I like what you have written here Ian.
You have obviously been in touch with, met or know about the artists and musicians that have made the records we love so much. Carl Davis in a real estate office does seem a major waste of talent, better than what happened to Darrell Banks though!
What you said about the music business though is just so true. I only speak as an observer but particularly contracts from the 50's 60's 70's (and I'm sure right through to this day) seemed to shaft the artist unless you were one of the big acts. Diana Ross, Beatles, Stones etc and even they will have their stories to tell, especially in the early days!
It must be very hard to have a talent and get a shot but not quite make it. I sometimes wonder if its better never having had a taste of that world. I mean, imagine being on the books of a big team as a youngster and then being let go to end up playing semi-pro......I would imagine some players adjust well and some don't. Same with the music biz, being an artist with a big label - Motown for instance and then not really making it, well must be a gutter! And like you said luck must play a big part, and i suspect a good head for business........I mean how else can you explain say the continuing popularity of someone like Cliff Richard, not the most talented singer on the block, but 50years in the biz........that has to come down to good business acumen, something that not that many artists posess I suspect, or get exploited too much and by the time they learn the lessons their time is passed.
It be nice to read the Tony Cummings article if someone out there has a transcript.