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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. Mickey Nolds on the left. Dave Allen in the middle?
  2. It should have a FRANKFORD/WAYNE stamp.
  3. I think there’s a difference between a “scene” and a “night out” at a place that plays some of the same music. The difference being the punters and their preferences.
  4. Well it is primarily a photo book, the text adds some context but that’s about it. The pics start outside but are mainly of the crowd/ dancers in the main room. If I remember right there are no pics taken in M’s. If you’re in a pic (I’m not) I would imagine that helps your enjoyment of the book. My take on it is that it’s a pretty good picture documentary of that night. It gives a sense of the space and the crowd that occupies it. Pictures are fine when close up but dark when of the large dance floor (but as we know the lighting in there was terrible for taking pics). They are also a little repetitive at times. Overall a decent book but not indispensable. Hope that helps.
  5. Realistically for the majority I think the music still comes first, but there’s a lot of people sitting on records with current values that would never have dreamed they might be worth what they are, so yes money becomes a bigger issue than ever before. The scene has always had a big element of oneupmanship (not John Manship) and cost of the record was often a part of that as much as if not more than rarity. I remember many times talking to collectors and sellers at do’s and the first thing said about a record was about its cost (in a boastful way) as opposed to rarity or commonness, that usually followed, if at all. It still goes on, how many times do you see on here and Facebook (especially) a thread about the cost of a record and the “one in my box” comments follow straight away. Or in a less blatant way, say a story about how they found one in the States in the 80s etc. Less blatant but the message is the same “Look What I Got” . And you see lots of those same people commenting it’s all about the music in other threads. I remember an older (than me) collector saying to me in the early 80s the scene is all about money. Not much has changed but the actual cost of the records.
  6. That’s an interesting point you make Ed. I’m not sure OVO will be a thing of the past because of the sheer amount of cheaper records that are around in quantity, maybe? But playing the big sounds, well yes potentially that may be limited. Will we ever see the likes of The Ritz “Rarest of the Rare” again?
  7. About sums it up.
  8. Nice 60s pop, could be a number of singers. Agree it’s not Sandie Shaw.
  9. Someone has added Danny Monday as an alias on Discogs https://www.discogs.com/artist/2436196-Danny-Peil And the Danny monday entry also says its him. Where did that info come from?
  10. Spotted this whilst in Norfolk earlier this week. Good to see the Norfolk soulies have a sense of humour.
  11. Keep the Faith Is it sometimes used as a term of affection between old friends. A nod to days gone by?
  12. Does anyone seriously use the word “div” these days Keep the faith
  13. Also the occasional waft of Ralgex which always made me gag.
  14. Sounds like the melody has borrowed from this song (not this particular version)
  15. I had this on Melony, bought blind in a job lot years ago. I knew nothing about it and for years it sat in the back of a box. I could never find any info on it back then. Sold it back to the states a couple of years back.
  16. Completely agree with you on that Robb
  17. I’m not convinced he’d have been a good fit at Motown, like Chuck Jackson. Jackie is Jackie and his Brunswick releases are of the highest quality. I’m happy to have them. Awesome singer.
  18. Thanks for that Dave.
  19. I prefer the Bobby Shannon version.........but not sure I prefer it enough to pay an extra £550 for it!
  20. Interesting singer who adopted styles in a way I can’t think of any other black singers (but happy to be proved wrong)
  21. Some dealers in the States don’t like declaring low value, which they often get asked for by UK buyers, because of the potential hassle/loss if higher price items go missing. Also the hassle of a Brit winning an auction and then not paying for it because dealer won’t declare low value (coz they didn’t check upfront). I think some even see it as unpatriotic to declare low value, funny how they’re happy to take PayPal f&f as payment though to avoid the fees!
  22. But is it any good ?
  23. Discogs shows one sold in August this year but it looks like that’s the only one and no others for sale.

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