweet Loving (nothing to do with The Platters song) on it, which as far as I know wasn't realeased on single, but is it tucked away on an album somewhere. I've never found any info on it. Any help gratefully recieved. Rob
  10. Thanks for the info Jerry......."originally covered up as Doni Burdick - Clouds, by Richard in the late days of t'Casino".........I've a feeling that maybe why it stuck out for me on the CD.......logged into the back of the brain, many years ago in a Searling spot at t'Casino. If i had a pound for every track I've heard and then forgotten!!!!
  11. Talkin of Mike Post....I had a cd (unofficial comp) about 7 or 8 years ago with a track credited to Mike Post called Downtown Generation a pretty catchy, though a little cheesy instrumental. I've never seen it anywhere, is this really a Mike Post track and what format ie single or lp is it on?? Ta
  12. I think the rare freakbeat track you might be referring to is called "Thats Where Happiness Began"......definately a Mids group and featured on the Brumbeat Cd. Though I think you are way off the mark with Otis Clay.......a great late Wigan sound, that really hit its peak at Clifton Hall.
  13. For me its: March - The Shirelles Don't Pity Me - Sue Lynn Loves The Only Answer- Kelly Garett
  14. Is it just me, but I'd love to know how you've got an MP3 of a Persil ad???? Maybe I need to stay in more??
  15. For what its worth I think Lou Johnsons most spine tingling, dramatic and soulful track is his take on -Last One To Be Loved
  16. But you know you want a Timi Yuro....don't you.....go on admit it!!!!
  17. Hey its not just Mick Hucknall who has a monopoly on ruining other artists songs, don't forget Motowns tendency to get their artists to do dodgy cover versions of standards and pop songs of the day on the albums in the hope of a career in Vegas......Supremes version of Yesterday or Unchained Melody anyone??? Though some great exceptions.Stevie's - We Can Work It Out and Light My Fire - both being superb Maybe a new thead - best and worst covers done by motown??
  18. Nice link Ian, 80,000 and still rising, great stuff........love to know how he funds it though??? I am JEALOUS!
  19. Could be just you.....but don't think so......... Anyway too fast to dance to, well these days especially!!
  20. Thanks Tony.....I've got the first issue then.....I reckon at sometime in the past I must have thought that CBS was a reissue full stop! Probably not helped by the fact the paper used on the label is the shiny paper as opposed to other stuff I have on CBS from the time on the more orange grainy paper label (if that makes sense????) Anyway a great record that deserves its day........don't we say that about most of them!
  21. About 10 years ago.....Timi Yuro - I'll Never etc 10p at a car boot......pretty knackered copy but I thought great as it was around the £100 - 125 mark at the time. About six weeks later picked up a MINT copy which I found in a batch of unplayed Liberty stuff in a second hand shop.....Brenton Wood, Creedance Cleerwater Revival etc then in the middle of this lot the Timi Yuro. All unplayed in original company sleeves. Cost me the equvalent of a quid! Traded the knackered copy and got a bit of cash for £45!! Kept the minter. Also Midnight - Keep On Walking By, Albert Jones on Tri City and a few other things I can't recall titles of right now for around £1 each about 18mths ago These are junk shop finds......maybe we could start a new thread with record shop finds! Mind you be lucky to find a junk shop (not counting charity shops) or record shop these days....rarer than the vinyl!!!!!!!!
  22. Just dug this out of my second issues box.........but have to admit it has the CBS 2807 number.....so how can you tell the 1st CBS issue from the 2nd CBS issue........I'm assuming I knew at one time......either that or this was put in my second issues box by mistake.......can anyone help a confused man??

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