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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. What constitutes a major from an independant, ie something like Eddy Giles on Murco is i suspect an independant, but what about Motown...........is that still an independant or major??? when does the crossover take place? Rob
  2. Is it just me or is there anyone else out there who is totally in love with someone who doesn't share their love of soul music.........(well she does like some 70's onwards tracks but hates the 60's stuff) and how do you manage it???
  3. Isn't that what i already said???
  4. Thats exactly it..........times move on the scene changes........of course the music is still great, just maybe less appreciated in today's context, and who can blame todays youth for looking to something diffrent.........isn't that what we did with the nothern scene?? Loads of old music is still great, the music doesn't change, just the amount of people who appreciate it at any given time changes. Rob
  5. Well didn't Rod lift this from Bobby Womacks If You Want My Love, Put Something Down On It, which was out three years earlier than Rods track! So pretty good pedigree to lift from! Rob
  6. The Dells and The Four Tops would pretty much cover something from nearly all genres, sub genres........not too sure about the R&B angle though??? Sure someone will come up with a definitive list
  7. It can stay unknown as far as I'm concerned!
  8. Well I'm saying it IS a great record.....there said it.......now I'll wait for a slating Rob
  9. Surely - Dena Barnes - If You Ever Walk Out Of My Life - should be in there?
  10. I'll need to get back to you with exact title but a comp of Philly Soul.....I'll dig it out and let you know Rob
  11. I have another 45 on the blue italic UPTITE label with the "R" stamp........exactly the same as my Superlatives 45 and as this is no way a known sound I guess its ok to say the blue unlined 45 with an "R" stamp are legit. Rob
  12. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, but this is the Originals but when first played they speeded up the track and said it was The Detroit Prophets.....if I remember right they didn't know who it was by at that time (but I could be wrong on that last bit??) Wierd thing is I was so used to hearing the speeded up version that it took a bit of getting used to when finally hearing played at the correct speed...
  13. G & T anyone..............
  14. What sounds did you used to love but hate now............mines Saxie Russell - Psychodelic Soul - guaranteed to make me leave the dance floor nowadays. your thoughts please? Rob
  15. Cheers Roger........now to spend the rest of the weekend trying to suss out how it all works Rob
  16. I'd like the links Roger as they are obviously compatible with this site........so if it works why go elsewhere in my opinion! Thanks to you to vaultofsouler Cheers Rob
  17. Viva la Revolucion! Burn the price guides and lets round up all the dealers....imprison them, torture them and threaten to chop of their heads if they don't lower their prices and stop sticking relatively common records into auctions. Failing that, lets find the buyers who pay these prices and stamp on their toes and give em a right good telling off for ruining it for the rest of us!!!!!!!! We'll fight them in the record bars, we'll fight them in the warehouse's Come on who's with me.....the scenes ours for the taking!!! We need more anarchy on this scene........if you agree wear a safety pin at your next soul night!!
  18. Thanks Roger....confirmed what i always thought..its a boot!! Hmmmm but if I was to Scratch Mjls in the run out groove that would make it an original....right!!! By the way how do you get pics to change like that on here, you know alternate images....I'd be grateful if you let me know Thanks Pat for the info on Nate Evans Cheers Rob
  19. Lost my copy of bootleg guide in my house move.........but always wondered about my copies of James Fountain on Peachtree and also my Nate Evans on DPR (orange) was Nate Evans ever booted?? How can you tell an orig James Fountain?? Cheers Rob
  20. Works for me too.....everytime, but what about cleaning records???? Rob
  21. So you're the bloke out The Prodigy????
  22. Glad we agree Matt.........but I'll be watching to see if you dance to it if someone plays it at the next Nuneaton
  23. Thats the one......not used one myself but know someone who does and they seem pretty good...... Rob
  24. A bullet fired by an off-duty policeman ended the life of singer Darrell Banks, who made history among his peers in the entertainment field several years ago when scoring a million seller hit with "Open the door".Banks, 35 , was shot and fatally wounded last week by patrolman Aaron Bullock who was attempting to intercede in an alleged assault by the singer on Marjorie Bozeman. According to statements by witnesses Bullock was dropping Miss Bozeman off at her home on Detroit's west-side around 11 am Tuesday when Banks who had been waiting in his car near the house approached the couple and grabbed Miss Bozeman by the coat stating that he and she were going to talk. Bullock identified himself as a police officer and ordered Banks to release Miss Bozeman. Banks then pulled a .22 revolver from his waist band and pointed it at the patrolman. Bullock then reportedly ducked, drew his pistol, and pointed it and fired one shot striking Banks in the neck. Banks was taken to New Grace Hospital where he was declared dead at 12.10pm. Ms Bozeman a barmaid in a North West Detroit lounge told investigating officers that she and Banks had been close friends but she was trying to end the relationship. Friends of Miss Bozeman reported that the couple were last seen together Sunday Feb. 22nd." This was the first public announcement of his death. It appeared in the Michigan Chronicle dated March 7th 1970. Issues always appear on the streets on the previous Wednesday, which on this occasion was March 4th. Therefore Darrell was dead a full 8 days prior to the public announcement The above info comes from the SoulfulDetroit website

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