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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. Love the outfits........... now where can I order my scampi in a basket?
  2. Thanks Gareth. I think it would have suited Lou's voice /style very well.
  3. I love Another Tear Falls - did Lou Johnson ever do a version?
  4. So many but I keep coming back to this one late at night: https://youtu.be/iFPBZDOoUi4 I think I have issues!
  5. Damn! I'll raise a glass to Deon tonight. RIP.
  6. Re the Banksy in Bristol https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/apr/15/banksy-mobile-lovers-bristol-youth-club
  7. Is Banksy a soulboy? Is that the white Isaac Hayes?
  8. Great stuff there. You're Good Enough is great track. I have to say that (and i know this must have been said before) I Can't Take It Anymore is a truly sublime soul record and if it wasn't so common would command high prices............same with The Dells - Make Sure
  9. Thats fun Bet that lady in the striped shirt could move back in the day........bet she was sassy!
  10. Its a dog eat dog world out there. Wouldn't like to think anyone would rip someone else off.........some people eh!!!!!!!!
  11. A fiver on The Four Tops is money better spent IMHO
  12. Whats the record out of interest? Just being nosy.
  13. Freddie North - I've Got To Hold Back - Abet Thanks
  14. Thanks Greg, I have an old promo card for the release but have never actually seen it or seen it listed (but then again I haven't really looked it into it that much) Cheers
  15. [/rs] Talking of soulful funk/funky records, anyone know if this ever got a release as a 45? Ta
  16. Enchantments - I'm In Love With Your Daughter
  17. Though resembling Minshull in the looks dept, I believe Quasimodo had a fairer disposition
  18. It never seems to amaze me that soulies can't seem to get their head around the fact that some people just don't like soul music very much.....simple as, theres nothing wrong with them, just they like different types of music........they are often not "poor souls" who are missing out, just people who choose to groove to another type of music. Hey if everyone liked soul then we wouldn't be able to get all pompous and feel so smug and superior about being into music that not many have heard. Soul music is not the only thing in this world! Small rant over Rob
  19. Can you remember any of the lyrics?? Similar style vocalists/tracks could be: Shep - I'm Sitting In - TNT Romance Watson - Where Does That Leave Me - Coral?? Lovelace Watkins - Dreams - Sue Hope that helps or prompts further discussion Rob
  20. Don't know..........looking at Flynny's post above I reckon he can be persuaded.........I mean fading a record down if it goes on......wouldn't do that to Daybreak or Al Williams
  21. I'm gonna show my ignorance here Steve.....especially as I bought this back around 81/82 ish when it was a big sound (and bloody expensive at the time around £20.....especially considering how many turned up!!) but whats the difference between the issue numbers? (have to check what number my issue is when I get home from work??) is one a 12"? Cheers Rob
  22. Am I the only on here who thinks this record starts off promising and then goes absolutely nowhere fast......personally think its a bit boring Rob
  23. In addition to the above I'd like to add.......... Brunswick
  24. According to the trailer I heard on Radio 2 last night......the records were picked by a panel of experts!!! so whose the expert on the 60s then?? As Ian and myself are saying surely other tracks are more representative of what was being played in disco's and clubs back then as a nation and got more people onto the dancefloor than The Charades (which if it was ever played in a club in this country in the 60's...then I'll happily get me coat ) As i said I was a nipper in the 60's, but as a teenager in the 70's The Hustle and Rock Me Baby got more people on the dancefloor at me school disco than Love On A Mountain Top! and when I hit proper discos, the Bee Gees, Garys Gang, Brothers Johnson and Motown etc filled the floor. This programme is about The Greatest Dance Records Of All Time........which to me would imply it to be about records that were of mass appeal to the dancefloor...........if it is about more underground scenes then ok go for more obscure tunes! Come on the older guys and gals what were you dancing to in mainstream clubs back in the 60's....we can take our own poll Rob

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