Maybe someone can enlighten me on a point Mel says...not all Emidiscs are boots........I've seen my fair share of whitelabel cuts that date from around the 70's ie big sounds from those days obviously cut for dj purposes, but as I was still around 12 in 74 I was never familiar with being able to cut my own discs in booths. So my question is, when these discs were cut back in the 70's were they cut in local booths or some other main firm, and therefore did they come with an actual EMIDISC label or just plain white labels which were then written on........most of these sorts of things I have come across from the 70s have tended to have plain white labels with handwritten credits ( I think).........but I'm aware I could be misssing something here??? or were the Emidisc labels ripped off as well.
Hope that makes sense??