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El Corol

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Everything posted by El Corol

  1. Makes me wonder how many more might have "escaped" like that and what became of their fate? How much stuff has ended up as land fill?
  2. Well thats a turn up for the books! Nice find and after all this time as well. Begs the question of how many were pressed as I can't see them pressing a run of one, so what happened there then?
  3. No sorry, comment made under the influence of alcohol I'm afraid. I like Sheldon really.
  4. TK Maxx is another promoter of northern and 60s soul in general I've noticed.
  5. Since when they had a Starbucks in Sheldon?
  6. Tezza I've been following this and the thread you started with the Canadian copy and now its awakened the dormant nerd collector in me, having the standard Boogie Man release and I now want the Canadian, the USA Mel Hayes and the UK Contempo
  7. Its a mock up label. The Norma Jenkins exists as an acetate, unreleased recording.
  8. I would have thought its from Costco says it all!
  9. Thats sounds like a great idea Dave, surely theres enough people around inthe West Mids to help make this happen? Rob
  10. I th I think thats the one Pete.The reason i have Dave Barker in my head is the dj (who I knew) had covered it up so i sneakly pulled the record of the turntable and saw the Dave Barker name on the other side, hence the connection in my head. Cheers Rob
  11. Yes Pete the name rings a bell plus the details on his profile definately fit:-) So any ideas about the track I mentioned Pete? Cheers Rob
  12. Wasn't there a guy from down south who had moved up to the West Mids. I think he'd been around for a good few years and I'm sure he collected British, I used to see him around in the late 80s early 90s I think? I remember talking to him at The Blackhorse in Wolverhampton he reckoned he knew Dave Barker. Any people know who I'm on about? Also I remember being at a local night where someone played a Dave Barker track that was a mid tempo/crossover type thing if I remember right. I remember liking it at the time though it would have been the 90s again. Again any ideas?
  13. The Falcons suprised me or am I out of touch? In which case I'll get me coat.
  14. Each to their own, if a TM collector I can see the appeal. I'm unsure of its current value and not a TM collector per se, but if I found a copy cheap I'd be well happy as I rate this the best version of Ooh Baby Baby PS I've always disliked Oh How Happy.
  15. Shame, besides the obvious northern tune I've always liked How Do You Say Goodbye the B side of Peanuts 68 which I think just oozes atmosphere.
  16. Also Heartache Avenue by The Maisonettes at Hinckley!
  17. Nice Chris. Whats strikes me is that how many non English speaking countries printed the covers in English?
  18. Little Anthony Hurt So Bad/Reputation
  19. Paul Sindab Do What You Gonna Do/You Dropped Your Candy In The Sand
  20. To add to some already mentioned: Freddie North Don't Make Me Look Bad/Hold Back Jimmy Hughes It's Getting Better/I Want Justice
  21. All Spanish I believe, though The Flirtations and the J Wilson & C Basie both have info regarding San Sebastian in Columbia SA on them (despite The Flirtations having the Barcelona sticker on the front?).
  22. Well I'm waiting for the day we can extract the DNA from individual vinyl records, then we can start to clone them. That way we have exact genetic replicas of the source vinyl. Record prices will tumble. Ah hang on a minute; even though it will be an exact genetic copy of the original it will have been cloned way after the original was made, therefore a legit second issue maybe? How much was the original Dolly the sheep worth and how much was her clone worth?

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